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this is how I look like, I got big mustache, apan desi kiyo lanay wan mochaan nu.. ! :victory1:
Rehne dein apke khayalaat se mere khayalaat waise bhi nahin milte yeh toh apke zaalim aurat wale comment per kaha gaya hai.

Main to mazaq kar raha tha :confused:


kahan ghyeb ho, been trying to call you.... Is cold havin an effect on your brain?? :angry:
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Main to mazaq kar raha tha :confused:


kahan ghyeb ho, been trying to call you.... Is cold havin an effect your brain?? :angry:
Ain my brain? telepathy try keray thay? Maybe phone is on silent ...let me check...Ab tou bhag giyea ho giyea...Wait kidher call keray ho? :angry:
it's okay dude. well, firstly the umbrella. It's the third time that NATO deployed PAC-3 Patriot batteries in our borders. Jordan will pay to US for Patriot batteries, while we won't pay anything for them as they are "defensive operations to protect southeastern soils of the alliance".

Many Turkish products has started with JV. At most of them. NATO partners were chosen...that they gave serious ToT. Ex: Today we produce F-16 jets in our home. Besides Israel and US, Turkish F-16s have their own softwares named ÖZGÜR. It gave us the access to high technology with considerable price. Our training doctrines are coming from overall 28 members combat experiences, the same for others. Our products has to get STANAG certificates before being adopted to any nation.

Article 5, was what made USSR to think twice before trying to annex into Turkey. Today Iran, Iraq, Syria know well what would happen. Despite not being a nuclear power. There are 90 recently upgraded B-61 nuclear warheads at Incirlik AFB, which 45 of them are given under Turkish Air Force's command and use, requiring NATO approval. After 60 years of membership, today the entire NATO's Land Forces HQ is located in Turkey, the LANDCOM. ...etc.

Really? Where was the "lord US", when Turkey vetoed Israel's participation to all of the NATO exercises for over 2 years. Where was the "lord US" when Turkish Armed Forces intervened Cyprus. Where was US, when Turkish Navy evacuated his a couple of thousands citizens living in Libya. Where was US when we helped in assembling F-16 parts to Pakisan during embargo years. Where was US when Turkey didn't allow US troops to enter Iraq through Turkish soils. Where was US when UK Parliament refused to act in Syria. See? Turkey and UK being a NATO, are not sheep after all. And we all know well what the consequences of attacking to a NATO Member State will be, no matter even if it's Turkey, a muslim nation. That would be the time that they'll all "jump". But I know well who is the puppet, sheep of "lord US". But I won't tell that due to my respect to my brothers&sisters here.

Come on @Neptune , get real my Brother. No Offence to my Turkish brothers whom I love dearly, But the US holds 90% of the Power in NATO and NATO is not a democracy. The US drives the agenda and everybody kowtows to the BIG BOSS. I am not singling out Turkey, in fact I did not mention once Turkey's name but all those big shot European Powers salute the Big Boss ( including UK, France and Germany ). If you choose to live in your dreamland, that is your prerogative my Brother , but that is the reality of the situation. Let's see what happens to Turkish Military's decision to buy the Missile Defense system from China. If Turkey stands up to BIG BOSS and buy the missiles, I will believe your argument has weight of logic on you side.

Another thing, I noticed that Turkish members take every thing to personally and become too defensive. This is a Forum where we discuss issues in a rational and logical way and for most of us older people it is just a way to voice our opinion, right or wrong. You on the other hand have an equal right to express your opinion and give logical reason why you think our opinion is wrong. Such is the nature of the process of discussions.

In any event, I can assure you that we Pakistanis love our Turkish Brothers and Sisters more than most other Nationalities and it is never our intention to offend or disrespect our Turkish Friends. Please accept my apologies if my honest opinion has offended you in any way because that is not my intention. For any one who thinks otherwise , I would challenge them to show me one Post of mine that was an outright insult to Turkish People. On the other hand you will find majority of my posts highly supportive of my Turkish Brothers.
Trtuth is often hurtful...
i told ya the truth

you dont deserve that mod tag...opinion is different thing but you deliberately impose anti-India content in a clever way

yesterday you closed my thread for no reason, even though i mentioned the sources in comments

you closed that thread after writing your own deluded crap...come to India and see for yourselves.

Stupid prick!

Kiss the Irish lad, you have my permission :D

Kiss him :smokin:
The very fact that you are so pissed off is an evidence that what i stated was the truth you are yet unprepared to face.

By absuing me you are just living up to the India's national moral compass....not that its a revealation.
The very fact that you are so pissed off is an evidence that what i stated was the truth you are yet unprepared to face.

By absuing me you are just living up to the India's national moral compass....not that its a revealation.
You write your false dreams and facts their and close the thread.


Iam definitely pissed off by your attitude mr
You have the right to be outraged and i have an obligation to say what is true. Nature will decide the fate of who gets to prevail in the end.
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