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i am out of this argument - wtever happned here i got nothing to do with it - carry on guys...i got another issue to deal with...
What is the 4 finger sign most of you Pakistanis are sporting as your avatars?

Is it some new especially offensive (and physically painful) up-yours birdx4 aimed at us Indians?
@RAMPAGE......accept my apology for making such comments earlier........the suggestion was not be offensive or rude......so accept the apology.....
you sir might become a gentleman after all !!!

Apology accepted !!!!!!!
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@ZYXW I am offended you did not use the picture we took last time we met instead. :sad:

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Please let me have some different flags for a while. Everyone knows me already, so it won't make any difference, I believe. Flags give constraints in neutral and free posting. Many times, it compromises honesty while posting. While exchanging views with others, one has to pretend what he is not. It is as if one's own self loses the sense of individualism.

Hope you understand my point.

However, if you think I am wrong, let me know, I will abide by your decision.
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So i'm the bad guy now ? :what: ....... i had no idea that you were offended and i apologize now, you will not be hear from me anymore .. :)


I only avoided you because u asked me to ...... i also apologized at the moment ...... and after you accepted my apology and i didn't quote u after that so i really don't appreciate you giving suggestions like that !!!! if you still have something against me than you can say it to my face .

its just this is not the right place to use such words , its a public forum ....so i was asking you to refrain from any such words as it will be followed by words from me thn followed by you ...and the tussle will go on
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@ZYXW I just that. :rofl: Yeah that is more accurate. You should have done it here though. :whistle:
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