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How about make a thread and start discussing ? Especially sahil adeem lectures on portals and Sumerians

This is a thread on the topic. Let's discuss what you like.

I saw a few videos of Sahil Adeem. I find he has the right attitude towards this topic, although I do not entirely understand what he has found and what his conclusions are. It will be good to share a summary of his findings here if you have it.

They made the SR71 and its engine is 70 years ahead of anything in its class and none close to it yet.
If I am not mistaken the metal to make SR71 was stolen from USSR. I saw that in a documentary long time ago.
This is a thread on the topic. Let's discuss what you like.

I saw a few videos of Sahil Adeem. I find he has the right attitude towards this topic, although I do not entirely understand what he has found and what his conclusions are. It will be good to share a summary of his findings here if you have it.
Well, Actually too much to even write here as a summary.

These are just his POVs. I would still recommend to better watch his Series of Surah Kahf and Portals, Sumerians (6 videos).

What he claims is, The Ayah in Surah Araf that claims that Allah has made Humans better than “MOST” of his creations but not all, Implying that Allah has made several creations. But then a common debate might link this with existing creations based on earth which might omit alien life from the context.

But then, He claims that when Allah Created Adam AS, Angels questioned that why is Allah creating just another creation that will shed blood on “The Land”. Implying that there has been a history of civilizations before humans that were/are intelligent and wrecked havoc. We do know that Jinns were the ones who ruled before us and still exist. Point is, Establishing the fact that humans aren’t and were never the center of universe.

Come to the Period of Idris AS (1st, Great grandfather of Nuh AS) and Nuh AS as well as Zul qarnayn, Sahil claims that they were intergalactic travellers, They had long lives, Very long, Zul qarnayn has no declared timelines yet due to lack of historical/archeological records, Some might associate him with Cyrus or Alexander but Sahil completely debunks this with his theory that Zil qarnayn, Just like Idris AS was a inter galactic king, He was not limited to earth, However, He was human and Ibn Adam and he was maintaining peace between worlds just like Idris AS.

He quotes a hadith that claims that Idris AS used to tie his horse on stars as a reference that Idris AS was indeed not an ordinary person. He takes references from Book Of Enoch (Idris) to support the inter galactic claims and the Nephilims present in bible.

He claims that Nephilims (Children of Fallen Angels) were annunakis (Sumerian mythology, Annunaki being very tall, Extra terrestrial Super beings, Came to Earth for gold extraction, Designed humans to work as slaves for the mining), And the Great flood was meant to wipe out the surge in these beings as they were very notorious and started breeding with almost anything.

He claims that Pyramids, Dome of the Rock, And Kaaba are actually places where portals can open, (Pyramids due to its association with Idris AS travels, Library beneath the pyramids, Dome of Rock due to Miraj, Kaaba due to many hypothetical reasons.). He associates library of alexandria with records of Idris AS and the secret knowledge he and Nuh AS possessed about space travel which was later lost.

He also claims that Zul qarnayn also had the knowledge and he used his gifts to conceal Yajuj Majuj who were already on another planet to their planet as Yajuj Majuj were also space travelers and invaders so they had to be restricted. He quotes strong support to his claims by some Ayahs at the end of Surah Kahf that really can make his claims strong. He quotes “واتينه من كل شيءٍ سببا" ، ء. Sababaa here means “Ways”, We showed him (Zul Qarnayn) ways. And he went on those ways until he reached a nation that had no defense against sun. Sahil claims that the reference here is lack of Ozone protection on this planet due to the specific wordings used in Ayah (watch vids) and that this nation complained about raids by Yajuj Majuj. Given the way things are portrayed in this Surah, It is definitely not easy to place every such thing on earth as we can’t see any archeological evidence for such a huge nation (Yajuj Majuj), A nation that would drink whole of Euphrates once they return (Not even whole of human population can finish that).

So coming to his point about all the Yajuj Majuj, Idris, Nuh, Zul Qarnayn and how all this links up with Dajjal even though Dajjal is nowhere found in Quran. He quotes Christianity references “Times of Antichrist will be just like the times of Nuh”, If going by this, Nuh AS time was filled with alien invasions or infiltration, So will Dajjal’s time be.

How Dajjal links up ? He thinks that Dajjal will try to gain (or possess) knowledge about Idris/Zul qarnayn travel method or portals they used or how to open and he will do something that will break the barrier of Yajuj Majuj due to which just after Dajjals death, Yajuj majuj will come out of nowhere and plunder the earth. Dajjal will have power to open portals which explains how he will be able to travel so fast almost anywhere in the world. Plus, Dajjal has relation to Time dilation Because a sahih hadeeth specifically mentions that a day will feel like year, Another like a month and then it will be just a normal day.

He also claims that dajjal is a time traveller because different ahadith claim totally different things which is conflicting.

- Hadith claims that Tamim Al Dari RA met Dajjal while on a voyage and got lost in a storm, Dajjal was a tall and strong man, Tied.

- Prophet SA saw Dajjal chained up during Miraj

- During the time of Umar RA, It is reported that People in Madinah had strong suspicions on a young boy with traits similar to dajjal. Later on, They understood that he wasn’t. But why were they confused when they already knew from the story of Tamim ad dari that he met dajjal who was a grown up man and yet they were claiming that this young child was dajjal or in other places, He isn’t born and in some other places that he was born to an old jewish couple very long before. Time contradictions, Explains time travels or totally something new.

Sumerians were most probably the first after Nuh Flood, Their tablets found from ziggurat of ur have all sorts of weird drawings and inscriptions. When USA invaded Iraq, They prioritized the hijacking of 32000 sumerian tablets from Iraq museum on which Saddam Hussein was working on (what was he working on ?). Some tablets were later returned but it is believed that the tablets were airlifted in containers to Israel. A country having already possessing something like F22, Going in for a secret ops with Extra confidential task list, Sounds weird.

As for the reason why We are advised to Read Surah kahf each friday or specifically, First and last 10 Ayah is maybe because these Ayahs contain some secret encodings that can only be understood during the time of dajjal and that the circumstances will lead humans to make some use from these Ayahs, Maybe they are a key to something.

As for Portals, He claims that portals have been all along, Even the conceal of Yajuj Majuj on a remote planet means closing a portal that can lead them to us, and that Dajjal will mess up the portals which Idris, Nuh AS and Zul QA closed due to which yajuj majuj will appear. He says that Yajuj Majuj are also Ibn Adam but on a different planet and that Humans aren’t limited to earth but Atleast 7 planets, All coming down from Adam AS, Each having their own Musa, Isa and Muhammad. SA. He also claims that when Allah brought the great flood, It is mentioned in Ayah “We opened the doors of sky and water flooded them”, Here even many muffasirs agree that this wasn’t just rain but water gushing out from sky, Maybe a portal that caused flood. It is believed that Allah rained the water on Earth from one of the many rivers that flow from the Tree of Life (Sidra tul muntaha). It’s quite interesting when you see how The concept of tree is common, Norse mythology, Christianity, Judaism, Sumerians, zoroastrianism, Even Some books of Hindus.

Also, Many idols found around the world in different corners, Have facial/feature similarity which is no coincidence, Siberians, Eskimos, Europe (ancient turkey), Mayans, Hindus, All might actually be annunakis/nephilims/aliens who people started worshipping.

I could continue all day but Now I am getting weary.

There is a difference between writing something and watching it
@Mentee, I have spent 15+ years studying supernatural, aliens, metaphysical and spirituality topics beyond standard science. I've concluded Aliens are real. It is a conclusion that started with a denial → to scepticism → to a conclusion that aliens are real. I've concluded they exist and believe in Allah, the afterlife and "Saza-o-Jaza" (What you give out is what you get back). There are many kinds of those and some share common traits with humanity.

How humanity takes those aliens is a separate problem. It is a human problem. Aliens are just another life form living on a different planet. They are born, they die, they study, they grow and evolve as we humans do. Some humans have taken them in the wrong context, but some humans have also taken cows, monkeys and human genitalia in the wrong context and end up worshipping them.

Despite believing that aliens exist, I am Alhamdolillah as Muslim and as Mohid as Allah has accepted for me. Infect my research on other life-forms has drawn me closer to Allah and to my Prophet Muhammad SAWW.

what about this school of thought, Aliens are what we refer as JINN? what if JANAAT and DOZAAKH are different planets?
It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?

What if his watch malfunctioned?
what about this school of thought, Aliens are what we refer as JINN? what if JANAAT and DOZAAKH are different planets?
Cannot be, Simply not possible. The universe is restricted to the dimension of time. It has a start and an end while Jannah and Jahannum in Islam has no end.

One could consider that in case we take the concept of Hell Heaven from Hinduism’s “Moksha” (Transcedence) concept. It’s an interesting one though. It claims that Humans keep reincarnating, In one particular lifetime, You do good, Die and go to heaven, Reap benefits until your seeds of good are claimed and then you are born again in world. And same goes for bad, But if you do good to a certain level in one particular lifetime, You don’t go to heaven or hell but become integrated with Consciousness or God and break from the cycle of reincarnation. The concept of Ragnarok in norse mythology is similar.

So coming back, Universe will end, So Jannah and Jahannum can’t be just another planet. You can say that it might be another dimension thing, Not limited to 3D, Because Allah says “No eye has ever witnessed, Can’t imagine”. So probably it might even be something that we humans lack the ability to wonder or create visuals.
And if that is the case, Then the Garden of Eden wasn’t Actual Jannah but it might have been some place on earth which might have been very beautiful
The proposed new UAP office would have to report on health-related effects for individuals who have experienced UAPs. What kind of thing might happen if you were near one?

A lot. Let me give you a notional... I’ve got to be careful, I can’t speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, “Lue, it’s really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days.” Well, that’s a sign of radiation. That’s not a sunburn; it’s a radiation burn. Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.” And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, “You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?” Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of space time. And the closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience space time relative to the vehicle and the environment.

@SQ8 @PanzerKiel @Blacklight @Ark_Angel @Rashid Mahmood @airomerix @Hodor @Raider 21 @dbc @gambit @Dazzler @Signalian @KAL-EL @RescueRanger @Tps43 @jaibi @Irfan Baloch@TruthSeeker
This isn’t something new, Pilots from WW2 and different occasions have claimed the same for Bermuda Triangle or aerial encounters inside sudden cloud formations
what if there is another universe? what if there are multiple universes and jannat and dozakh are one of the universes Allah created? the universe we are living in might end but it's not necessary that all other universes will die as well?
“You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?”

Simple: a bad watch! :D
Well, Actually too much to even write here as a summary.

These are just his POVs. I would still recommend to better watch his Series of Surah Kahf and Portals, Sumerians (6 videos).

What he claims is, The Ayah in Surah Araf that claims that Allah has made Humans better than “MOST” of his creations but not all, Implying that Allah has made several creations. But then a common debate might link this with existing creations based on earth which might omit alien life from the context.

Yes, my understanding is the same. Humans are not the best creation ever, although we are the best creation on Earth.

But then, He claims that when Allah Created Adam AS, Angels questioned that why is Allah creating just another creation that will shed blood on “The Land”. Implying that there has been a history of civilizations before humans that were/are intelligent and wrecked havoc. We do know that Jinns were the ones who ruled before us and still exist. Point is, Establishing the fact that humans aren’t and were never the center of universe.

If you look at galactic timelines, you will find earth is 4.5 billion years old but humans are here for the last 12,000 years or so. We know the chain of Prophets and chain literally ends with Prophet Adam around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. As compared to planet earth's life, this timeline is a fraction. It is quite possible that the Earth was home to someone else before humans came down.

Come to the Period of Idris AS (1st, Great grandfather of Nuh AS) and Nuh AS as well as Zul qarnayn, Sahil claims that they were intergalactic travellers, They had long lives, Very long, Zul qarnayn has no declared timelines yet due to lack of historical/archeological records, Some might associate him with Cyrus or Alexander but Sahil completely debunks this with his theory that Zil qarnayn, Just like Idris AS was a inter galactic king, He was not limited to earth, However, He was human and Ibn Adam and he was maintaining peace between worlds just like Idris AS.

He quotes a hadith that claims that Idris AS used to tie his horse on stars as a reference that Idris AS was indeed not an ordinary person. He takes references from the Book Of Enoch (Idris) to support the intergalactic claims and the Nephilims present in the Bible.

His opinion is welcome but it's exactly that, an opinion among other opinions. Prophet Adam had 950 years of life and was a tall human. Other prophets too had centuries-long life but long-life or height is not evidenced of an intergalactic time-traveller. Biologically, we are their descendent and therefore they were humans as we are.

He claims that Nephilims (Children of Fallen Angels) were annunakis (Sumerian mythology, Annunaki being very tall, Extra terrestrial Super beings, Came to Earth for gold extraction, Designed humans to work as slaves for the mining), And the Great flood was meant to wipe out the surge in these beings as they were very notorious and started breeding with almost anything.

Sahil is inspired by Zecharia Sitchin on Sumerians and gold diggers theory. I do not buy the creation of human beings as a slave race to extract gold. Gold is not an earthly mineral and like iron, gold also came down from other stars (collapsing suns). It is quite likely that other planets have higher proportions of gold than Earth has. So why create a "biological slave" just to extract a material which may be in abundance elsewhere? Biological engineering is much harder and much painfully long as compared to creating robots. Why not create machines to do the gold-digging/accumulation instead?

He claims that Pyramids, Dome of the Rock, And Kaaba are actually places where portals can open, (Pyramids due to its association with Idris AS travels, Library beneath the pyramids, Dome of Rock due to Miraj, Kaaba due to many hypothetical reasons.). He associates the library of Alexandria with records of Idris AS and the secret knowledge he and Nuh AS possessed about space travel which was later lost.

Allah alone knows the best. Prophet SAWW did start his travel to skies from that rock. We are told Buraak took off from there. May be it is portal but portals are beyond human understanding at this stage.

He also claims that Zul qarnayn also had the knowledge and he used his gifts to conceal Yajuj Majuj who were already on another planet to their planet as Yajuj Majuj were also space travelers and invaders so they had to be restricted. He quotes strong support to his claims by some Ayahs at the end of Surah Kahf that really can make his claims strong. He quotes “واتينه من كل شيءٍ سببا" ، ء. Sababaa here means “Ways”, We showed him (Zul Qarnayn) ways. And he went on those ways until he reached a nation that had no defence against the sun. Sahil claims that the reference here is lack of Ozone protection on this planet due to the specific wording used in Ayah (watch vids) and that this nation complained about raids by Yajuj Majuj. Given the way things are portrayed in this Surah, It is definitely not easy to place every such thing on earth as we can’t see any archeological evidence for such a huge nation (Yajuj Majuj), A nation that would drink whole of Euphrates once they return (Not even whole of the human population can finish that).

I lack research on the topic, but learnings from Dr. Israar thinks Yajooj Majooj are Mongols who speak a language not known by others, are large in number, have mountains from where they'll come down and they're the only humans who eat everything that moves. It may be Mongols or it may be aliens. Allah knows the best.

So coming to his point about all the Yajuj Majuj, Idris, Nuh, Zul Qarnayn and how all this links up with Dajjal even though Dajjal is nowhere found in Quran. He quotes Christianity references “Times of Antichrist will be just like the times of Nuh”, If going by this, Nuh AS time was filled with alien invasions or infiltration, So will Dajjal’s time be.

Yes that will be a time, unlike any other time humanity saw. Also after Yajooj Majood are killed, it is said that people from the "4th sky" will come and throw their rotting dead bodies into oceans. It does sound like Aliens will come down then and their visits will frequent/common then.

How Dajjal links up ? He thinks that Dajjal will try to gain (or possess) knowledge about Idris/Zul qarnayn travel method or portals they used or how to open and he will do something that will break the barrier of Yajuj Majuj due to which just after Dajjals death, Yajuj majuj will come out of nowhere and plunder the earth. Dajjal will have power to open portals which explains how he will be able to travel so fast almost anywhere in the world. Plus, Dajjal has relation to Time dilation Because a sahih hadeeth specifically mentions that a day will feel like year, Another like a month and then it will be just a normal day.

Yes that's possible. May Allah save our Imans then. Aamin.

He also claims that dajjal is a time traveller because different ahadith claim totally different things which is conflicting.

- Hadith claims that Tamim Al Dari RA met Dajjal while on a voyage and got lost in a storm, Dajjal was a tall and strong man, Tied.

- Prophet SA saw Dajjal chained up during Miraj

- During the time of Umar RA, It is reported that People in Madinah had strong suspicions on a young boy with traits similar to dajjal. Later on, They understood that he wasn’t. But why were they confused when they already knew from the story of Tamim ad dari that he met dajjal who was a grown up man and yet they were claiming that this young child was dajjal or in other places, He isn’t born and in some other places that he was born to an old jewish couple very long before. Time contradictions, Explains time travels or totally something new.

Sumerians were most probably the first after Nuh Flood, Their tablets found from ziggurat of ur have all sorts of weird drawings and inscriptions. When USA invaded Iraq, They prioritized the hijacking of 32000 sumerian tablets from Iraq museum on which Saddam Hussein was working on (what was he working on ?). Some tablets were later returned but it is believed that the tablets were airlifted in containers to Israel. A country having already possessing something like F22, Going in for a secret ops with Extra confidential task list, Sounds weird.

It may be true. I have no opinion on this bit.

As for the reason why We are advised to Read Surah kahf each friday or specifically, First and last 10 Ayah is maybe because these Ayahs contain some secret encodings that can only be understood during the time of dajjal and that the circumstances will lead humans to make some use from these Ayahs, Maybe they are a key to something.

On reading Sura Kahf, we read it because Prophet Muhammad SAWW had told us so. How Allah receives that Sura or any Sura is beyond our comprehension. It will be a futile (and unwise) exercise to conclude that there's an encoding. BisMillah Irahman Iraheem is very powerful in itself. How it works is the knowledge of Allah or who Allah bestowed.

As for Portals, He claims that portals have been all along, Even the conceal of Yajuj Majuj on a remote planet means closing a portal that can lead them to us, and that Dajjal will mess up the portals which Idris, Nuh AS and Zul QA closed due to which yajuj majuj will appear. He says that Yajuj Majuj are also Ibn Adam but on a different planet and that Humans aren’t limited to earth but Atleast 7 planets, All coming down from Adam AS, Each having their own Musa, Isa and Muhammad. SA. He also claims that when Allah brought the great flood, It is mentioned in Ayah “We opened the doors of sky and water flooded them”, Here even many muffasirs agree that this wasn’t just rain but water gushing out from sky, Maybe a portal that caused flood. It is believed that Allah rained the water on Earth from one of the many rivers that flow from the Tree of Life (Sidra tul muntaha). It’s quite interesting when you see how The concept of tree is common, Norse mythology, Christianity, Judaism, Sumerians, zoroastrianism, Even Some books of Hindus.

That will be too much imagination in my opinion. Human knowledge is limited no matter in which direction you go and I think that is the best criteria for us to draw a line for ourselves and stop at the line. How flood was created is Allah's knowledge. We can read Quran and accept that Allah sent down water from the skies but how it actually happened is neither mentioned nor our imagination can help us decide. So let's stop where Allah has finished his Ayaat. Going beyond that point will be sailing in the ocean of imagination and it is exactly that.. just imagination. That cannot be a source of knowledge or conclusions for us no matter how long we ponder.

Also, Many idols found around the world in different corners, Have facial/feature similarity which is no coincidence, Siberians, Eskimos, Europe (ancient turkey), Mayans, Hindus, All might actually be annunakis/nephilims/aliens who people started worshipping.

Yea there are as many faces as many imaginations humans had. Unfortunate that they crate idols out of their imagination but fail to realise Almighty who's creations are everywhere. Humans are not smart!

I could continue all day but Now I am getting weary. There is a difference between writing something and watching it

@StormBreaker, you've written a lot - and thank you for that! Like yourself, I am curious and a student of these topics. Since these subjects are beyond standard science and sometimes step into the boundry of faith and religious definitions, I would suggest we exercise caution. To study these matters, one needs a healthy balance between curiosity and scepticism and should receive evidence and contemplate on it for long (for months and years) before reaching a conclusion. It's not a 2+2=4 kind of study and not all the pieces of the puzzle are available to us. So being thirsty for knowledge is required, and so much it is required that we keep our "bull$hit filters" in good shape. Not everything which is thrown at us is valid, and not everything which appears invalid is actually invalid. It is a very interesting road into the unknown where you discover new possibilities and sometimes facts.

I find the prayer "Allah huma Ihday Nasirat al Mustaqeem" a very helpful prayer where we beg Allah to show us the right path as on our own, we may not know which path is the straight one - so please guide us and keep us on the path that You call the Straight Path and save us from the path of those who lost it or who got astray.

May Allah help fulfil our curiosity and still keep us on the path. Aamin.

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what if there is another universe? what if there are multiple universes and jannat and dozakh are one of the universes Allah created? the universe we are living in might end but it's not necessary that all other universes will die as well?

Allah alone is eternal. Everything is created and will vanish one day. Everything we see on the planet has a lifespan. That lifespan may be thousands of millions of years but nevertheless a time after which they'll cease to exist. Maybe what we call Qyamat is a local phenomenon for our solar system where our Sun and our Moon will be squashed and that will crate ongoing darkness. Maybe other galaxies will continue to exist with thousands of human-like lifeforms who will vanish at their time of Qayamat.

Looking at the vastness of skies and possibilities of parallel realities... feels like our earthly existence is just a bubble in the water where other bubbles are continuousy being made and existing bubbles are concluding their fate. That aspect help us imagine how Great our Allah Kareem is who's running unimaginable circles of life within circles of life.

F-35 is superior to the F-22 in everything but flight performance

Then please explain why the F-22 is completely classified and banned from export, while the F-35 is being sold left and right.
Then please explain why the F-22 is completely classified and banned from export, while the F-35 is being sold left and right.
F-22 was banned from export back then, it truly was something else.
This is a report,

Nowadays, the case is different. There's simply no F-22 production lines anymore.
F-35 incorporates better technologies far superior to the ones on the F-22, like the DAS, new avionics etc.

F-35 is the result of the JSF. It was designed to be exported.
I made sure there was no bhang in my chai as I read through this thread.

Especially the suggestion that Rehmat ul il Aalameen is one of many — laholwilaquwat

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