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Hi @Talon- :lol:-

Thinking of changing my settings to annonymous aswell- :D-
What are the benifits btw?-
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Hi @Talon- how am i looking in invisible mode?- :omghaha:-
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@Abu Zolfiqar
I had strong urge to reply to your post on http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...ial-stoned-death-adultery-13.html#post4031265 thread, as it was closed so a random thread like naswaristan is best place for it....the rest of naswaris can carry on their chit-chat

When I was last there just a few years back, even I had to remember not to even take pictures when going through the other villages to get to Parachinar by road. It's a HUGE no-no. Not because of security reasons, but because the women are often outside of the homes doing the laundry or feeding the chickens or doing other domestic things -- and in some parts the road is close to the villages so just from the roads you can see people near their homes.

It is the case in whole Pakhtunkhwa........for same reasons not a single pashtun area is open to tourism (the northern swat regions like kalam are non-pashtun)....In our pashtun regions villages are like one big family, related to each other. A stranger with no reference would be questioned by villagers. All Pakistanis particularly punjabis should note this point. I specifically mentioned punjabis because as Pak army soldiers they are stationed at various places in FATA.

This soldier's phenomenon isnt a new one. Many times on deputation soldier would come across a local and maybe it was love at first sight. These are emotions that can often be over-bearing, and a soldier afterall is just a human with human instincts. It appears that they had already met a few times and it was a mutually-agreed upon thing. He didnt sodomize or harass her; based on the news he simply came (in civilian garb, not uniform) to meet her. If I were his friend, I would have advised him to contact the men of her family first. Usually to be really pious or modest, the guy will sit by the feet of the father or do something very humble to try to win the affection of the family. The fact that he was seen with her out of wedlock was probably seen as a huge violation and a kind of disrespect. Un-intended, but thats how it appears to have been perceived.
I am greatly disappointed in you, i thought there is some Pashtun left in you but i was wrong. There is no excuse or justification for what that army soldier did. He not only violated Pashtun codes and ethics but he also went against his orders and protocols of Army. If you have reached puberty and know about real life facts then you should know that what a man and a girl do when they secretly meet with each other, you can call it love affair, but it was actually a lust affair....The background of jawan is very important, punjab is relatively azad culture where you can chase a girl on street without being shot, chachora-pan and romantic affairs are just part of daily life...this soldier must have thought that we all are same Pakistanis and attempted his soldier charisma on a local teenage girl without taking into consideration the local culture , and then was caught in a shameful act which our religion doesnt permit, this is the reality of fcking soldier phenomena. So what if he was a human with human instincts and desires? could you have presented the same excuse if he had raped the girl?....Taliban also have testosterone, but you wont see them caught in such a shameful act....
And let me educate you on one thing, Pashtun family dont accepts a rishta from a guy who says that he "loves" their daughter...it is considered great insult and the rishta is rejected....it is basic fact that every pashtun is aware of.....you can say that there is simply no place for love affair, pure or impure, in pashtun culture.

I noticed that some news channels (especially anti-Pakistan ones like BBC) were trying to bring in other dramatical twists like the soldier was Punjabi and that Punjabis arent liked in the area. To some extent, you will find people with that view certainly. But then again, you will never find a Pakhtun tribe that doesnt have family members in Punjab or other non-tribal areas of the country. The Army and FC in fact recruit people from the area. I myself come from a proud military family.
You proud military family background discredit you as a local pashtun commenter. You might have Punjabi relatives but the fact is most of us , perhaps 99% dont have rishta-dari with punjabis. A pashtun in pak army or FC knows about pashtun customs, tarditions, norms and values and take caution but a punajbi simply dont understand many things about pashtuns. An afridi of khyber agnecy told me that they killed 2 punjabi soldiers when their girls complained that they watch them and pass comments when they collect water from the spring, it was not reported on media. So i have to say turis punished the culprit in a very controlled manner. Normally they are shot on spot but as he was an army soldier , so to avoid misunderstanding, they wisely stoned him to death on a community level with announcement of the reason ,to prevent aggression and lies from pak army. Pak army is silence because one of their soldier violated local codes and army codes and because they cant risk alienating army friendly turis.

so my bottom line here is that it was a misunderstanding; something that shouldnt have happened. Soldiers are often briefed about how to compose themselves and act in sensitive areas like these. This guy made a mistake but i dont think his intentions were bad. Stoning him to death is a disgusting thing and I hope that the political agents in Kurram and the local authorities (whatever exist) take action against those who carried out this unjust and uncivilized action. Of course that would be hard though because it was a village council jirga - and those decisions are usually hard to be disputed. And like the article mentions, it is true that in Bangash/Turri areas there is some stirred up emotions and frustration and anger about the killings of Shiias around Kurram (and elsewhere in the country). Not sure what that has to do with a regular jawan (as opposed to the people calling the shots in Islamabad).
It has also some thing to do with fact that the culprit who stained their honour , happened to be a sunni....it must have angered them more.
None the less a pashtun, whether shia or sunni, cant forgive some one who shyts on their honour....therefore any one who cross the wall of some one house to meet his lover, do it with risk of death and he is prepared for it.....walls of pashtun houses are very high and the area inside is very sacred for many reasons, thats why a thief is simply killed when croos these high walls.
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@Neptune hi emray!
@JonAsad pray for me im sick!
@Alpha1 my prays are with you-
One benifit i heard of being sick is that Allah subhan wa tala starts to forgets the sins of a sick human being-
The deal is pain or suffering you concure while you are sick against your sins-
Most merciful most gracious he is- :smitten:-
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don't speak like wallstreet geeks :P. Well, how's Arabia? Can you get on well with them? :)

Yup arabs particularly saudis are dumb people so naturaly every intelligent creature can get on with them just fine- :lol:-
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