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Narendra Modi leaves for Bhutan on his first foreign visit as PM

Let me check if modi'e election campaigns were funded by China or not??:blink:

Somehow the glowing words from your Foreign Minister Wang Yi “China-India cooperation is like a massive buried treasure waiting to be discovered” rings a tocsin's ding inside my head now.:undecided:

Who knows?

You dislike Modi and you dislike China, so you're trying to find some sort of connection between us?

Too bad. Modi is an Indian patriot and nobody believes that he would sell out to China, not in a million years.
Chinese-Dragon said:
Last time an Indian leader said we were friends, this happened:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

So better not aim to be friends. Mutual coexistence is good enough.
It was not COMMUNISTS but our Nehru Chacha...............

Nehru died longgggggg back.
Now that is just an excuse used by China.

Btw I heard MMS was at the verge of breaking ice...so how were they planning to divide 38,000 square kilometers of Chinese occupied J&K and 90,000 sq. km. of land in Arunachal pradesh???:unsure:

Who knows?

You dislike Modi and you dislike China, so you're trying to find some sort of connection between us?

Too bad. Modi is an Indian patriot and nobody believes that he would sell out to China, not in a million years.
Let me update you then...I am little pro-Modi these days.:ashamed:
(I am a mugwump mostly :) ).
It was not COMMUNISTS but our Nehru Chacha...............

It takes two to tango. The Chinese aren't without their share of blame either. But yes, it was very foolish of Nehru to unilaterally demarcate our border with China on the Aksai Chin and initiate the forward policy with the kind of military at his disposal then.
Let me update you then...I am ittle pro-Modi these days.:ashamed:
I am a mugwump.

Yet you still sound very reluctant about Modi. :no:

Doesn't matter, we'll wait and see whether Modi accepts Chinese investment (in non-sensitive sectors) or not. If Gujarat is anything to go by, we'll do VERY good business together.
The faces are all not clear except that Modi who looks like a westerner.
Nehru died longgggggg back.

Nehru died long backkkkk.............oh really?

We are still facing the troubles which he created, entire Indian bureaucracy still work on the Nehruvian crap of Socialism, Panchsheel, Populism, etc........

& Obviously, the trust deficit b/w India-China was created by HIM in the 1962 war itself, which will be hard to undo.

The Man may have died, but his CRAP still exists.
And another no sense thanks for reading my posts no sense.
Yet you still sound very reluctant about Modi. :no:
Well I have my reason to dislike him, i still suspect him of harboring deep sectarian prejudices.
Though i also see a man with established record of honest, efficient and effective government.
60-40 should do I guess.
Chinese-Dragon said:
Doesn't matter, we'll wait and see whether Modi accepts Chinese investment (in non-sensitive sectors) or not. If Gujarat is anything to go by, we'll do VERY good business together.
yeah why not ? Modi has been there four times on official visits( more than any other country) and he admires what has been achieved by your country. On his last visit to China Modi carried red business cards printed in Chinese...:confused:

(To be honest i dont have issues with him opening up various sectors for business with China,that is without compromising our security :-) )

Nehru died long backkkkk.............oh really?

We are still facing the troubles which he created, entire Indian bureaucracy still work on the Nehruvian crap of Socialism, Panchsheel, Populism, etc........

& Obviously, the trust deficit b/w India-China was created by HIM in the 1962 war itself, which will be hard to undo.

The Man may have died, but his CRAP still exists.

Rahul Gandhi is proof enough. :D

I hope you do know that I dislike Nehru more than Modi.
(To be honest i dont have issues with him opening up various sectors for business with China,that is without compromising our security :-) )

So you were just trolling me this whole time, telling me that story about how you refused to let us search for the missing airliner with hundreds of our people on board, so therefore you wouldn't accept Chinese investment? :no:

Sigh. Nevermind I'm out of this thread.
So you were just trolling me this whole time, telling me that story about how you refused to let us search for the missing airliner with hundreds of our people on board, so therefore you wouldn't accept Chinese investment?

Sigh. Nevermind I'm out of this thread.

Nooo I wasnt really trolling...:no:
I support Modi because he has promised to fast track India's development and if that means being friends with China then so be it.
But the lack of trust between India and China is something that has to be worked upon.
Thats all I meant in my previous posts here.
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