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Haha, a lot of people term that greatness as craziness, but this was very sweet of you. Thanks you!

So Pak AMC or continue here for now? what do you reccomend? :)

Since you are based out of the US, I would recommend that you finish your education here as the standards are much higher here. You can always go to Pakistan after your education.

In any event, trust your instincts. The answer is inside of you so trust your heart and mind.
Very interesting... we both started at PAF.... :D

I joined Air Force as a knee jerk response because I was born in the PAF ( my dad was an Air Froce Officer ).

Served for couple of years after Commissioning but changed my mind as I was interested in higher education.

Looking back I have no regrets. I am very happy with the way things turned out.

Besides, I can now serve in much better capacity.
Since you are based out of the US, I would recommend that you finish your education here as the standards are much higher here. You can always go to Pakistan after your education.

In any event, trust your instincts. The answer is inside of you so trust your heart and mind.

THANK YOU :smitten:
I really appreciate you taking the time out to give me advice. I value your opinion on this! Thanks you so much!
@Dillinger Replying to your earlier post ...

I know that , Dillinger ... Had they attributed it to the deteriorating law and order situation in the country or other domestic problems , I may have considered it acceptable ... But seriously blaming it all on the freedom we give the minorities and secularism ( which isn't found in Pakistan ) is a strict no-no and a desperate attempt to make it ambigious , cast doubts and try to complicate it to use it a justification for the act ... You know what is troubling me ? Not the two guys , but how exactly the clerics got thousands of people on the street and burned those houses ... I mean is it that easy to provoke us that we have now even started to take the words of the drunk ? which even it is proven true was said under the influence and even it hasn't been said under the influence , still is no excuse to kill a person or target a specific community ... The good thing I saw today in the news is the Muslims protesting alongside Chrisitans in many cities , that gave me some hope that this society will improve ...

Right on the money , friend ... We can fight with an enemy we see and understand properly , but its impossible to fight one which we dont ... This case is true for us at the moment since we cant even agree on the definition of extremism and therefore we find it extremely hard to deal with ... I mean cant we devise one after so much irreparable damage ? ... In clinical psychology , we always want people to understand what are they going through and why since " without understanding , there can be no chance of a recovery " I agree , that is what giving these el bastardos breathing space to operate openly , misguide people and carry out these sort of heinous acts / sinister agendas ...

I didn't answer on that thread because it has already gone down the drains ... So it was no use to further engage with a religious idiot there who may quote my post and then enlighten me about the effects of alcohol on the Central Nervous System or tell me how many people die in the states because of driving drunk ... I am not concerned with it seriously , what happened in our jurisdiction bothers me , the US can take care of its own , it certainly requires no recommendations or advices of ours because their justice system is strong and doesn't follow emotions like ours ...
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THANK YOU :smitten:
I really appreciate you taking the time out to give me advice. I value your opinion on this! Thanks you so much!
try to achieve a balance between nationalism and practicality.:)both are important.
best of luck and good night.
My Pleasure, Z. You are always welcome.

damn, if all the guys in the PAF are as sweet as you, i might end up going back afterall haha jk jk:)

@Armstrong thnx for your help and advice too. Even though I disagree with you more than half of the time, i always appreciate your help:D

I am going to go get some work done as well. ttyl :) tc!

try to achieve a balance between nationalism and practicality.:)both are important.
best of luck and good night.

thnx ayush :D I really appreciate everyone's advice on this!!
good nigth and sweet dreams :)
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