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Australia is a hotbed of racists. Turkey is heavens on earth. You have no idea what you are comparing!

Nahi lala - Aussies are generally not racists. Yes there are ALOT of racists over there, however it doesn't mean that its a nation of racists by any means.


Australia is the best option for Management Accountant or Financial Manager rather than turkey :pop:

Australia is the worst place in the world for overseas students. Once you are there, you become the following.

1: Cash cow - Paying up to $40000-50000 a year including living costs.

2: Trapped - as an international student, its VERY VERY hard to find work experience for your degree, without it, its just a piece of paper when you go for a job interview. In some cases/industries, there is 'official red tape' to stop the international students from getting vacation work, in order to make room for otherwise incompetent Australian students to get work experience. It makes you less employable, no matter where you go on top of making you feel like a piece of sh it who shouldn't have been here to begin with. Despite all of your talents it holds you back from realizing your potential.

3: Negative/Cynical - as the whole system is designed to 'priorities' the Australian students [most of whom come to have fun] at the expense of the international students. They sit in the same class, study the same course, pay 70% less costs, score less than you do, but they WILL BE atop the employment list, despite your talents and efforts.

4: Internationally isolated - Apart from 8 Universities in Australia, out of 40 or so, all of the others are NOT internationally recognized......they don't tell you this when you get the admission, you only find it out in time. It means that you are stuck in THEIR local workforce model, where from you cant escape to another country immediately and start a job AND yes you are at the bottom of the employ ability list because you are not an Australian resident upon your graduation AND you have zero work experience because === well=== because they just simply didn't let you.

After paying $200k or so for a degree-you end up with a worthless piece of paper in your hand that has your options limited by design so you end up working at car washes, fuel stations, super markets and other 'dream jobs' that you had thought about before you made the 200k and a 3-4 year time/emotional/homesickness/social investment.

So, if you have $200k lying around, to be spent on your education.

1: Go the US
2: Go the US
3: Go to Canada/Germany XXXXXXX
4: Go to the UK.

---This comes from experience--been there done that--
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Malala Yousufzai interview on Daily Show today.
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