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NATO concern over Pakistan nuclear arsenal



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May 15, 2011
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The head of NATO has admitted that the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons is a matter of concern, the day after the worst assault on a Pakistani military base in two years.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen was speaking in Afghanistan on Tuesday, where he met Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, to discuss the transition of security from NATO-led troops to Afghan security forces, which is due to begin in July.

"Based on the information and intelligence we have, I feel confident that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is safe and well protected,'' Rasmussen said. "But of course, it is a matter of concern and we follow the situation closely."

Pakistani forces battled Taliban fighters for 17 hours before reclaiming control of a naval base in Karachi on Monday.

The attack, the worst on a base since the army headquarters was besieged in October 2009, piled further embarrassment on Pakistan three weeks after al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was found living in the city of Abbottabad, close to the country's military academy.

The Pakistani Taliban said they staged the raid to avenge the May 2 killing of bin Laden. The fighters destroyed two US-supplied surveillance aircraft and killed 10 people on the base.

Police on Tuesday released an account of the Taliban assault saying there were twice as many attackers as the number claimed by the government and navy, adding to the questions surrounding the deadly incident.

Government and naval officials said that six assailants had taken part in the assault, and that four had been killed and two had fled.

But a police report on Tuesday said that between 10 to 12 attackers were involved.

Shahrukh Khan, a local police chief, said the report was written after consultation with a navy officer.

Such a report is a formal part of opening an investigation into the attack. A navy spokesman said he was looking into the discrepancy.

Many analysts were surprised that just six attackers could occupy part of the base for such a long time against a force of hundreds of commandos and navy marines.

Pakistan security agencies are known to sometimes not give full accounts of violent incidents, and often hold suspects for months without informing the public.

The fact that the attackers managed to infiltrate so deep into the high-security base led to speculation they may have had inside information or assistance.

NATO concern over Pakistan nuclear arsenal - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
wow.the billionth thread on this topic.

guess what. i am concerned about nato nukes.looking their current paranoia against muslims what if they decide to nuke all muslims and get rid of terrorism once and for all? probable? yes.

dont think so.

similar is the story of pak nukes. there are many probabilities but not real life possibilities and no need to worry.
now if only these bhartis werent as stupid and brain-dead as they are, they'd have the basic ability to read between the lines:

concern issued?

--> yes

-No new news

--> they've been ''concerned'' since 1998. :lol:

the key thing here is that they ''feel confident that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is safe and well protected''

so i dont see why there is still confusion or retardation --especially on the part of these hindustanis who infest this forum like flies
india also shows concern over safety of Pak Nukes....... what does that suppose to mean?
india also shows concern over safety of Pak Nukes....... what does that suppose to mean?

and this is our response:

We know from the day1 that America and NATO wants to denuclearize Pakistan and then the equations would be pretty straight for them. They can neither attack Pakistan nor divide it unless it is able to retaliate in a way which is unaffordable to them. So that is one reality in its own.

They would definitely want to take advantage of this situation and if God forbid few more attacks of this sort happen, they will be "implementing" their plan of action and "securing" Pakistan's Nukes. There is no way we could stop whole world implementing this so our safe passage lies with two things

1 - Control This cancer of Terrorism and do so for real
2 - Build Closer allience with Non-NATO Powers. That is China and Russia and have them stand with our side when it is actually the time.

To my knowledge, Government is doing almost nothing to stop this terrorism. What you see them doing is called "Fire-Fighting". They will wait for another installation to attack and then they will conduct another meeting in few days time after that. This starts with that and this ends with that.
nato, what a joke, estabished by uncle sam itself, a slave pretending to be a master
Dang nato finally could spare a minute from meaningless bombing of Libya. I though they were too busy making sure that Libya is destroyed enough to get their dieing economies a market for revival once their beloved ones are in power. Any ways
Mr, Miss and Mrs and the fags Nato this is for you.
These recent Incidents has Made Pakistanis very very frustrated...these types of reply were expected...

there is a threshold for everything , i sympathies you all..
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