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How much help was given compared with the rest of " Dar-ul-Harb " if I may know ? Ever cared to check the statistics ? Where were the Muslim countries when the Americans threatened to bomb us back to stone age ? Where were they when Salala took place , they didn't even condemn it ? I am not loyal to the Riyadh like you or to Washington D.C. as you accuse me of . :D

To me , the national interests of Pakistan are supreme , the Americans aren't considered friends by me . 

Think again . I said in the context of the " nations " , does it exist now too ? Who's there to help you as you help them , if I may know ?
for that you might wanna go back to 1998 !!! if you're clever then you'll get the answer.
How much help was given compared with the rest of " Dar-ul-Harb " if I may know ? Ever cared to check the statistics ? Where were the Muslim countries when the Americans threatened to bomb us back to stone age ? Where were they when Salala took place , they didn't even condemn it ? I am not loyal to the Riyadh like you or to Washington D.C. as you accuse me of . :D

To me , the national interests of Pakistan are supreme , the Americans aren't considered friends by me . 

Think again . I said in the context of the " nations " , does it exist now too ? Who's there to help you as you help them , if I may know ?
And you are so chinto minto that you get scared of their bombs. At that time you were saying pakistani forces are one of the best in the world no one can imagine to threaten pakistan. At the time of salala you were the best army. how can some one help a best? Admit you are cowards. By the way if you are so dependent of help then why are you speaking of honour and nationalism?
I'm not loyal to riyadh. I don't know whenever any one speak about arab you take matters to leadership. I'm not a fan of arab leaders they are numb because they are getting their desired luxuries. I always talk about arab people like i am. A simple civillian.

Try this now




You just experienced "baghal mai churi aur mun mai ram ram" :D
And i'm not pro TTP. But i am supporter of afghan jihad. Because an aggressor without any clear reason attacked them.
Didn't arabs helped you in 2005 earthquake? And who else is helping you if not arabs your dear uncle sam is not ready to give you full authority on your f-16s. not giving super cobras. cursing you every now and then. and giving india c-17s, c-130js, m-777s, apaches name whatever you want 

What? Have we not fought in israeli wars? have we not trained their incompetent people?have we not helped them on several occasions? in which war have arabs come to help us? even in 2005... the first rescue team to teach the spot was? not arab!even in the early days we helped palestine didnt we?

As for ur nonsense abt arabs getting us F-16s... how did tht happen when ur own masters are not allowed to have BVRs and when most of ur masters have recognised israel?ur arab masters kissing americans can also be seen?and the reports of them supporting fitna in our country are also available..

So tell us how are your masters superior than you? inferiorty complex ridden timid little man.
And you are so chinto minto that you get scared of their bombs. At that time you were saying pakistani forces are one of the best in the world no one can imagine to threaten pakistan. At the time of salala you were the best army. how can some one help a best? Admit you are cowards. By the way if you are so dependent of help then why are you speaking of honour and nationalism?

Ur arab masters have american bases in their countries and even pay for them form their own pockets... when ur arab masters were getting bombed in baghdad where were ur superior masters? atleast we suspended their supplies and they apologised.. did they ever apologize for what they did and are doing to ur masters?

Your masters cant protect themselves who the hell will they protect others? these are the same chickens who use to flee after seeing an israeli jet in the 67 war.. and used to bomb their own towers.. people like u are called maskeen in their country...

You can get a european nationality... u can marry a european lady... while in ur masters country... u will first have to find a master in shape of kafeel and still cant do anything... so spare us the nonsense.
lovin drunkard n lose character coward arab rulers is a sign of faith?:lol: hehehe

Yes , indeed , Luxurious , anything but pious and lavish spending and yet please love them to go to heaven :D

And you are so chinto minto that you get scared of their bombs. At that time you were saying pakistani forces are one of the best in the world no one can imagine to threaten pakistan. At the time of salala you were the best army. how can some one help a best? Admit you are cowards. By the way if you are so dependent of help then why are you speaking of honour and nationalism?

I am talking to a idealist , it seems here . :D So , does the USAF not have enough power to do , what the US Govt threatened back then ? Do you believe that the PAF would have been able to stop it ? There's a line between cowardice and the awareness of the ground realities . Even " the one of the best " forces have their limits and that was that , we cant target the U.S. mainland . None of the Arab friends were going to come to help us and hence we made the only choice we could , to save our nation . Did Arab countries even condemn the Salala incident ? The answer is No . My country wasn't ready to be like Afghanistan and made a rational choice . Someone taunting the state of Pakistan to be dependent of help , who himself accepted billions from the infidel Americans back in the 80's along with weapons * even from Israel * - a strong supporter of Afghan so called Jihad sounds ironic to me . It is even more ironic that pious Muslims fighting against the Soviets later fought amongst themselves after the Red Army left and the Peshawar accord was signed .
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