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@RazPaK everyone knw no one besides emma stone ^
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18...is that legal LOL??? JK JK JK

haha talk to them they'll understand!!
in pakistan sumtimes babies get married. But dont live together till they are adults.
i thnk my parents were just future planning. i hope.
Lol, darling not a "monkey" a "cheeky monkey" I think it's a British slang, lost is translation... bhawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawawaw :rofl:

Here you go:

cheeky monkey

No need to stick around when I'm gone, tricky @arp2041 will harass the hell out of you.... I'll send you a message via Webby, don't you worry... :D

Nahhh I got you....you can call me w.e. you like baby haha just messing with you :D

@arp2041 will of course try to take over once you are gone........

message me? oh I can't trust you player, you said you have a bad habit of not looking back ;) LOLOLOLOL
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18...is that legal LOL??? JK JK JK

haha talk to them they'll understand!!

Don't worryabout him hes not gonna get anything not even a girl as long as hes not done with studies.....
Don't do that dude.... bhawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawaw.... :rofl:

Seriously, can't stop laughing.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Those frakking expressions are priceless, which cartoon is it? :D

Don't do that dude.... bhawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawaw.... :rofl:

Seriously, can't stop laughing.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Those frakking expressions are priceless, which cartoon is it? :D

You don't know?....bro you need to watch this movie Tedd, check out the trailer on youtube
in pakistan sumtimes babies get married. But dont live together till they are adults.
i thnk my parents were just future planning. i hope.

it's okay Alpha, when i become president I'll pass a new law where no one can get married before 30.. well 28 for the really passionate ones lololol... :D

I am sure they were. what are you studying? what do you want to do in terms of carreer?
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