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Narendra Modi Threatened Pak Again Despite Pilot Release Gesture.

LMAO ,,,,,,,,, This man is idiot ,,,,,,,,, Does he saying IAF first attack was fake...……….. LOL he is saying ABhi real kerna hai phalay tu practice thi…………. LMAO...…………..
If this is true i hope it is a good show.
Go iaf

Pakistan and IK = 1
India and Modi = 0 in the world

This is a great diplomatic victory for Pakistan. Be mature PDF members the world will be behind Pakistan if India and modi try's to attacks Pakistan after this peace offer by IK and Pakistan army. India along with Modi is getting Diplomatically Isolated. Indian people are now spitting on their own Media for warmongering.
I agree. IK comes across as reasonable and wanting to mend relations. Modi is playing to the galleries. Over the years statesmen like Vajpayee and MMS have earned a lot of international goodwill and built India's image - this guy is spending all that capital for his political gain.
Modi is playing a dangerous game it could be fatal for people. Innocent will die entire population could be wiped out if things go as Modi desire. Election aside aren't Indians a little bit concerned about the immaturity of their leader. The way he has governed has put serious dent of their secularism and some how if he gets re elected than India would definitely be run by punks like these in the future with sheer hatred for other religion(minorities) over there. Seriously this is more dangerous for Indian then to Pakistani
He has got full support of deep states in west, and ofcourse Zionists.

Anyone notice on how the Indian bogus claims of strikes in Pakistan didnt bring out any "concern" among the "civilized world", its only when Pakistan responded militarily and spanked India, all the peace loving officials of civilized world started to come out of their holes to de-escalate the situation.
I am quite surprised to see many Pakistanis are not happy with IK's decesion. Just to tell you about a development; one of my friends, the most hardcore Pakistan hater I have ever known just said Pakistan and specially IK's handling of the whole situation has been most matured one he has ever seen from Pakistan. He is quite out of argument today.
its election time and imran is damaging his elections every day :bounce:
PAF shoots it down, only to reveal that it's Abhinandan in the cockpit again
again he drink Pakistani tea and go home before dark.... and this will continue for ever.
Which idiot call this a war scenario? besides Donkey King!

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