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oh c'mon ... this is a CIVIL discussion :D

you know ... we don't care about other people & their mind ...

we have a plan for manned mission & it was just a test for other steps ...

we will have other launches in future ... bigger capsules & bigger space launch vehicles ...

& at last a manned mission ... if you have any doubt ... wait & enjoy the show

& sorry for that CIVIL discussion :D

Best of luck with that :enjoy:
@Dillinger remember the SRE-1 experiment conducted by ISRO in the year 2008:

Space Capsule Recovery Experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See the outer layer of SRE, it consists of specially built silica tiles which act as a heat-shield when a body re-enters atmosphere, since the friction is so huge that any body can get burn in seconds. This tile save the body from burning.

Remember the Columbia Shuttle incident??

That happened b'coz one of the tiles was lost from the shuttle & the heat entered from that part & Exploded the complete shuttle:

Now only 6 space agencies have this tech.

ESA, Russian Space agency, Chinese, Japanese JAXA, NASA & ISRO.

These are the only agencies having tech. & out of these 6 only 3 are sending living beings to space & making successful recovery, so any other agency claiming a successful recovery (of a living being) is simply absurd.

Well what's the harm in waiting a few years. If they have a successful human mission then we can congratulate them and another nation from the eastern bloc will have achieved that milestone..IF NOT then....
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@samantk @Dillinger

Any questions?? :D

BTW, Rafay, u still din't answered the missile query that i put out on another thread??

Yea i answered it two times! But if you quoted me the third time i left that thread! i told you your missiles are russian tech! Thats the truth!
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Well what's the harm in waiting a few years. If they have a successful human mission then we can congratulate them and another nation from the eastern bloc will have achieved that milestone..IF NOT then....

Yaar i have nothing against Iran (or for that matter, any nation), but i can't stand others making mockery of Science, esp. when it relates to Space science.

Anyways, lets end it here.
@samantk @Dillinger

Any questions?? :D

BTW, Rafay, u still din't answered the missile query that i put out on another thread??

He is a child, no? Absent any technical knowledge and armed with sound bytes from assorted news networks. It is heartening to see such participation though- if he would submit himself to the tutelage of the likes of Hype or Oscar Sir he'll go a long way. He certainly has fire in him albeit divorced with the cutting wit and skill in repartee one needs to employ said fervor.
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