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Narrowing PAF Gap V IAF by 2015

Well if we went by your estimates, then I'd be baffled as to why IAF is pursuing MMRCA when it can gear up for more 5th generation fighters arriving in little more than a couple of years?

Dont be...

Even though the first PAK-FA will start inducting in 2017 . this will be the very first batches. It will take time to induct these in numbers and in the meantime a matured, bleeding edge western tech. plane will be inducted to augment the numbers and learn as much as from them to develop AMCA..

BTW there is no point in telling these to a member who is here for 4 years already..You asking these questions says a lot about your intention and hence this is my last answer to you regarding this..:wave:
Well if we went by your estimates, then I'd be baffled as to why IAF is pursuing MMRCA when it can gear up for more 5th generation fighters arriving in little more than a couple of years?

this may be due to economic reasons......if we were to induct only 5th gen fighters it would definitely take more than 200 of them....besides "air superiority" not "strike" is the primary role of 5th gens....MMRCA's may be "multirole".....but they would be serving either as first or second line strike aircraft .....we cant just counter chinese MKK's or J10's or J11's with bisons....they would have superior capabilities and numerical superiority ( more importantly).......
Who us ? we are just focused Thunder/J10B only for now no plans for 5th generation in near future

250 jf-17 good that number is good can you elaborate the yearly production rate and how long it will take to reach that number i think it will cross 2015 easily

j10b thats 36 of them and when they get inducted you will have to retire some of your old birds too equivalent to that number

the su30 in service with INDIA will get a final number of 360 odd in the next decade so u say one on 1 your jf-17 and j10 combine both numbers by 2020 still cant match just 1 figter unit of the IAF just by numbers and yes the MRCA is just 126 initial procurement and numbers can soar to 200 itself production lines of each of thes ewill be independent in to this effect new production units are being opened across india now explain to me the 5th gen development to mature that u need for than 10 years as of now its a paper plane
err..the post only means that PAF was not battle capable against IAF in 1999 and with new inductions PAF HAS BECOME BATTLE CAPABLE.

Who wins or loose is not even to be discussed. PAF has just become battle capable against IAF as compared to 1999 thats it and its true and even Indians agree on this.

In other ways if IAF comes on with its BVR and sukhois and mig29s say in 2015, we will have SOMETHING to field against IAF as compare to 1999 where we were sitting ducks. In this sense PAF has reduced certain gap with IAF.

At the end of the day IAF still has better jets because that country has the money to buy what it likes.

Lets hope our economy is revived and we put more $$$ in jf17 development and float our own mmrca. :pakistan:
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Who us ? we are just focused Thunder/J10B only for now no plans for 5th generation in near future

J10b??? joking na??

Every major component of J10b is still under development..
I think you r living in the dream world.. China already say that they have problem with their engines and what about other things like AESA ??

Thunder ?? I think you need some knowledge... buddy block 1 is not capable of any thing and till now no news about block 2 . If any deal finalize today so its need almost 4 years to finalize and i dnt think your airforce want to Induct block 1 in large no.
err..the post only means that PAF was not battle capable against IAF in 1999 and with new inductions PAF HAS BECOME BATTLE CAPABLE.

Who wins or loose is not even to be discussed. PAF has just become battle capable against IAF as compared to 1999 thats it and its true and even Indians agree on this.

In other ways if IAF comes on with its BVR and sukhois and mig29s say in 2015, we will have SOMETHING to field against IAF as compare to 1999 where we were sitting ducks.

LOL to that argument because its not when you are battle capable but when needed even if you are not capable you have to take arms there is no time for battle that such and such day all this thread does is self satisfy in that that regard its doing good
LOL to that argument because its not when you are battle capable but when needed even if you are not capable you have to take arms there is no time for battle that such and such day all this thread does is self satisfy in that that regard its doing good

You make no sense at all. Did you translated something written in Russian word by word into English. Sorry but the outcome is just disastrous :lol:

You make no sense at all. Did you translated something written in Russian word by word into English. Sorry but the outcome is just disastrous :lol:


yes i just did how do you know ? pardon my poor english i am not oxford educated
yes i just did how do you know ? pardon my poor english i am not oxford educated

Its not your English but a lame argument. :whistle:
Its not your English but a lame argument. :whistle:

please be kind enough to specify the lameness would be very kind of you sir
Its not your English but a lame argument. :whistle:

your argument that PAF was not battle capable in 1999 is more lame because whether capable or not if needed it had to come in imagine if IAF crossed the LOC and attacked advanced paf bases still it would sit and watch is it ?

no the whole idea was PAF and pakistan itself had turned kargil into a jehadi fight after which there was no scope for PAF to intervene as it was pakistan was under immense international pressure and had PAF flown sorties across the border things would have been worse for pak on international stage

where is the lameness?
your argument that PAF was not battle capable in 1999 is more lame because whether capable or not if needed it had to come in imagine if IAF crossed the LOC and attacked advanced paf bases still it would sit and watch is it ?

no the whole idea was PAF and pakistan itself had turned kargil into a jehadi fight after which there was no scope for PAF to intervene as it was pakistan was under immense international pressure and had PAF flown sorties across the border things would have been worse for pak on international stage

where is the lameness?

My bro all i argued is that PAF is MORE CAPABLE against IAF today or in 2015 as compared to 1999.

Did PAF take part in Kargil? NO
Did IAF? YES but only limited to Kargil and no strikes across LOC.

PAF did not have answer to IAF's BVR and other tech. All i said is that today PAF has narrowed that gap against IAF and this what the author of this thread is trying to say.

You took the argument to a different dimension. Of course PAF would have to fight with whatever it had, if IAF started cross border strikes but since it did not happen it does not fit the picture. I am not discussing Kargil over here.

The bottom line is that PAF has more answers to IAF as compared to 1999.
My bro all i argued is that PAF is MORE CAPABLE against IAF today or in 2015 as compared to 1999.

Did PAF take part in Kargil? NO
Did IAF? YES but only limited to Kargil and no strikes across LOC.

PAF did not have answer to IAF's BVR and other tech. All i said is that today PAF has narrowed that gap against IAF and this what the author of this thread is trying to say.

You took the argument to a different dimension. Of course PAF would have to fight with whatever it had, if IAF started cross border strikes but since it did not happen it does not fit the picture.

The bottom line is that PAF has more answers to IAF as compared to 1999.

no my friend you got it mistaken , what the thread starter is saying is satisfying the speculative numbers there are few facts but all whats will happen as of today there is no no 250 jf-17 neither there is j10b then where is the narrowness and yes today IAF has 120 odd su30mki does f-16+ jf17 current match up to the numbers
the answer is no

all the thread is doing is speculating and satisfying one self that paf has narrowed the gap
god forbid if war breaks out tomorrow where are the 250 jf-17s IAF can fly those 120 mkis today out of there bases can paf do it yes they can with their f-16 yes how many if you engage all your f-16s to counter the su30 thread IAF will run over with their mirages and mig29s dont leave out the IN they will block any paf response on ports and yes those old mirages and f-7s they are fine for limited capabilities

this is a speculative thread and no there gap widens , gap narrows it widens again what paf is doing is catch up then when u play catch up there is always a danger of being overrun

a speculation and projection thread to make all fell happy even i am happy reading it
Its funny some people are here trying to compare whole Indian fleet with Pakistani fleet as in case of war India will move whole fleet to our border....
Its funny some people are here trying to compare whole Indian fleet with Pakistani fleet as in case of war India will move whole fleet to our border....

yes its really funny the whole idea of narrowing gap itself is funny
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