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Btw @Talon
cannula in the arm is dangerous while excercising?
@Alpha1 you shouldnt be exercising in your present condition!! You are dehydrated and what not...PLUS ask medical questions to those who have a medical degree...I know nothing of this stuff!!
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@Talon : Is it possible, in the future (30 years from now), for two species (Human & One Other) to be genetically modified as such that they end up growing symbiotically on one body ! E.g Me having the Regenerative properties of an Aloe Vera plant become a part of my genetic makeup ?
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@Talon @BDforever @Alpha1
yeah, it was a very busy week, preparing a slide show about Afghanistan, doing the project work of Chemicals. Argueing with parents. Fighting with a couple of guys. Sometimes I wish not to leave that island :(. Talon what's that meaning ear drums? :)
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@Talon : Is it possible, in the future (30 years from now), for two species (Human & One Other) to be genetically modified as such that they end up growing symbiotically on one body ! E.g Me having the Regenerative properties of an Aloe Vera plant become a part of my genetic makeup ?

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