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@Aeronaut dear ask rusty to bug off from my tail, or i will shot him down, he is trying too hard, to push me agaist pti?

Borrow Aero's gun. :omghaha:

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Don't do that dude.... bhawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawaw.... :rofl:

Seriously, can't stop laughing.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Those frakking expressions are priceless, which cartoon is it? :D

The movie "TED". You seriously have not seen it?? Blasphemy. :eek:
18...is that legal LOL??? JK JK JK

haha talk to them they'll understand!!

sista its not legal but thy will make it legal to ruin a gud girl's life coz only a ruined n destroyed girl wud be able to live wid one of her own kind hahaha i hope u got it!

ok @Alpha1 im jus joking:meeting:
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it's okay Alpha, when i become president I'll pass a new law where no one can get married before 30.. well 28 for the really passionate ones lololol... :D

I am sure they were. what are you studying? what do you want to do in terms of carreer?

im in high school.
Although my parents want me to be a doc. I dont.
I like bio-technology, army, and ACCA,CA like uncle @Armstrong!
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Don't do that dude.... bhawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawwawawawawwawawawawawaw.... :rofl:

Seriously, can't stop laughing.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Those frakking expressions are priceless, which cartoon is it? :D

Its not a cartoon dude..... its a tharki teddy bear called TED. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
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