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storing cockroaches? Hmm ! I already have a Zoo so i will try that! Maybe! :rofl:
My tutor told that cockroache's body break easily! If you are not gentle!

Yeah you must be gentle ,he's very right(that's the trick),treat her like a woman, i guess i'm talking to the right man....:lol:

No other fun in dissecting them,else that they are brittle.(clue=exoskeleton)
Horrible Night & Terrible Dreams

@Talon : Is it possible to produce/grow (or whatever the proper term would be) a genetically modified species of plant (s) that do the following :

(a) Takes in exponentially more amounts of CO2 & breath out exponentially more amounts of O2, when compared with a similar plant that is not genetically modified !

(b) Be grown in industrial waste effected bodies of water & have the ability to absorb some (or most) of those pollutants over the course of their lives !

(c) Be grown in & around Industrial Estates & be significantly effective in reducing the Net emissions of harmful gases to the atmosphere ?

All of the above...not in the same plant but different types of genetically modified plants !
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@Talon : Is it possible to produce/grow (or whatever the proper term would be) a genetically modified species of plant (s) that do the following :

(a) Takes in exponentially more amounts of CO2 & breath out exponentially more amounts of O2, when compared with a similar plant that is not genetically modified !

(b) Be grown in industrial waste effected bodies of water & have the ability to absorb some (or most) of those pollutants over the course of their lives !

(c) Be grown in & around Industrial Estates & be significantly effective in reducing the Net emissions of harmful gases to the atmosphere ?

All of the above...not in the same plant but different types of genetically modified plants !

Trying to find a "natural" solution to environmental problems young padawan?
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@Talon : Is it possible to produce/grow (or whatever the proper term would be) a genetically modified species of plant (s) that do the following :

(a) Takes in exponentially more amounts of CO2 & breath out exponentially more amounts of O2, when compared with a similar plant that is not genetically modified !

Yes, My sis tried to do that...But they could not locate the gene from the plant she was working with...A biotechnologist would give you more info...

(b) Be grown in industrial waste effected bodies of water & have the ability to absorb some (or most) of those pollutants over the course of their lives !

Yes, Mangroves are natures filters they can be used to filter sweage water and the filtrate wold be clean! They do that but can only absorb some limited wastes..some plants can absorb heavy metals too...

(c) Be grown in & around Industrial Estates & be significantly effective in reducing the Net emissions of harmful gases to the atmosphere ?
Some European countries do this...Yes it is effective

All of the above...not in the same plant but different types of genetically modified plants !

I think I answered....
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@Talon : Is it possible to produce/grow (or whatever the proper term would be) a genetically modified species of plant (s) that do the following :

(a) Takes in exponentially more amounts of CO2 & breath out exponentially more amounts of O2, when compared with a similar plant that is not genetically modified !

(b) Be grown in industrial waste effected bodies of water & have the ability to absorb some (or most) of those pollutants over the course of their lives !

(c) Be grown in & around Industrial Estates & be significantly effective in reducing the Net emissions of harmful gases to the atmosphere ?

All of the above...not in the same plant but different types of genetically modified plants !

people are trying that! Its Biotechnology which @Talon aapi doesnt like much
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