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I said specifically about religion... not nationality.... because thats what he is complaining about.. @Slav Defence... already told you in previous posts mate.. :)

Oh ho let me rephrase it...members dragging religion.......happy now?...my issue is with religion being dragged be it sunni shia, ahmedi, jew or hindu, no one has the right to call other religions a bluff
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Oh ho let me rephrase it...members dragging religion.......happy now?...my issue is with religion being dragged be it sunni shia, ahmedi, jew or hindu, no one has the right to call other religions a bluff
I beg to differ... people have right to criticize religion(any)... not insult it deliberately.... on this forum we are not supposed to discuss religion at all.. but if at all allowed whats wrong with criticism

there are trolls who deliberately insult people using their religion... they need to be tackled.. I agree with you. Report them.

Sometimes strident criticism can be distressing, and appear as insult though.
I think @SHAMK9 is still angry with me ! :undecided:

I'm sorry for making fun of you in the Push Up thing ! :cray:
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Guys i'm planning to watch "Les Chevaliers du ciel " and " Jian Shi Chu Ji "- Sky Fighters tonight.

Any reviews would be very much appreciated.:)

Guys i'm planning to watch "Les Chevaliers du ciel " and " Jian Shi Chu Ji "- Sky Fighters tonight.

Any reviews would be very much appreciated.:)


I dont think anybody has watched them... :)
you like only action movies?
@Ayush - Persianized Writing...what the heck is that ? :what:

I've heard of the Persian Nastaliq script in which we write Urdu & all of our regional languages but other than that I don't know ! :unsure:
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I dont think anybody has watched them... :)
you like only action movies?

Yes, me like those along with comedy and if there is some intriguing story waiting for me in the plot, then me gets mad @ it.Me like puzzle in the plot:oops:Me don't mind suspense at all.:)

What's your choice dear? :)
@Ayush - Persianized Writing...what the heck is that ? :what:

I've heard of the Persian Nastaliq script in which we write Urdu & all of our regional languages but other than that I don't know ! :unsure:

no,u were telling the new afghan guy that his writing is heavily persianised...

so,i mean was it due to difference in pronunciation or something?? @Armstrong
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no,u were telling the new afghan guy that his writing is heavily persianised...

I didn't say anything to him about that ! :blink:

I think the other guys were talking about how there are Pashtuns in Afghanistan that are Persianized to the point of loosing their language, culture & values to Persian influences ! They are looked down up by other Pashtuns !
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