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@Hyperion I believe @Secur has been dealing with the sectarian fundoos all alone. Right about now his mind will be teetering on the edge of the abyss- an abyss that has only one true end to it, only one "bottom", something I call "Cognitive Implosion". He's soon going to be counting clouds in the sky, if anything is left of his mind at the end anyway.

Btw- loved that edit job you did on that fellows post. :)

where are they fighting.. which side is losing.. I will join them.. :flame:
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Other than what I did there.... I have done it 100+ times in the Turkish armed forces as well....... it's quiet fun actually..... try it..... you'll most definitely enjoy it...... it's something out of this world...... :)

Nooooo babe I need to knowww.....see I was looikng at pics online before I came on here and almost had an anxiety attack....my bestfriend is forcing me to go skydiving :suicide2:
Miss @Talon , who is the founder of Muslim Pakistan in your view ? :D Since well , you thanked the post saying that ' Pakistan should follow this ' and ' There are Muslims , Shias and Qadianis in Pakistan ' .
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@Manticore Sup? What had prompted you to pic your previous handle "Antibody"?
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Other than what I did there.... I have done it 100+ times in the Turkish armed forces as well....... it's quiet fun actually..... try it..... you'll most definitely enjoy it...... it's something out of this world...... :)

I want to....I am okay once falling but the initial jump freaks me out and the anxiety before that.....how was your first jump?
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