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Natural resources of Pakistan

I would strongly discourage against thinking about more state enterprises - after all, can you point to even one that has turned a profit for Pakistan? - On the other hand a Public/Private company that is not managed by the state may allow for the creation and consolidation of the technical know how and that is open to partnership with companies from through out the world.
Another alternative solution to national company is to have a law in the country that basically should allow for privatization and foreign ownership of mines. The companies in question will have to invest, hire human resources, develop and refine the product into a pure form and then this product will be divided between state and company in 50-50% share. Simple and fair. All work and investment and hassles are going to be taken care by foreign company and Pakistan will get 50% royalty of the final product, be it copper, lead, gold, whatever. This is how alot of mines are run around the world. Even alot of Arab nations develop and sell their oil fields exactly like that. This is simple but lazy option.

longbrain you should stand for election. I will be the first to vote for you
longbrain you should stand for election. I will be the first to vote for you

Well, thanks for flattering comment, but no thanks. Doctors usually do not become very good politicians. Those who do become like Dr. Allende. Specially in a mineral rich country as it was the case with Dr. Allende.
I believe our two western provinces has a lot of untapped natural resources mainly gas and oil. There is a reason why U.S. spent a trillion dollar on Afghanistan war and its not because of Osama. Americans would dare not spend that much money on just one man. Iran has so much natural resources, so if our western neighbours are blessed most likely our western provinces are also blessed because borders are man-made the land is the same. Sindh has coal but its low quality but there is a lot of it, so there can be some use for it. Punjab grows so much food. Each province is valuable.

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Lets say Pakistani ore is so poor since you say so that it contains only 1% pure copper.

1% copper would actually be a pretty good deposit, not poor:lol: Reko Diq's average is about 0.4% copper. And the mining grade will be about 0.5%, meaning that the ore with a grade below 0.5% will not be mined out.

Then 2.4 billion + 0.4 billion of ore contains something like 28 million tonnes of copper. This means something like 250 billion dollars as per copper's average price of 8500 dollars in the past 5 years. Is that good enough for you?

And that is just the two mines at Sandak and Ricodeq. Just two mines. And that is just the copper content, no gold and no rare earth metal content.

Reko Diq has a mine life of about 55 years and its worth about 60 odd billions. So it will add around 1 billion dollar every year to the Pakistan economy.

Trust me, I have worked on this project. RAW agent ftw:P
1% copper would actually be a pretty good deposit, not poor:lol: Reko Diq's average is about 0.4% copper. And the mining grade will be about 0.5%, meaning that the ore with a grade below 0.5% will not be mined out.

Reko Diq has a mine life of about 55 years and its worth about 60 odd billions. So it will add around 1 billion dollar every year to the Pakistan economy.

Trust me, I have worked on this project. RAW agent ftw:P

I estimated $2 billion per year over 25 years, which is not far off a $1 billion over 50 years or so. :D
Ever since I was born, I'm hearing Pakistan 'Qudrati zakhair se maal-a-maal hai'.

Just now I was going through the list of top 10 Natural Resource rich nations -- Pakistan was nowhere to be seen.

I've personally had discussions with regards to Thar Coal with some coal importers, most's responses weren't very encouraging to put it briefly. Their responses had something to do with low quality of coal.

Don't have any firsthand knowledge on Balochistan natural reserves. But my point being, who in their right minds wouldn't exploit natural resources, which allegedly, would turn out to be a game-changer for Pakistan?

Please don't feed me the rhetorics of corruption, evil politicians, berooni quwwat and what not. Pakistan, in spite of all the hurdles, turned out to be a nuclear power. Exploiting Natural Resources is a walk in the park when Pakistan's successfully capable of going Nuclear against the will of the likes of The U.S, India.

Avoid one-liners and please be realistic.
I would rather give on hand info and would not go in quantitative aspects and would focus minerals in KPK and GB. With regards to Gas and petroleum KPK had major untapped reserves like i would give example of Karak-Kohat-Hangu region which was totally untapped till few years when MOL came and then we saw some series of discoveries which encouraged the Govt to even go for an oil refinery near Karak-Bannu.Same region was rumored to be having quite big deposits of stuff in which PAEC was especially interested. Our Northen areas, Swat, Mohmand Agency etc are specially blessed with Marble,gem stones and other related stuff.But these areas are really under-tapped except Swat in which before TTP there were even cosmetics factories set up which used minerals from mountains there.U must have heared of Lucky cement factory in KPK.Its one of the largest cement factories on Pakistan and when it was being set up it was said that atleast 15 years of raw material is lying in just few kilometres radius of the factory. There is best quality of coal being dug out from coal mines that start from Dara Adam Khel to all the way till inner Orakzai Agency and Kurram Agency. There are many other things in KPK provided peace is established there and U can well extend this model to other provinces.
There may be resources but it will take more money to extract it from the ground than it is worth.

Afghanistan may have $1 trillion + amount of natural resources but it would take $2 trillion to extract it from the ground. Otherwise all companies would be going ballistic at every natural resource rich nation.
Ever since I was born, I'm hearing Pakistan 'Qudrati zakhair se maal-a-maal hai'.

Just now I was going through the list of top 10 Natural Resource rich nations -- Pakistan was nowhere to be seen.

I've personally had discussions with regards to Thar Coal with some coal importers, most's responses weren't very encouraging to put it briefly. Their responses had something to do with low quality of coal.

Don't have any firsthand knowledge on Balochistan natural reserves. But my point being, who in their right minds wouldn't exploit natural resources, which allegedly, would turn out to be a game-changer for Pakistan?

Please don't feed me the rhetorics of corruption, evil politicians, berooni quwwat and what not. Pakistan, in spite of all the hurdles, turned out to be a nuclear power. Exploiting Natural Resources is a walk in the park when Pakistan's successfully capable of going Nuclear against the will of the likes of The U.S, India.

Avoid one-liners and please be realistic.
You are being unrealistic when you say that there is no corruption.

Take Saindak as an example, 50% of the revenues went to the Chinese mining company.

If we can develop nuclear tech then we can also mine on our own, no? This is where incompetency, corruption and lack of vision comes into play.
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