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Naswar Corner

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no i mean other than bangaladesh which country you support the most india or Pakistan?

I will support any of these countries depend on situation that serve best my country interest ;)

man, he joined today. We can have interrogation session tomorrow.

then watch out of me, i am really pro banglaeshi ;)
I never said that. you are quoting wrong person.

what is the meaning of word 'make-belief'. Does it mean fake. Here in UK, 'stick to the left' is the rule. Its a convention, and as long as all adhere to it, there is smooth traffic flow. People understand its a convention. What part of it is 'make belief'.

Right and wrong is always measured based on rules we made up, and most often than not, to save social structure. Why cant we create such terms?

And of course some societies have gone ahead and written 'special' books, that give special authority to those right and wrongs, which is why when such societies change, they find it difficult to cope with new reality. :)

Some of them change books, some try to reinterpret it.

Absolutely everything is 'fake' ! Every single thing that we take to be 'right', 'wrong', 'reasonable', 'unreasonable' - Everything is 'fake'...its 'make-belief' !

Lets take another example - What is so inherently wrong about me picking up a candelabra & bludgeoning you to death with it ?
It's "'we' decided things", not they.

It's not a question of right or wrong. And as you know, "democracy is the worst form of government, except the rest", so if your intention is to convince me that democracy is not perfect, then I shall concede that right now. However, even Churchill did not provide an alternative, because there was none. And if your intention now is to profess the contrary, then the impetus is on you to provide said alternative.

I wasn't talking about democracy ! :suicide:

I was talking about the nature of things that we hold dear, sacrosanct & in common parlance 'No Go Areas' !

You mustn't take a human life, every child has a right to education, help the poor & the needy etc. etc. - What is this ? This all that we made up ! Every word of our so-called ideals that govern our lives is a concoction ! A fallacy...!
I wasn't talking about democracy ! :suicide:

I was talking about the nature of things that we hold dear, sacrosanct & in common parlance 'No Go Areas' !

You mustn't take a human life, every child has a right to education, help the poor & the needy etc. etc. - What is this ? This all that we made up ! Every word of our so-called ideals that govern our lives is a concoction ! A fallacy...!

Life itself is a concoction, a fallacy. Sterilize everyone I say :D
Absolutely everything is 'fake' ! Every single thing that we take to be 'right', 'wrong', 'reasonable', 'unreasonable' - Everything is 'fake'...its 'make-belief' !

Lets take another example - What is so inherently wrong about me picking up a candelabra & bludgeoning you to death with it ?

nothing wrong inherently. Infact if I was going to stab you with a knife, you might as well do that.
Society does not allow the members being killed at will, because its a threat to the social structure. However when two socities meet and their survival is threatened, they do sanction killing and call it honourable job to be in armed forces.

If killing itself was 'wrong' there wont be so many ifs and buts. :)

And I dont see anything as fake, in normal sense of English word. These are 'real' rules, made by 'real' societies, cosisting of 'real' people. They are transient though, considering our long human history.
Life itself is a concoction, a fallacy. Sterilize everyone I say :D

Actually thats a pretty good argument; if Life has no purpose as, I suppose, Nihilism would have you believe than the most logical thing to do is to pick up a revolver & blow your brains out ! :lol:

And that my friend is where I think religion comes in ? To give meaning to life & to the words we use to live by !
Yaar it all depends on Individual. I know people married but cheating their spouse.

So its all about commitment. Marriage or no marriage. Many people have live in relationship and marry later. Some people marry and then divorce/

Divorce rate is so high in many countries.

So again, you have your choice, I have mine. Lets agree to disagree.

Most relationships that have dedication honesty and commitment in them ends up in marriage any ways- after 2-3 kids-
And even that does not a guarentee divorce free marriage-

Lets agree to disagree-
nothing wrong inherently. Infact if I was going to stab you with a knife, you might as well do that.
Society does not allow the members being killed at will, because its a threat to the social structure. However when two socities meet and their survival is threatened, they do sanction killing and call it honourable job to be in armed forces.

If killing itself was 'wrong' there wont be so many ifs and buts. :)

So essentially it all comes down to - Its make-belief ! We made it up, it has no justification for it whatsoever because we thought it be 'unjust', 'unhealthy' & 'not in the best interests' of the society to allow individuals to operate as such ?

If that is true that whether something is right or wrong or whether something gets institutionalized or not is contingent on 'us deciding that it is' than it logically follows that there is no such thing as 'individual rights' & b*tching about them isn't going to make them manifest ! :lol:
I wasn't talking about democracy ! :suicide:

I was talking about the nature of things that we hold dear, sacrosanct & in common parlance 'No Go Areas' !

You mustn't take a human life, every child has a right to education, help the poor & the needy etc. etc. - What is this ? This all that we made up ! Every word of our so-called ideals that govern our lives is a concoction ! A fallacy...!

Even if we concede that all these are concoctions, what next?

I can see where your going with this and I don't believe in objective morality, but I do believe in an common sense, an innate consciousnesses , and a rational which, admittedly is evolutionary and dependent on time and culture, for as our scope of understanding increaseth, so doth our perspective.

Reasoning well thought out, is that not the yardstick for deciding the common parlance?
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