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i tried it when i former Russian soldier offered it to me. I didn't like it. It's real strong but BAD.

Anyways fellas, my mobile is out of rubles. See you tomorrow when I pass to my Turkish Cell Care as I arrive to Istanbul!!! :)

I chugged the whole bottle and was bugging out, much fun though. :lol: I used to get drunk easy but now I can probably out drink most people.
Safe travel kid..... see ya tomorrow...... :D

i tried it when i former Russian soldier offered it to me. I didn't like it. It's real strong but BAD.

Anyways fellas, my mobile is out of rubles. See you tomorrow when I pass to my Turkish Cell Care as I arrive to Istanbul!!! :)
Yara, tried it... not my taste.. don't like after taste in anything I drink... I know of something similar and equally potent.....

how did you drink? with sugar water? I have tried a few times.. dont remember the taste at all coz drank something before and after it.. :)
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