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NASA Mars curious-Lead by an Iranian


Mar 15, 2011
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Nasa mars curiosity mission was lead by an Iranian Bobak Ferdowsi and Firouz Naderi,there are many Iranian that hold great positions in NASA. imagine what we could do if we keep all our brains in Iran. long live our Iranian brothers and our achievments
NASA is a combination of all the scientists, engineers, and mechanics come together and experiment or research.
Iranians are traditionally some of the cleverest people on Earth.

The USA knows this, so they try to encourage the clever Iranians/Chinese etc. to come to America and live there permanently,

We need them back, I hope they come back one day.
Iranians are traditionally some of the cleverest people on Earth.

The USA knows this, so they try to encourage the clever Iranians/Chinese etc. to come to America and live there permanently,

We need them back, I hope they come back one day.

The USA knows this, so they try to encourage the clever Iranians/Chinese etc. to come to America and live there permanently,

No it doesn't, they come here on their own. How does the US encourage "clever" Iranians to come to America and live here permanently? Give us an example.
No it doesn't, they come here on their own. How does the US encourage "clever" Iranians to come to America and live here permanently? Give us an example.

America is the land of immigrants, and they receive more immigrants than anyone else in the world. That's their entire concept.

When you have a good standard of living and good opportunities for advancement, then immigrants will come.

If a scientist feels they have limited options for advancement in their home nation, and not the best salary... then why not come to the USA where there are better options for advancement, better salaries and better standards of living? It's simple logic.

No it doesn't, they come here on their own.

When did I say otherwise? Every country in the world wants more higher skilled immigrants.
America is the land of immigrants, and they receive more immigrants than anyone else in the world. That's their entire concept.

When you have a good standard of living and good opportunities for advancement, then immigrants will come.

If a scientist feels they have limited options for advancement in their home nation, and not the best salary... then why not come to the USA where there are better options for advancement, better salaries and better standards of living? It's simple logic.

When did I say otherwise? Every country in the world wants more higher skilled immigrants.

You said and specified (and I quote you) America deliberately "encourages" "clever Iranians/Chinese to come to America and live here permanently", that is absolute rubbish America does not "encourage" specifically encourage "Iranians/Chinese" to come to America and live here, they come here on their own seeking a better life often because they are unsatisfied with life in their home country.

They come to America, it's not America "encouraging" them to come. That is the where you're wrong.

America is the land of immigrants, and they receive more immigrants than anyone else in the world. That's their entire concept.

That still doesn't mean America "encourages clever Iranian/Chinese to come to America and live here permanently". It's not like the Iranians and Chinese that come here are always highly educated to begin with often they come here and become educated and then become highly skilled workers if they reach that far.

Also you're really overestimating the contributions of Chinese and Iranians in US, this is the same thing the Hindustanis do when they talk about their bloated figures in NASA, ironically enough most of you saying such things don't even live in the US to know from first hand experience.
You said and specified (and I quote you) America deliberately "encourages" "clever Iranians/Chinese to come to America and live here permanently", that is absolute rubbish America does not "encourage" specifically encourage "Iranians/Chinese" to come to America and live here, they come here on their own seeking a better life often because they are unsatisfied with life in their home country.

They come to America, it's not America "encouraging" them to come. That is the where you're wrong.

That still doesn't mean America "encourages clever Iranian/Chinese to come to America and live here permanently". It's not like the Iranians and Chinese that come here are always highly educated to begin with often they come here and become educated and then become highly skilled workers if they reach that far.

What a ridiculous argument based on semantics. Clearly you understood what I meant, so what's your problem?

Go ahead and take your little grammatical victory, you've surely earned it. :rolleyes:


On topic: The truth is, that a Scientist who wants to live up to their full potential, would have a better chance in a country like USA rather than in a developing country. How will a particle physicist or a nuclear scientist live up to their potential if they don't have the equipment and the academic resources in their own native country?

Only recently have Chinese Universities started competing in the top 200 Universities in the world. But the list is still entirely dominated by American Universities. You can understand why so many of the top scientists around the world want to go and live in America, they have the resources, the higher salaries, the academic institutions, etc.

In order to keep them in China, we need to not only give them the opportunities and the resources they need, but we also have to appeal to their sense of patriotism in areas where we simply cannot yet compete with America.
The USA knows this, so they try to encourage the clever Iranians/Chinese etc. to come to America and live there permanently,


Translation: America is so great it makes clever Iranians and Chinese want to come here and live here permanently.

I'm off this thread, Congratulations to the NASA team for this achievement.
So basically you knew exactly what I meant, but you decided to b---ch about it anyway.

Why am I not surprised? It is A1Kaid after all. :rolleyes:

Because you were 'spinning' the information and misrepresented it, that's something Fox News does all the time. Any ways, cheers.
^^^ Some losers can't even be happy on a thread like this, and have to b---ch and moan about semantics and grammar. When they clearly knew exactly what it meant in the first place.

Maybe it's time to get back on topic, instead of whining and crying? Excellent.
No it doesn't, they come here on their own. How does the US encourage "clever" Iranians to come to America and live here permanently? Give us an example.

The US does have several programs to attract the best and brightest from around the world. There is one for people that move to the US and start businesses and another that attracts people that can make significant contributions to science etc. Those are two that I am aware of at least.
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