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Narendra Modi the target, Pak ISI turns to Dawood Ibrahim for help


Apr 8, 2007
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Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has turned to its old confidant Dawood Ibrahim seeking his aid to attack the BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, if the central intelligence agencies are to be believed. This has been revealed in a secret note of the intelligence agencies on Modi's threat perception.

The Gujarat chief minister is facing threats from various terror outfits also.

The fresh intelligence gathered by central intelligence agencies reveals that the ISI is taking the underworld don's assistance to target Modi. The intelligence note prepared on the threat to Modi has also mentioned about the ISI-Dawood nexus.

"As per an input, Dawood Ibrahim during a meeting with senior ISI functionaries was tasked to restart activities in India and also target Shri Narendra Modi," the note says.

Sources say the note was prepared after the attack on Modi's rally in Patna on October 27. As many as eight people were killed in the eight explosions occurred in Patna during Modi rally. It is suspected that terror outfit Indian Mujahideen was responsible for the attack.

The intelligence note also reveals that Modi faces a risk not just within India but also from other countries. Other than Pakistan's ISI, terror operatives in Saudi Arabia are also targeting Modi.

"Islamic fundamentalists based in Saudi Arabia are planning attack Modi," the note says.

According to the inputs gathered by intelligence agencies, a terror operative - Shahid alias Bilal - has informed an unidentified associate in Saudi Arabia that a suicide attack would be a better option as against a remotecontrolled Improvised Explosive Device (IED) to attack Modi, says the note.

Another revelation made by in the note is about the possibility of some Indian security officials turning rouge and helping terror groups to attack Modi. The note states that Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) operatives have recruited some security officials to allow free access to them.

According to intelligence inputs that have been put together by central intelligence agencies, banned outfit Student Islamic Students of India (SIMI) is collaborating with other terror outfits and seeking their help to attack Modi. "SIMI members have been networking with LeT, Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HUJI) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)," the note says.

According to the note, SIMI activists who were arrested recently reveal that the outfit is organising training camps and a suicide wing called Shaheen Force is being organised to target senior political leaders, including Modi who tops the hit list. The note also mentions that Modi faces a threat from Maoists. The intelligence note also mentions the various modus operandi that the terror outfits would resort to.

Use of launchers to target Modi's convoy and ramming an explosives-laden vehicle into his convoy is one of the many options that have been listed. Suicide attacks are another method that terror outfits could use.

Narendra Modi the target, Pak ISI turns to Dawood Ibrahim for help : North, News - India Today
Threat to his Life is for real.... I would not be surprised if some people from with in Government helping in his assassination .....

If anything happens to him riots are for sure in India.... and I dont know how much month would that last .....
never have i cared so much for a political leaders safety...i wouldn't have cared if terrorist planned to kill the ghandhi's or any other politician in india but if anyone dare touch modi there will be a blood bath everywhere , he is our future , he is our pride nobody messes with him.
First there was RAW, then came Rehman Malik, now there is RAW dobaara!
A Dead Dog is better then Dead Modi, Pakistan donot need to kill him; Indians will kill him when they think He cross the line like Indira Gandhi and Gandhi

Indian media is out to play its victim hood card, just a cheap publicity stunt which a lot of Indians will buy thanks to their mental capacity of questioning things.

Pakistan has nothing to gain from a dead modi ~
PAK ,,ISI knows well if NaMo becomes PM ..they are gonna have a "TOUGH TIME" !! :yay:
So Indians really want to give pakistan a tough time. Nice to know. Isn't this namo the same guy who ordered to kill his own indian fellow citizens. Tough time to Pakistan and Mission mars can't go hand in hand. West has put so many stakes on you guys. So guy like namo can't take india to mission china and must remember for mission china, India need same stability in her economy which can not be achieved to give pakistan a tough time.
What are you folks? Some kind of superior human beings?

Nope. Disregarding hyperbole (and abstaining form employing it), collating all pertinent facts, dissociating personal bias, crunching empirical data and adhering to logical syllogisms is a national trait as far as Pakistan is concerned. :pakistan:
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