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@ZYXW hi how are u?
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@Aeronaut that you speaking in that previous video?
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@Alpha1 ......so sorry for the late reply....was on skype with friends...have a bad habit of leaving a billion things open at once LOLOL..... but I am fine, thanks for asking. I actually wanted to speak to you yaar; how was your friend's funeral (if you are ok with answering this)....you okay? :)

@Aeronaut.......LMAOOO....I love that song, but kya yaar emperor...tumbhi nah itnay sad song kay saath line martay ho....very disappointed :D
Btw , what ever happend to that video you were editing...share it with me loser :P
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You take things too seriously!! Just drop it and move it on...it doesn't need to be said!


y so serious?-

I also got why Pakistani men are handsome? - This is actually widely believed here in the US too....but I'll be honest, maybe it's because I don't know too many Pakistani people here, but I have not encountered any guy but one that was handsome. And he had a horrible personality LOLOL so I am sure there are very good looking ones but I really don't believe that or am not attracted to it. So it's funny because I always wonder the same thing, why do ppl feel that way loololol...guess it depends on taste and a lot of people like that kind of look on guys :P

why Pakistani men marry american women ?? My best friend is white and she is dating a Pakistani guy LOLOL....I remember talking to him and he said he wasn't into brown girls because they are "too controlling and full of drama" and he hasn't met one that he is attracted to. I guess it's just the stereotypes in most cases that keep them away.....but I have seen that! LOL

why Indian men hold hands - not sure but I know Saudi boys do that A LOT TOO LOOOLOLOLOLOLOL

and why Indian men stare? :omghaha: :omghaha: Anyone that can answer this, shall be rewarded with a nobel prize LOLOLOL

how come you are asking this lolol did someone ask you this or something ?? :P

Pakistani men rock...period!
yes....... :)
@ZYXW That video was posted a page earlier...may not intetest you though.

Ohhh I am sure it will. Will check it tom. when I am on my laptop next time I come on.... :D
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Pakistani men rock...period!

OF COURSE THEY DO!! Don't get me wrong lololol haha I love guys from there, afterall I am from there too :P ...just I haven't met too many, so for now I just base things on my little experience with the few that I have met. There are all sorts of people in every race and each person is different! :D
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