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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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Well it may be true that Modi favored Hindus but made Gujarat one of the fastest developing regions in the world.
There are many radical politicians in Pakistan but none of them developed their region/state like Modi.
Gujaratis and most Indians have given an A to Narendra bhai on his superlative performance in Gujarat.

We need leaders like him at the center. The current crop doesn't know how to use the national power effectively and achieve the country's potential.

A decade with Narendra bhai at the helm would transform India beyond recognition.

Agree with u completely.
Wait... I am confused. Gujarat is in India or Pakistan..?

OK, Lemme google it.

Wikipedia is saying Gujarat is part of India.

Now please can anyone tell me why our neighbours so Xcited..?
Wait... I am confused. Gujrat is in India or Pakistan..?

OK, Lemme google it.

Wikipedia is saying Gujrat is part of India.

Now please can anyone tell me why our neighbours so exited..?

There is a Gujrat (not our Gujarat) in Punjab, Pakistan as well. May be they are confusing it with that.

Gujrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of Pakistan's big politicians come from there.
Well i think there is no cheif minister who is as famous as Narendra modi in the world .. be for what ever reasons... but his devolopemental works speaks louder then anything else.... Congress is just jealous of him and want to destroy his na mo nishan because they dont have a person like him.......
Well i think there is no cheif minister who is as famous as Narendra modi in the world .. be for what ever reasons... but his devolopemental works speaks louder then anything else.... Congress is just jealous of him and want to destroy his na mo nishan because they dont have a person like him.......

right. btw the na mo nishan thing was very funny.
We want NaMo as our PM.

This blame game needs to stop. And I believe Pakistanis need to stop interfering in Indian affairs, particularly when it comes to Indian Muslims. I, being an Indian Muslim, absolutely hate it when Pakistanis say they pity us, or feel bad for 'what we go through'.

One thing you need to understand about India is that, if Hindu extremists target Muslims, then Muslim extremists also target Hindus (Varanasi, a Hindu pilgrimage site has been bombed numerous times; Amarnath pilgrims shot to death by Muslim extremists, etc.)

Now, you can get into this chicken or the egg argument (who started it first). But does it really matter? Fact is that both Hindus and Muslims have been both the culprits as well as the victims in post-partition India. Pakistanis tend to justify terrorist attacks by talking about how victimized Muslims have become in India. Then similarly, Post-Godhra riots can be justified by the murder of those 60 Hindu pilgrims. This hypocrisy must end.

And all this has to do with the terrible history we've had, as well as the horrors of partition which only divided the two communities further.

What India needs is reconciliation between the two communities. The atmosphere is there, but the politicians won't let it happen, as it harms their interests.

There has been a lot of improvement, though, in recent years. Nowadays one sees Muslims in every walk of life in India. This is something I take pride in. Not only because India is capable of providing equal opportunities to all Indians, but also that Muslims are becoming more and more educated.


Lastly, I think Pakistanis should be more concerned about minorities in their own country. They are their own people. They need not worry about us.
actually to be honest, I personally could damn care less about indian Muslims; but those of more fervour who look beyond nationality and only towards faith feel that as Muslims its their duty to defend indian Muslims --who indeed have been many times treated like second class citizens

its interesting to read online what many indians have to say about the Muslims living inthe country; but i do agree --internal affair of hindustan. I'm glad to know that despite the issues in Pakistan, we've never in our history had the mob communal violence and hatred-inciting politicians the way hindustan has

why should we stand by people who are so self-hating and willing to be apologists for mass-murderers and blood suckers anyways.....not my fight, not my problem. We are Pakistanis. That is a huge pride and should always be huge pride for the people of Pakistan.

This blame game needs to stop. And I believe Pakistanis need to stop interfering in Indian affairs, particularly when it comes to Indian Muslims. I, being an Indian Muslim, absolutely hate it when Pakistanis say they pity us, or feel bad for 'what we go through'.

One thing you need to understand about India is that, if Hindu extremists target Muslims, then Muslim extremists also target Hindus (Varanasi, a Hindu pilgrimage site has been bombed numerous times; Amarnath pilgrims shot to death by Muslim extremists, etc.)

Now, you can get into this chicken or the egg argument (who started it first). But does it really matter? Fact is that both Hindus and Muslims have been both the culprits as well as the victims in post-partition India. Pakistanis tend to justify terrorist attacks by talking about how victimized Muslims have become in India. Then similarly, Post-Godhra riots can be justified by the murder of those 60 Hindu pilgrims. This hypocrisy must end.

And all this has to do with the terrible history we've had, as well as the horrors of partition which only divided the two communities further.

What India needs is reconciliation between the two communities. The atmosphere is there, but the politicians won't let it happen, as it harms their interests.

There has been a lot of improvement, though, in recent years. Nowadays one sees Muslims in every walk of life in India. This is something I take pride in. Not only because India is capable of providing equal opportunities to all Indians, but also that Muslims are becoming more and more educated.

I agree with you 100%. And I think the people must realize that its only politicians who gets maximum gains from such riots and bloodshed.
This blame game needs to stop. And I believe Pakistanis need to stop interfering in Indian affairs, particularly when it comes to Indian Muslims. I, being an Indian Muslim, absolutely hate it when Pakistanis say they pity us, or feel bad for 'what we go through'.

One thing you need to understand about India is that, if Hindu extremists target Muslims, then Muslim extremists also target Hindus (Varanasi, a Hindu pilgrimage site has been bombed numerous times; Amarnath pilgrims shot to death by Muslim extremists, etc.)

Now, you can get into this chicken or the egg argument (who started it first). But does it really matter? Fact is that both Hindus and Muslims have been both the culprits as well as the victims in post-partition India. Pakistanis tend to justify terrorist attacks by talking about how victimized Muslims have become in India. Then similarly, Post-Godhra riots can be justified by the murder of those 60 Hindu pilgrims. This hypocrisy must end.

And all this has to do with the terrible history we've had, as well as the horrors of partition which only divided the two communities further.

What India needs is reconciliation between the two communities. The atmosphere is there, but the politicians won't let it happen, as it harms their interests.

There has been a lot of improvement, though, in recent years. Nowadays one sees Muslims in every walk of life in India. This is something I take pride in. Not only because India is capable of providing equal opportunities to all Indians, but also that Muslims are becoming more and more educated.

:tup::tup::tup: well said !!!

However no matter how many of us say this , it will never make any impression on Pakistanis.

and thats because beneath all their claims of "feeling" for their " muslim" brothers across the border suffering from "hindu atrocities" , what they are really insecure and regretful about is that we developed a pluralistic , multicultural , secular and tolerant society before their eyes and they failed to do so .

Hence they resort to stray news articles and a few cases here and there to justify the creation of a Religion-based identity .

and here they are the ones accusing us of being Pakistan- centric...:lol:
actually to be honest, I personally could damn care less about indian Muslims; but those of more fervour who look beyond nationality and only towards faith feel that as Muslims its their duty to defend indian Muslims --who indeed have been many times treated like second class citizens

its interesting to read online what many indians have to say about the Muslims living inthe country; but i do agree --internal affair of hindustan. I'm glad to know that despite the issues in Pakistan, we've never in our history had the mob communal violence and hatred-inciting politicians the way hindustan has

why should we stand by people who are so self-hating and willing to be apologists for mass-murderers and blood suckers anyways.....not my fight, not my problem. We are Pakistanis. That is a huge pride and should always be huge pride for the people of Pakistan.


human rights violations are human rights violations. They do occur on Pakistan. You cannot deny that. As for these mob attacks, what about last year's anti-Christian riot? Karachi riots, which break out every so often? I'm pretty sure politics plays a role in those riots (MQM).

Moreover, your school books denigrate Hindus; Indian textbooks on the other hand are much more unbiased and more secular (they may be biased against Pakistan, but not against Muslims).

List can go on. Your country may be better than India in certain areas, but is much worse in other areas. Thus there is no reason for you to think that Pakistan, is in any way, a champion of minorities.
Good. We don't worry about what is happening to the tribals in Karachi and in their own FATA etc. and they get the hell out of poking their nose in Indian affairs. Same for other Pakistanis.

Works for both.

Defend Indian Muslims! What a joke, they need to defend Pakistani Muslims (and the minuscule number of non Muslims left there, if their lives count). Need one elaborate!

The tribals are being murdered in their thousands, in Karachi by the "non martial" Muhajirs, in FATA by the Talibunnies and foreigners like Arabs and others. They are not able to save themselves and talk of saving others! What crap.

The mugalatas of these people never ceases to amaze one.

They better look at their "Islamic brothers" (????) to their West. We have zero interest in them (despite being n this forum :rofl: ).
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