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Now listen: Stop trolling this thread, as you don't understand a word here. It's a casual chit chat amongst 'friends'. One more swipe at any "Indian" won't be good.

If you want to stay, behave yourself. We don't fight here on this thread, nor let anyone start one.
@Aeronaut, please take notice.

well like @hinduguy protected his stash while @Alpha6 said it is not healthy ...why only @SOHEIL gets a warning when he followed the flow of joking? am confused :cray:
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well like @hinduguy protected his stash while @Alpha6 said it is not healthy ...why only @SOHEIL gets a warning when he followed the flow of joking? am confused :cray:

leave me out of this.. I dont go to iranian section much.. I have no interest in photoshop....
I confess sometimes their thread comes on top.. and my evil troll mind takes contol.. if I cant control myself I will blurt something out but never to insult iranians as such.. they are good people face to face... they always give extra hummous when they see this poor Indian... :cheers:
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