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NATO warns Turkey against buying Chinese, Russian air defense systems

I simply fail to see how EU ''humiliated'' Turkiye?

and what does EU or EU membership have to do with Turkiye and its existing membership in NATO --- an organization which is on the decline and is very much likely to be disbanded within the next 5-10 years

"Core members of NATO are western Europeans and they are led by the U.S. what they do doesn't go ahead without the backing of the U.S.
What is happening now isn't just about NATO having issues with Turkey. It is more of the case The U.S. is not happy about Turkey dealing with China and Russia. Heck they would be upset too when India starts exporting technologies! Just you watch."

Obambam answered your question.
US under Prez Om-baba was keen on seeing Turkiye accession to EU

it is nationalists in Turkiye who are most vocal and adament about it; and given the recession, and the number of defaulting countries in EU -- that in itself seemed quite the turnoff.

and besides, why join if the 2 countries that actually matter in the EU (France, Deutchland) are against the accession?

kuch fayda hi nahi hai
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