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I humbly disagree and 2008 is the example of that and the Canadienne reasoning being that you put strict and rigid regulations on the banks to point that they can no longer and gamble through your money and hence less recessions eh. This being said government has to play a role making sure the free markets are really free and not just companies through lobbyist front getting their legislation passed to get an incentive at getting ahead of another company. :frown: If you are progressive, i found a channel on youtube and these folks are very much americanne socialist(equivalent to canadianne conservatives no joking) :)

The Young Turks - YouTube
They go by the name "The Young Turks" and there channel is very huge and robust and this is where i get alot of americanne fill in from muahahah

I have watched them before they are a bunch of clowns imo.
Don't know specifically, but always wanted to do something big. I don't want to live a normal life, wanna be at the top be it here or in Pakistan...hahahaha see I like to keep it simple ;) HAHA

In that case, I'll take the chessboard out ;) we can have fun Mamba hahaha....just kidding... :P

So some goal you are specifically sure about then lol. Nah you missed your opportunity unfortunately I am in my sleeping gear now lol.
If I were to be elected my first three executive orders would be nationalizing the federal reserve, limiting congressional terms, and abolishing the electoral college so that President s must be elected by popular vote.

Mamba, tell me....do you normally preach your campaign slogan to girls at 1:30 am or is it just for me???
lmk asap so I know whether I should feel special or not :P haha
yeah :P


Nope, they are mostly puppets.....I don't mind being in the background....I just want to be th eone in control ;)

then you be someone's Michelle Obama. :P
yeah :P


Nope, they are mostly puppets.....I don't mind being in the background....I just want to be th eone in control ;)

I see so we aspire for great power..I will be looking forward to an invitation to Capitol Hill then in a few years. :enjoy:

You want power, get into the Pentagon- they've hijacked foreign policy anyway- dictate which way the US's big stick swings!:D
Mamba, tell me....do you normally preach your campaign slogan to girls at 1:30 am or is it just for me???
lmk asap so I know whether I should feel special or not :P haha

Lmaoooooooooo campaign slogan nah my campaign slogan will be much simpler, this happens after the fact lol. Yeah you should probably feel special lmao you are the first.

If even one of my orders were to happen I would be assassinated within the month, of that I am certain.
@BDforever @KingMamba93 the funny thing is that those people who abuse me in every way are labelled as mature and other say that these people are trying to teach me sumthng. Why are people such hypocrates. If they hate me soo much why dont they just say **** OFF to me!

Hi @Alpha1-

why not name and shame them here-
Quote their offensive- backstabbing posts here so we can see their true faces- :tup:-
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So some goal you are specifically sure about then lol. Nah you missed your opportunity unfortunately I am in my sleeping gear now lol.

I'm sorry have you forgotten the rules for chess...last time I checked, clothes or the dress code was unnecessary LOLOLOLOL....pshhh amateur haha kays I am just messing with you...attempts to cheer myself up haha ignore them :P

uhmmm....honestly Mamba, right now is a bad time to ask, I am just so confused and a forum isn't the place to discuss this confusion LOL but when I am sure of the route I want to take, i'll let you know :P why so curious ? lol
Dancing Plane-

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Hi @Alpha1-

why not name and shame them here-
Quote their offensive- backstabbing posts here so we can see their true faces- :tup:-

sorry beyond word limit!
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sorry beyond word limit!

hmm- how we gona know that you are not complaining just for the sake of it?-
Your best friend abusing- slandering you?- Big Accusations--
You need something to back that up--
I'm sorry have you forgotten the rules for chess...last time I checked, clothes or the dress code was unnecessary LOLOLOLOL....pshhh amateur haha kays I am just messing with you...attempts to cheer myself up haha ignore them :P

uhmmm....honestly Mamba, right now is a bad time to ask, I am just so confused and a forum isn't the place to discuss this confusion LOL but when I am sure of the route I want to take, i'll let you know :P why so curious ? lol

Actually u remind me of someone. .
hmm- how we gona know that you are not complaining just for the sake of it?-
Your best friend abusing- slandering you?- Big Accusations--
You need something to back that up--

Come on FB
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