I'm assuming an event has occurred, which I admit has a small chance of happening.I was thinking the same thing yesterday.
What if America actually no longer wants to get involved in Europe anymore?
Is NATO as strong as it was?
90% of NATO is US Army
USA wants to focus on Western Pacific.
Ergo it cannot continue to waste resources on less important theaters like Europe and Middle East.
I do not like it, but i believe America will slowly disengage from NATO.
However, I am disappointed that so many people refuse to admit that it will happen.
What are the odds of Russia launching a nuclear weapon on the US? Very small. But the U.S. government has prepared a plan.
What about China? What about North Korea? I believe that the US military has made adequate plans.
However, they rejected the possibility of Russia taking over Lithuania.
Yes, if you close your eyes, the world is safe.