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NASA chief Bill Nelson 300 UFO sightings and ET life

Yes they have, years ago. In fact we have our own PDF ambassador to them - @isro2222.

My comment wasn't to belittle the thread or comments.
As a matter of fact, there is so much evidence of unknown, unidentified objects and data with almost all the Security/Governments/Military organisations in the world that there is absolutely no doubt that there had been contact, a logical thing to happen.
My comment wasn't to belittle the thread or comments.
As a matter of fact, there is so much evidence of unknown, unidentified objects and data with almost all the Security/Governments/Military organisations in the world that there is absolutely no doubt that there had been contact, a logical thing to happen.

I know you were serious and so was I in post# 7. :)

My funny comment was just momentary. I agree to the seriousness of the OP and any serious post responding to the OP.
Found this video the other day.. something is landing on the surface of the Moon.. and it must be huge, like miles long.


Another mystery object with a circular "shield" extracts plasma from the surface of the sun. Dated 2012.
NASA chief Bill Nelson latest official to suggest UFOs have otherworldly origins

In a freewheeling Oct. 19 discussion on space policy, NASA administrator Bill Nelson spoke passionately about his agency’s mission to seek out life beyond Earth. In his comments, Nelson pivoted almost immediately to a series of U.S. military encounters with mysterious flying objects, many of which appeared to maneuver in extraordinary ways while in restricted airspace.

After speaking with several of the naval aviators who observed the unknown craft, NASA’s chief is convinced that the pilots “saw something, and their radars locked onto it.” Asked to speculate about the nature of the phenomena, Nelson – an Army veteran, former senator and ex-astronaut – responded, “Who am I to say that planet Earth is the only location of a life form that is civilized and organized like ours?”

As surprising as his answer may be, Nelson is only the latest high-level official to hint that UFOs may have otherworldly explanations.

Asked in June about the military’s recent encounters with mysterious craft, former President Bill Clinton – like Nelson – responded by pondering the vastness of the universe and the high probability of life existing beyond Earth. Similarly, former President Obama speculated about the extraordinary implications if recent incidents involved otherworldly objects. Of note, Clinton and Obama retain access to top-level intelligence briefings.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Queried about the Navy’s encounters with UFOs, former CIA director John Brennan speculated that the objects might “constitute a different form of life.” Channeling Clinton, Obama and NASA’s Nelson, Brennan stated that “it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe.”

In much the same vein, former CIA Director James Woolsey, a longtime UFO skeptic, recently signaled openness to the possibility that such encounters have otherworldly explanations.

John Ratcliffe, former President Trump’s director of national intelligence, is particularly vocal about UFOs.

In a series of interviews, Ratcliffe ruled out secret U.S. technology and cited “high confidence” intelligence assessments to eliminate foreign adversaries as possible explanations for the most compelling UFO encounters. According to the former head of U.S. intelligence, some UFOs exhibit “technologies that we don’t have and, frankly, that we are not capable of defending against.”

Like Ratcliffe, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) ruled out foreign powers or highly classified American technology, leaving few explanations for the phenomena.

By now, readers should be sufficiently convinced that this topic transcends America’s deepest political fault lines.

Perhaps more importantly, Luis Elizondo, former director of a Pentagon unit that analyzed military encounters with UFOs, has suggested that the most compelling incidents have extraterrestrial explanations. Ditto for Christopher Mellon, the top civilian military intelligence official during the Clinton and second Bush administrations. At the same time, U.S. intelligence analysts are reportedly considering the possibility that recent encounters involved “non-human technology.”

As surprising as these developments may seem, a holistic view of the phenomenon suggests that history is repeating itself.

Reports of unidentified craft maneuvering in extraordinary ways surged in the 1940s, shortly after the first nuclear weapons were detonated. With stark parallels to recent developments, declassified documents show that from 1947 to 1952, U.S. intelligence analysts ruled out foreign adversaries – such as the Soviet Union – or highly classified American technology as plausible explanations for the most credible and compelling UFO encounters. Unsurprisingly, top military officials began “seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships.”

In early 1953, however, such objective, open-minded government analyses came to an abrupt halt.

Over several days the previous summer, pilots and radar operators in Washington, D.C., reported extraordinary (and still unexplained) encounters with unidentified objects. But the sheer volume of UFO reports – and the deluge of public queries that followed – spooked America’s defense planners.

Officials grew concerned that future mass UFO sightings would again overwhelm intelligence and communications channels. The Soviet Union, these officials worried, could exploit public interest in UFOs to sow “mass hysteria and panic,” handing Moscow a “surprise advantage in any nuclear attack.”

In response to these Cold War fears, the CIA convened a panel of scientists to assess the UFO phenomenon. Over the course of two days, the scientists, who – critically – were “not given access to the truly puzzling [UFO] cases,” recommended a sweeping government effort to “debunk” UFO sightings.

Fearing another flood of UFO reports, the CIA-convened panel reasoned that a “debunking” campaign would decrease “public interest in ‘flying saucers’” and reduce Americans’ “susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.”

As investigative journalist Leslie Kean notes, the CIA’s remarkably brief, superficial meetings “would forever change both the course of media coverage and the official attitude toward the UFO subject.”

Indeed, the U.S. Air Force’s two decade-long project to investigate UFO reports morphed into a determined effort to discredit UFO sightings and witnesses, no matter how credible. According to James McDonald, one of the world’s leading atmospheric physicists, the Air Force began applying “meteorologically, chemically and optically absurd” explanations to the most compelling UFO sightings.

Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, summarized the situation: “Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe [UFOs] are nonsense. … Behind the scenes,” however, “high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned…”

As the Air Force systematically discredited witnesses (many of whom had nothing to gain by coming forward), widespread public and congressional anger followed.

Unsurprisingly, the Air Force’s campaign to “debunk” UFO sightings at all costs fueled widespread perceptions of a government coverup, creating fertile ground for an array of exotic (and enduring) conspiracy theories. Moreover, by wrongfully tarring credible witnesses as kooks, the Air Force further fueled the powerful stigma that continues to stifle good-faith reporting of unidentified objects by reliable observers.

Perhaps worst of all, as astronomer and long-time consultant to the Air Force’s UFO project J. Allen Hynek bluntly stated: The 1953 CIA panel “made the subject of UFOs scientifically unrespectable.”

Ultimately, the two scientists who immersed themselves in the study of UFOs more than any of their contemporaries became fierce advocates of serious academic inquiry of the phenomenon.

Initially skeptics, renowned atmospheric physicist James McDonald and J. Allen Hynek – whose career inspired the film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” – proceeded to make convincing arguments that the most compelling UFO incidents may have otherworldly explanations.

Sixty year later, as high-level officials speculate openly about such extraordinary possibilities, McDonald and Hynek’s meticulous, undeniably scientific work deserves close examination.

@Irfan Baloch
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So they rather it be some unknown aliens than an earthly "adversary"? What a retarded mindset.

Spot on.

The guy is NASA chief!

A lot of "drip feeding" going on from America these days on the subject of aliens/UFO.

Interesting days ahead.
As per the KITAP, these "alens in UFOs" had been there on the earth before the mankind!!! In fact, we are like the aliens to them, but we're superior and have taken the controls from them!! So, these "aliens" are damn mad with us....

By the by, the true Muslims are fully protected against these "aliens", and we avoid them as much as possible....

The Beni Israil are the best friends of these "aliens", and so are the Mushrikin.....
I liked the straight and sincere talk that Bill Nelson did.

If those pilots' sightings are true as they claim and if the objects were not human-made and not hallucinations or mirages or sensor errors then who knows, from all those worlds in this galaxy or beyond there might be other intelligent lifeforms. In fact AFAIK we don't even know much about the alleged Planet X that is supposed to lie beyond Pluto. Nature is vast and it may be that there is intelligence beyond sensible humans, cats, regular humans, elephants, whales, apes and nonsense humans. These intelligences will have their own culture based on their worlds but also based on their understanding of the universe. Maybe they operate on their world as one culture and not like the artificially nationally-divided cultures like us humans on this world.

@fitpOsitive @Mentee @Indos @Bilal9 @ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote @vishwambhar

This is the topic which always makes me think for hours and hours..... UFO sightings, another universe etc..... I have read many books on UFO sightings and whatever they have written you can't say it was not true.... In 60s Bermuda triangle, purtorico, Florida, West Indies Islands there were 1000s of UFO sightings with very very trustworthy narration..... Imagine these UFOs from 60s today even Earth has no answer imagine the technology level of their UFOs today.....

In one book I read one American scientist (name I don't remember now) claimed that these people from other galaxy are very advanced and they time to time keep visiting Earth only to check how far technologically Earth has progressed.... They have no actual intrest in invading us.....

Sometimes just to check our preparations they are visible and purposely make us follow their UFOs using our Air forces or air defence systems....
I liked the straight and sincere talk that Bill Nelson did.

If those pilots' sightings are true as they claim and if the objects were not human-made and not hallucinations or mirages or sensor errors then who knows, from all those worlds in this galaxy or beyond there might be other intelligent lifeforms. In fact AFAIK we don't even know much about the alleged Planet X that is supposed to lie beyond Pluto. Nature is vast and it may be that there is intelligence beyond sensible humans, cats, regular humans, elephants, whales, apes and nonsense humans. These intelligences will have their own culture based on their worlds but also based on their understanding of the universe. Maybe they operate on their world as one culture and not like the artificially nationally-divided cultures like us humans on this world.

@fitpOsitive @Mentee @Indos @Bilal9 @ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote @vishwambhar
I wish they are killing all humans and start colonising earth.
At least that way, this universe will have one less evil species.
TikTok is not loading for me so can you tell me who recorded the vid?

I apologise for sharing it as a legit video. It is not. The guy who owns TikTok account is a CG artist! :) - But Youtube video from 2012 is real, it then talk of the town.
I apologise for sharing it as a legit video. It is not. The guy who owns TikTok account is a CG artist! :)

No problem and thanks for the finding.

But Youtube video from 2012 is real, it then talk of the town.

Below is one comment from the page :
kalloused 9 years ago

It's called "Solar Prominence" we see this at the Planetarium where I work all the time. It's really beautiful to see with your own eyes. It happens tons of times. We knew little of why it happens but know it's a type of solar eruption. They can get MASSIVE!
So it may not be an artificial object after all.
No problem and thanks for the finding.

Below is one comment from the page :

So it may not be an artificial object after all.

Yea maybe selection bias is at play. We do see and hear what we wish and already believe in. So there is a good chance that the solar phenomenon is natural and some see it as UFO activity because they already believe in it.

But there are bits and pieces that we cannot explain. One of them is this crop circle with ascii code in it.

Another interestign bit is communication we had matching human detail with "alien" detail. More detail on that is available in this blog. https://www.techeblog.com/5-mind-bending-crop-circle-formations/
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I liked the straight and sincere talk that Bill Nelson did.

If those pilots' sightings are true as they claim and if the objects were not human-made and not hallucinations or mirages or sensor errors then who knows, from all those worlds in this galaxy or beyond there might be other intelligent lifeforms. In fact AFAIK we don't even know much about the alleged Planet X that is supposed to lie beyond Pluto. Nature is vast and it may be that there is intelligence beyond sensible humans, cats, regular humans, elephants, whales, apes and nonsense humans. These intelligences will have their own culture based on their worlds but also based on their understanding of the universe. Maybe they operate on their world as one culture and not like the artificially nationally-divided cultures like us humans on this world.

@fitpOsitive @Mentee @Indos @Bilal9 @ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote @vishwambhar
There are two more small planets beyond Pluto which is no more a planet. The orbits of these two show that although they revolve around the Sun, their routes are too oblique that the scientists believe is due to the attraction of a very large Planet nearby. This has been termed as Panet X.

However, there is no proof yet that life exists on any Planet other than our Earth. A few are too close to Sun and are too hot by day time and very cold at night. Others are too far away to support lives because the heat from the Sun cannot reach them in a quantity to support living beings.

If the close Planets in our own Solar system cannot create lives and send them for exploratory missions to the Earth, there is little possibility that anyone living in our Milkyway Galaxy can send men. It is all because of the tremendous amount of distance.

Even the nearest Star, named Proxima Centauri is a small, low-mass star located 4.2465 light-years away. So, even if it has a few Planets that can support lives, it is impossible for them to make pleasure visits to our Earth.

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