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NASA chief Bill Nelson 300 UFO sightings and ET life

How humanity takes those aliens is a separate problem. It is a human problem. Aliens are just another life form living on a different planet. They are born, they die, they study, they grow and evolve as we humans do. Some humans have taken them in the wrong context, but some humans have also taken cows, monkeys and human genitalia in the wrong context and end up worshipping them.

They can come inhabit the planet earth anytime , no qualms about that ------. Just mind their business and don't bother us with our beliefs and wealth e.g Monotheism , women , kids , livestock, water crops etc like what used to be the norm/normal in dark ages------.

Taking physical shape has its cons which mean they like us could bleed too , hypothetically speaking -------.
Not aliens... these beings are future humans visiting their past generations (us).. :sick:

This verse has a universal appeal then

He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muḥammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him].
This verse has a universal appeal then

He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muḥammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him].
Bhai I was joking.

What's the relevance of this Ayat with the subject in discussion, I am unable to understand.
Bhai I was joking.

What's the relevance of this Ayat with the subject in discussion, I am unable to understand.

Some people just get overawed quite frequently and also want others to share the adrenaline rush -----. This was directed at them.
Wormholes need not traveling 40 trillion km's. You just need to find the way to enter and exit it at specified points.

@jamahir you are a weird guy. ( In a good way, trust me :agree: ). You study about these things. I recently watched a TV show called "The 100". There was this concept of "The stone" which was created by a higher being civilization which descended. They placed those stones in different planets. And they used those points as ports for traveling among those planets in no time (literally seconds). You want to Know about this more ?


More on them

Lol, It was a rough time trying to force me complete that series with all sorts of bs in it. Concepts were great though especially transcendence
Aliens would be perplexed by us.

I mean technically every individual owes money to something (national debt).

So they'll be visiting a planet where everyone is in debt yet there's enough resources for everyone to be happy...
@Mentee, I have spent 15+ years studying supernatural, aliens, metaphysical and spirituality topics beyond standard science. I've concluded Aliens are real. It is a conclusion that started with a denial → to scepticism → to a conclusion that aliens are real. I've concluded they exist and believe in Allah, the afterlife and "Saza-o-Jaza" (What you give out is what you get back). There are many kinds of those and some share common traits with humanity.

How humanity takes those aliens is a separate problem. It is a human problem. Aliens are just another life form living on a different planet. They are born, they die, they study, they grow and evolve as we humans do. Some humans have taken them in the wrong context, but some humans have also taken cows, monkeys and human genitalia in the wrong context and end up worshipping them.

Despite believing that aliens exist, I am Alhamdolillah as Muslim and as Mohid as Allah has accepted for me. Infect my research on other life-forms has drawn me closer to Allah and to my Prophet Muhammad SAWW.
How about make a thread and start discussing ? Especially sahil adeem lectures on portals and Sumerians
If the universe is infinite then possibilities and probabilities are infinite too. It's then very unlikely that we are alone.
And a lot of it was reversed engineered from the other worldly ship that was discovered.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over"
Yes I remember that
The name of the other ship found was
The Fortress of Solitude
aka scout ship 0344.
It was actually located on Ellesmere port
They can come inhabit the planet earth anytime , no qualms about that ------. Just mind their business and don't bother us with our beliefs and wealth e.g Monotheism , women , kids , livestock, water crops etc like what used to be the norm/normal in dark ages------.

Taking physical shape has its cons which mean they like us could bleed too , hypothetically speaking -------.

Agree, if aliens thought they should take over the planet, they would've done it a few centuries ago. Apparently, they've been visiting since ancient ages. My finding is they don't have bad intentions towards us. They visit us to get what they need (earth resources, samples etc) but are responsible for cattle mutilation, and human abductions too which sometimes end in their deaths. Killing humans or dominating the planet is not the primary intention.
God knows what super weapon these crackheads are testing nowadays. They made the F-22 in the 90s and it's still decades ahead of anything the rest of the world can put up (including the F-35), maybe bar the J-20 which is still considered inferior by most.


They made the SR71 and its engine is 70 years ahead of anything in its class and none close to it yet.

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