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NASA chief Bill Nelson 300 UFO sightings and ET life

I fell off my chair laughing after reading the title.

Wins the "Captain Obvious" award of the month. :lol:

And is Pentagon whistleblower Lue Elizondo related to Hector? That's what enquiring minds would really like to know. 8-)
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Yes, my understanding is the same. Humans are not the best creation ever, although we are the best creation on Earth.

The word used for us humans is "Ashraf ul Makhlooqat" , the best of the creations. Angels were ordered to bow down to our father Adam and they obeyed, even the leader of Jinns, ibless (Satan) was ordered to do the same , but he disobeyed out of arrogance. While I agree that there are theories going about that humans are not the best of creations but what I mentioned above, really doesnt add up with humans being lesser creations.

The confusion comes, when we are talking about our "technological advancements" as compared to what we think/perceive is out there in universe, other sentient beings, i.e. aliens. Logically, rather religiously speaking, we are a very young creations, 15000 years old, maybe stretching to 20k at max. We are not dumb, its just "others" got a head start against us when it comes to creations. Out of three sentient being that we already know, Angels, Jinns and us, we are the last. 1400 years ago, our Prophet (PBUH) clarified without any ambiguity that he was the last prophet , and his birth is the major sign of the Judgement day, an event which will wipe out the current universe and all livings (including aliens) within. Its logical to come to conclusion that we are the last sentient being, and best of the best. And tbh, as Allah mentioned in Quran, our sole purpose of creation is to worship him, nothing else. Our tag, "Ashraf ul Makhlookat" comes from us to be given this privilege that perhaps no other creations have, that one to one connection with Allah, the place where are allowed access 5 times a day where even the top angel cannot step beyond. Our spirituality is limitless.

From aliens perspective, observing humanity, and where we were, where we are, and where we heading, they must be shit scared and these lot will bring the judgement day anytime, going down, and taking all of them along. lol

One serious note, most of the replies I have seen here are basically fools who dont study.

“And Of His Signs Is The Creation Of The Heavens And Earth And What He Has Spread Forth In Both Of Them Of Living Beings. And He Is All-Powerful To Gather Them Together When He Wills.” (42:29)

along with others of them who have not yet joined them ˹in faith˺. For He is the Almighty, All-Wise. (62:3)


They said, 'Who are they, O Allah's Messenger?' The Prophet ﷺ did not reply until they repeated the question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah's Messenger ﷺ placed his hand on Salman, saying,
(If faith were on Ath-Thurayya (Pleiades), even then some men or a man from these people would attain it.)" Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Jarir collected this Hadith. This Hadith indicates that Surat Al-Jumu'ah was revealed in Al-Madinah and that the Messenger's Message is universal.

Tafsir ibn Kathir mentiond this :

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Let it be known to you, (pointing at west horizon) there’s a white Earth there. Sun is 40 times brighter there. There exists a creation of Allah, none of them have ever gone astray.”

The companions said, “Where’s Satan then, to them?”

“They do not know of creation of Satan.”

“Are they humans? Children of Adam?”

“No,” the Prophet replied, “they even don’t know of Adam.”

The authenticity may be disputed but it is there in ibn kathir.

I did some guesswork on this, using stellarium to get some idea of how the sky was like during Prophet (PBUH) in Madina. Hijra was in 622, around that time. The Pleiades system aligned perfect with west during winter season.


If you search for "Pleiadeans", apparently, in Ufology, they are species which reside in Pleiades star cluster. Their traits, highly spiritual beings. Most closet to Humans in appearance.

Bottom line is, people may have different views and interpretations, but to reject the whole idea of outer earth life forms, is basically rejecting Quran where Allah clearly mentioned that he spread life forms all across the heavens.
I fell off my chair laughing after reading the title.

Wins the "Captain Obvious" award of the month. :lol:

And is Pentagon whistleblower Lue Elizondo related to Hector? That's what enquiring minds would really like to know. 8-)
I heard they are recalling Captain J.T.Kirk from retirment to deal with the matter.
Preparing us for real life Independence Day (the movie) event? All humanity under one leadership? The false messiah? or is it all a distraction from something even more sinister?

Without a doubt they all work for the false messiah.
The word used for us humans is "Ashraf ul Makhlooqat" , the best of the creations. Angels were ordered to bow down to our father Adam and they obeyed, even the leader of Jinns, ibless (Satan) was ordered to do the same , but he disobeyed out of arrogance. While I agree that there are theories going about that humans are not the best of creations but what I mentioned above, really doesnt add up with humans being lesser creations.

The confusion comes, when we are talking about our "technological advancements" as compared to what we think/perceive is out there in universe, other sentient beings, i.e. aliens. Logically, rather religiously speaking, we are a very young creations, 15000 years old, maybe stretching to 20k at max. We are not dumb, its just "others" got a head start against us when it comes to creations. Out of three sentient being that we already know, Angels, Jinns and us, we are the last. 1400 years ago, our Prophet (PBUH) clarified without any ambiguity that he was the last prophet , and his birth is the major sign of the Judgement day, an event which will wipe out the current universe and all livings (including aliens) within. Its logical to come to conclusion that we are the last sentient being, and best of the best. And tbh, as Allah mentioned in Quran, our sole purpose of creation is to worship him, nothing else. Our tag, "Ashraf ul Makhlookat" comes from us to be given this privilege that perhaps no other creations have, that one to one connection with Allah, the place where are allowed access 5 times a day where even the top angel cannot step beyond. Our spirituality is limitless.

From aliens perspective, observing humanity, and where we were, where we are, and where we heading, they must be shit scared and these lot will bring the judgement day anytime, going down, and taking all of them along. lol

One serious note, most of the replies I have seen here are basically fools who dont study.

“And Of His Signs Is The Creation Of The Heavens And Earth And What He Has Spread Forth In Both Of Them Of Living Beings. And He Is All-Powerful To Gather Them Together When He Wills.” (42:29)

along with others of them who have not yet joined them ˹in faith˺. For He is the Almighty, All-Wise. (62:3)


They said, 'Who are they, O Allah's Messenger?' The Prophet ﷺ did not reply until they repeated the question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah's Messenger ﷺ placed his hand on Salman, saying,
(If faith were on Ath-Thurayya (Pleiades), even then some men or a man from these people would attain it.)" Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Jarir collected this Hadith. This Hadith indicates that Surat Al-Jumu'ah was revealed in Al-Madinah and that the Messenger's Message is universal.

Tafsir ibn Kathir mentiond this :

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Let it be known to you, (pointing at west horizon) there’s a white Earth there. Sun is 40 times brighter there. There exists a creation of Allah, none of them have ever gone astray.”

The companions said, “Where’s Satan then, to them?”

“They do not know of creation of Satan.”

“Are they humans? Children of Adam?”

“No,” the Prophet replied, “they even don’t know of Adam.”

The authenticity may be disputed but it is there in ibn kathir.

I did some guesswork on this, using stellarium to get some idea of how the sky was like during Prophet (PBUH) in Madina. Hijra was in 622, around that time. The Pleiades system aligned perfect with west during winter season.

View attachment 792803

If you search for "Pleiadeans", apparently, in Ufology, they are species which reside in Pleiades star cluster. Their traits, highly spiritual beings. Most closet to Humans in appearance.

Bottom line is, people may have different views and interpretations, but to reject the whole idea of outer earth life forms, is basically rejecting Quran where Allah clearly mentioned that he spread life forms all across the heavens.

Jazak Allah Khair. I've learned something new here.

On "Sharaf al Mahlooqat", my learning is that it is not the word of the Quran, rather Allah Kareem used the word "Taqweem" which means "Proportion" or "Mould". It is close to the word Taqseem (division) and Taqweem (proportion) and both describe physical or structural beauty.



I am familiar with Peladians or Tall Whites and many other alien types "insiders" claim they interacted wtih. Many of them are like humans and some claim if they were among humans, you couldn't spot them in a crowed as they would jell amon common people. WaAllah Aalim o Khabir.

On the planet Earth itself, humans are one among many smart-life-forms, some of whom have languages and live in tribes as humans. One of them is Orang Pendek (video) which is a human-like life form living in Malaysia, mysterious smart-life-forms found in Mexico (video), and more recently (and a topic qutite close to my heart) is Bigfoots (video). Infect I know a place near victoria which possibly has a bigfoot hut they create for their youngones to sleep at night. I've got many photos and videos of it and visit that place once a few month. Everytime I go there, the hut has grown. Also study about Merrylin Crypid Museum (video), an ancient crypto zoology collector who has skeletons and preserved bodies of animal species yet to enter mainstream, and finally, the mermaid like life-form (video) living in the oceans.

In short, there are many life-forms right on the planet Earth. The moment we open our eyes, we experience a word far vast and far diverse than we though. Even on the planet earth, humans are not alone - or the lone smart creation of Allah subhab-e-waTaela, and as we grow our consciousness towards skies and other possible life-forms, we just witness more and more wonders of The One.

Switching back to topic of Aliens, there are people who claim they're in contact with them even now. There has been attempts to communicate them them using telepathy and other means, such as crop-circles. One of them is called Arecibo Message which was reply to a human message and Aliens spoke back in the simiar fashion as humans did.


I mean how much evidence is enough to for us to conclude that humans are not alone. There is a difference between being a skeptic (in need of informaiton to conclude) and synnic (in denial no matter what). Humans who are synical cannot be helped but for skeptics... there is more evidence than they can absorb.
The Universe is a virus that multiplies infinitely. Each Universe has trillions of black holes and each black hole has entire universes within them past the singularity. Those Universes inside black holes then have trillions of black holes themselves and the process goes on eternally. Scientists say it takes 10 to the power of 100 years for a black hole to dissappear which is 10 with 100zeroes behind it.
What is with these UFO threads?

And so many theories from members. Some of you are posting things that are frauds. The crop circle thing is just humans having fun with the actual real signal sent into space (by humans). The popular small alien shaped being is not a response received!
Are aliens among us? Michio Kaku on UFOs and China-US space race

From UFOs to hypersonic weapons and China in space, American theoretical physicist and futurist Michio Kaku covers it all in the fourth episode of Talking Post with SCMP chief news editor Yonden Lhatoo. Nothing is off limits for the co-founder of string field theory and author of the new book The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything.

@KAL-EL @Hamartia Antidote
Are we alien hybrids? 👽

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