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NATO Forces Kill 13 Pak FC's out of a total of 27!

is their any possibility that this could be a inside job to gain public sympathy from much confused awam?
may allah rest our shaheed soldiers in peace..

possible as Rehman Malik was shown in interview saying the government has to halt the double role.
One side it was having deals and on the other side informing NATO to attack them. But in this case the democraps had grilled their @$$e$
One consequence of this - any FC troops who had sympathies for the Taliban, but were not actively supporting it, will likely be motivated to do so now.

So the RAND analysis becomes a self fulfilling prophecy?
Has NATO failed in Afghanistan?
By Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema

THE answer to the question is yes . The supporters of NATO’s presence invariably argue that NATO is doing good job and it needs to be strengthened. In this connection not only efforts are being made to convince Germans to send more troops.

A spokesman of the German Defense Ministry has confirmed that request to increase the German forces has been received but so far no clear decision has been made though signals to send another 250 men emanated from German sources. The Pentagon has already decided to send around 3200 marines with a view to beef up the existing troops.

The realists argue that NATO forces have not yet made any major dent to the Taliban strength and therefore they concluded that NATO has failed to attain its objectives. Many convincing reasons are put forward to support the argument that NATO has failed so far in realizing its stated objectives.

However before one discusses the factors that have effectively impeded NATO’s progress, it need to be highlighted that there exist two groups among the realists.

One group believes that NATO has failed while the other only stress that NATO is failing but has not yet completely failed. Among the reasons for NATO’s failure include insufficient numbers, internal division among the NATO members over its presence in Afghanistan, weakening of international resolve, mounting regional challenges, growing lack of confidence among the Afghan people with regard to NATO’s determination and ability to stabilize the country, the presence of drug barons, corruption among the Afghan officials etc.

Most sources clearly state that the total number of ISAF/NATO forces is no more than 40,000. Given the nature of terrain and the popularity of Taliban, this number is grossly insufficient. While the American forces in Iraq are over 150,000, the forces in Afghanistan are meager 40,000. Out of these 40,000 no more than 20,000 are combat forces. The other 20,000 troops are not fighting but are merely performing police duties in one form or the other.

The division within the ranks of NATO members has also weakened NATO’s ability to effectively check the Taliban resurgence. To secure a small contingent of force from various members does not appear to be an easy task. Many NATO members are unwilli8ng to send combat troops despite the repeated requests by the American officials.

The difference in attitude towards the Afghan situation between the Americans/English and other members is too pronounced to ignore. The third factor resolves around rapidly weakening of international resolve. In 2001 the international determination to deal with Taliban and to reconstruct Afghanistan was indeed very impressive.

Over the years not only the international community has become extremely slow even delivering the promised economic aid to Afghanistan but the attitudes are gradually changing. It seems that fatigue syndrome is setting in.
The fourth factor that is contributing substantively towards effective arrest of NATO’s progress in Afghanistan is the mounting regional challenges. Not only violence has registered substantive increase over the years but Taliban has regrouped and reemerged as a formidable fighting force.

The Taliban continue to violate the border of the neighboring countries despite the existence of adequate measures introduced by the respective neighbors.

According to a recently released report violence has risen 27 percent in the past year with 39 percent in crease in attacks in nation’s eastern provinces where most US troops operate and a 60 percent surge in the province of Helmand where the Taliban resurgence has been the strongest.

The phenomenon of suicide bombing has markedly widened. In 2007 suicide bombing rose to 140 incidents whereas only five incidents took place during 2001 and 2005. The suicide bombing caused human and material losses to both the foreign troops as well as the Afghan civilians.

The fifth factor revolves around the rapidly changing attitude of the Afghan people. Initially a sizable number of Afghan people were hopeful that ISAF/NATO would soon be able to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan but after the passage of five years with no notable successes, the attitudes are radically changing. The inability of ISAF/NATO to deliver has disappointed many Afghans though the officials continue to eulogize in support of ISAF/NATO.

By and large many Afghans now view the once hailed liberation army as an occupying force now. Inability to defeat Taliban despite being equipped with all the latest and sophisticated tools of war, the Afghan people are loosing confidence in their presence and some Afghans have now begun to sympathize with the Taliban.

Taliban are native whereas ISAF/NATO is all foreigners. Besides, the indiscriminate bombing have killed many Afghan civilian which in turn has also taken a heavy toll of Afghan patience. Cognizant of ground realities in Afghanistan, many westerns are beginning to write articles such as ‘NATO not winning in Kabul’ or ‘NATO should not be fighting war in Afghanistan’ with the objective of highlighting the dire need to pull out. Simultaneously the NATO commanders are also employing diversionary tactics and are engaged to put the blame on neighbors.

Pakistan is the major target of blame game as they often stress that Pakistan is not doing enough even though they are well familiar that Pakistan’s contributions towards the elimination of terrorism is massive and no other country could even come close to its efforts.
To lend credibility to their carefully devised accusations, they sometimes undertake strikes on Pakistani areas adjacent to Durand line.

The media invariably extends unlimited support and frequently publishes baseless stories about the presence of Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders on Pakistani soil without providing any convincing proof. Recently released reports by both ‘The Atlantic Council’ and ‘The Afghanistan Study Group’ have clearly revealed the need to overhaul NATO strategy before the augured new offensive by Taliban in coming spring. They have recommended that Washington should appoint a special envoy, integrate security and reconstruction work, beef up the troops and arrange conferences with both Pakistan and Iran.

Undoubtedly Pakistan is a country that should have been engaged in a constructive manner right from the beginning rather than dwelling heavily on diversionary tactics to hide their own failures by putting blame on Pakistan.

Pakistan has repeatedly stressed its interests in stabilizing Afghanistan for a variety of reasons. It is indeed a matter of satisfaction that some sections of western society are beginning to reconcile with ground realities.●
possible as Rehman Malik was shown in interview saying the government has to halt the double role.
One side it was having deals and on the other side informing NATO to attack them. But in this case the democraps had grilled their @$$e$


Malik's comments were probably based on the report about Ahmed Rashid's book - where he discusses the setting up of a CIA base in FATA to be used to monitor and target militants.

He was contrasting that sort of "help for NATO to target Taliban" vs the peace deals.
now or letter these monkeys leave afganistan.they fully fail to fight against talibans.this is not a joke no one stay in afganistan until now.because they soon fail they do now these kind of attacks .pakistan must take some hard actions.now they time is to order they army air force to hit every thing who cross border even afgani civils.must deploy some SAMS there for these UAVs who enter in pakistani air space every week.now wee want to seen news pakistan hits NATOs UAV
Russians must have some feeling in back of their mind that Indians backstabbed them by doing the nuclear deal with USA

Can you name three countries that will benifit immensley businesswise from the Indo US nuclear deal?
I ll give you a clue the first one will be US and the third one will be France, now guess who the second one will be.

They have the best chance to take the revenge of Afghan war
Dude US is exactly doing that favour for Russians.

Afghanistan could be the end of US supremacy and Russia can balance the world again.

Wishful thinking at best.
One could also make the argument that it is the Taliban that have put us in this position, by refusing to halt attacks on NATO targets.

But then that leads into the argument that the new GoP needs to be allowed time for its "negotiations" policy to be implemented, and as expected, fail.

Only then can a political government carry out military operations with the support of the public.

Then you get into whether a unilateral full scale offensive by Pakistan in FATA, without the supporting offensive in Afghanistan by NATO (lack of troops and resources), will accomplish anything longterm?

The issue of cross border attacks by the Taliban needs to be addressed though.

Malik's comments were probably based on the report about Ahmed Rashid's book - where he discusses the setting up of a CIA base in FATA to be used to monitor and target militants.

He was contrasting that sort of "help for NATO to target Taliban" vs the peace deals.

same thing and now its time the remaining waring forces to be get united, now its not Al-qaeda jehad rather its defending the country against the US aggression supported by Afghan anti-Pakistan elements.
Can you name three countries that will benifit immensley businesswise from the Indo US nuclear deal?
I ll give you a clue the first one will be US and the third one will be France, now guess who the second one will be..
Well about US getting benefit of this deal yes indeed i agree as i know another thing which no one has touched so far as why the US is keen to have a deal with India. Once i complete my paper on this information will share it here.

Dude US is exactly doing that favour for Russians.

Wishful thinking at best.

Yes indeed the US is doing that but i would not call the idea of Russia coming forward to take advantage of the situation as wishful thinking. Only Russia is in postion to come forward and this time use the same Taliban against US which were used against them by US of A.

Only if Russia team up with Pakistan, China and Taliban the scenario will be changed altogather.
Forget about Russia, China or whatever.

This is our problem and no one is going to help resolve it except for Pakistan.

This will be a serious setback to government attempts to turn public opinion against the Taliban, so expect the "peace deals" to accelerate. What the response of the Taliban within Pakistan will be remains to be seen.

Al Qaeda will most likely continue to try and sow instability by resorting to its usual tactics.
ITS.... enough i guss, now to pakistan army to show some courge to step up morale of jawans who are facing the enemy from every side. its the time for mr, musharf to stop his unlogical and unnatral support to USA......belive me he can do that.... i mean at least he can tell , pentagon.. to stop these kind of planed attacks on pakistani soil..... if they dont.... then same kind of statgy can be adopted.... i mean pakistani aramy can also go inside afghanistan...... ahot pursuite.... to unknown millitants.... and can kill as many as they want.......... it could.. make USA.... SURLY ON BACK SEAT.....???
sigh... sorry guys, but your discussion on how pakistan should react is totally fruitless. I knew sooner or later this was going to happen, I was hoping it would happen later around 2010-2011.

The US has already struck before and an apology was demanded, children were killed, nothing happened. The US claimed it did the right thing. honestly, if agnostic is right in saying the they want to stay in pakistan for at least two decades, then Pakistan will burn to the ground.

afghan soldiers have been attacking our FC and soldiers for the entire year, we've already had casualties. it's ironic how we can attack india, but we can't even attack a bunch of low-life tajiks who are trying to show dominance over pakistan pashtuns because of their American partners.

we should retaliate with an air strike in one of their bases, hope to kill 40-50 afghans. show them we mean business, but unfortunately our military just doesn't have the balls. look at Turkey, they struck kurdish bases in Iraq without any hesitation.

yes, i understand that there maybe NATO troops there, but we have to show some balls. just so that everyone here gets an idea of what i'm talking about, here's an example.

Iran is supposedly helping militants in Iraq, they have a pathetic military as compared to ours. yet, the US does not even launch a few strikes? pakistan is a nuclear power and has one of the largest armies in the world, yet we're sh++ting in our pants in fear. I've even heard of PAF pilots begging their imam to hold a Quran Khwaani so that they don't have to go against US pilots.

anyways, I knew this was going to happen. obviously it's not enough to push for war, but I'm afraid soon things will get a lot more serious. we may be looking at an increase in coverage about pakistan's stability and nuclear weapons (infowar and propaganda) and then war in the future.
While I agree with many of your points, what is this all about "I've even heard of PAF pilots begging their imam to hold a Quran Khwaani so that they don't have to go against US pilots."?
Yes indeed the US is doing that but i would not call the idea of Russia coming forward to take advantage of the situation as wishful thinking. Only Russia is in postion to come forward and this time use the same Taliban against US which were used against them by US of A.

Only if Russia team up with Pakistan, China and Taliban the scenario will be changed altogather.

I'm really sorry, but we're all alone on this. Russia does not want any "jihad" creeping into its backyard, neither does China. central asia is being fought over, this is the Great Game. that's why you saw Musharraf try to suck up to Russia, get them a postition in the OIC. Look at where that got us? no where.

the US is only in afghanistan to estabilish a foothold in central asia. you may have heard Islam Karimov kicked the US out of their base in Uzbekistan in 2006. if you go deeper and look at the timing, there were protests by muslims in Uzbekistan. who do you think was behind that?

Russia and China, apart of the SCO, conducted a huge military exercise. what do you think that was for? Russia and China, still cannot attack the US forces. It's true they've formed an alliance, but it's just a bluff for right now to stop the US from getting any funny ideas about central asia.
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