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Narendra Modi leaves for Bhutan on his first foreign visit as PM

What are you??? :blink:
You must be a mechanical engineer your imagination is too good.:D

But write it down on stone that this meeting was to stall China's growing influence over Bhutan.China believes in having "string of pearls" aka string of Chinese bases around India.
String of Pearls (China) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is the reason...believe it or not.8-)

The so-called "String of pearls" is not about India, it is about protecting our trade routes from anyone who can blockade it, i.e. the USN.

The Malacca straits is about the same distance away from China as it is from India, and China has a far more powerful Navy, including about 60 submarines.

Our real threat is the USN.
You are almost there..............

Engineer? YES. But not Mechanical :D

BTW, I know what is String of Pearls, but whats the BEST way to counter it? To GOBBLE the PEARL itself............

Imagine China wants good relations with Bhutan & want to pressurize India. But what if Bhutan is no more an Independent nation & becomes a part of Indian Union.

No Pearl, No Strings, No String of Pearls!!!!

Bhutan has enjoyed that status for long and unless it feels intimidated by China it would not join India.The happiest country in Asia which recently turned into a constitutional monarchy has seen a lot of changes in last one decade.Getting friendly with China is one such change.
The only thing that works in India's favor is Bhutan's dependency on India for its military training and security.
You are almost there..............

Engineer? YES. But not Mechanical :D

BTW, I know what is String of Pearls, but whats the BEST way to counter it? To GOBBLE the PEARL itself............

Imagine China wants good relations with Bhutan & want to pressurize India. But what if Bhutan is no more an Independent nation & becomes a part of Indian Union.

No Pearl, No Strings, No String of Pearls!!!!

Bhutan acts as a buffer between the two giants, it is better to keep it that way. The same is true in case of Nepal. String of Perls is not the major concern, the major concern is the vulnerable "Siliguri Corridor". Any Chinese advancement inside Bhutan will make our NE states extremely vulnerable. India is moving fast because the situation in Asia has become extremely volatile, and to take advantage of this volatile situation we need to make right moves very fast. One move which has gone unnoticed is supply of certain missiles to "friendly nations".

I believe the current strategy is:
A> Secure the Neighbourhood
B> Fight it out away from our territory

India can turn the tide in her favour and completely counter the String of Perls strategy through a few cunning moves. PM's Bhutan visit is just one step in a series of steps. The next step is US-Japan-India security dialog.
The so-called "String of pearls" is not about India,
I agree...string of pearls is not JUST about India.

Chinese-Dragon said:
it is about protecting our trade routes from anyone who can blockade it, i.e. the USN.
Our real threat is the USN.
Frankly China readying a base around India's neighborhood is a big threat to India.Now dont call me myopic.8-)
China's policy is no overseas military bases. We have turned down several offers already, check the news.

You're myopic. (Just kidding. :P)

No military bases policy is the current policy of China which will change as China's power and confidence grows. India's objective is to stop China from entering the Indian Ocean in a big way because it complicates things for us.

Do you think China will be any different from the US when it's time comes?
Do you think China will be any different from the US when it's time comes?

My view is based on realpolitik.

Would China love to replace America as the global hegemon? Sure.

But that is 100% not realistic. It's simply not possible in the current world.

Hence our policy of "Never seeking hegemony" and "No overseas military bases". These policies are based on our realistic abilities, we are still a developing country.

Maybe one day it will be possible, but that is decades away. Or centuries away, if the goal is to become a global hegemon.
China's policy is no overseas military bases. We have turned down several offers already, check the news.
Tell me about it Mr.Dragon :coffee:
As fas as i have gleaned China was building a $1 billion port in SL that it plans to use as a refuelling and docking station for its navy...yeah not a base in typical terms.But your countries over friendliness with our neighbors worries us for sure.What was the need to give Sri Lanka (ostensibly free of charge) six F7 jet fighters??? (now this was according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
And do you think we dont understand your commercial ventures like building or upgrading ports at Gwadar in Pakistan, Chittagong in Bangladesh and Sittwe in Burma.???8-)

Chinese-Dragon said:
You're myopic. (Just kidding. :P)

Tell me about it Mr.Dragon :coffee:
As fas as i have gleaned China was building a $1 billion port in SL that it plans to use as a refuelling and docking station for its navy...yeah not a base in typical terms.But your countries over friendliness with our neighbors worries us for sure.What was the need to give Sri Lanka (ostensibly free of charge) six F7 jet fighters??? (now this was according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
And do you think we dont understand your commercial ventures like building or upgrading ports at Gwadar in Pakistan, Chittagong in Bangladesh and Sittwe in Burma.???8-)



That's due to our overseas investment drive, as a result of our shift away from an investment-driven domestic economy.

If you recall, we even offered to finance India's infrastructure plan, to the tune of $300 billion?

Isn't that more than the rest combined? :cheesy:
That's due to our overseas investment drive, as a result of our shift away from an investment-driven domestic economy.
Okay I give it to you.
Chinese-Dragon said:
If you recall, we even offered to finance India's infrastructure plan, to the tune of $300 billion?

Isn't that more than the rest combined? :cheesy:
We didnt allow your submarine to enter our waters to search for MH-370 ,so do you think we would have allowed a $300 billion project???
Naah not happening.

Can India and China ever turn into friends??? Not until your communist government ceases to exist.:-)
We didnt allow your submarine to enter our waters to search for MH-370 ,so do you think we would have allowed a $300 billion project???
Naah not happening.

LOL, you want to turn down good infrastructure investment, even in non-sensitive sectors?

That's the Congress position, based on some hilarious socialist ideas.

Modi on the other hand is very welcoming of Chinese investment in Gujarat, and now he is your PM. :D

Can India and China ever turn into friends??? Not until your communist government ceases to exist.:-)

Not even after our communist government ceases to exist. :azn:

Last time an Indian leader said we were friends, this happened:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

So better not aim to be friends. Mutual coexistence is good enough.
The Malacca straits is about the same distance away from China as it is from India, and China has a far more powerful Navy, including about 60 submarines.

Our real threat is the USN.

Incorrect. You are only considering distance from the mainland. The Andaman & Nocobar islands lie pretty much right there.



LOL, you want to turn down good infrastructure investment, even in non-sensitive sectors?.

I disagree with my fellow countryman there. On non-sensitive areas, I believe India should welcome as much Chinese investment as will be on offer.
LOL, you want to turn down good infrastructure investment, even in non-sensitive sectors?

That's the Congress position, based on some hilarious socialist ideas.

Modi on the other hand is very welcoming of Chinese investment in Gujarat, and now he is your PM. :D
Let me check if modi'e election campaigns were funded by China or not??:blink:
Somehow the glowing words from your Foreign Minister Wang Yi “China-India cooperation is like a massive buried treasure waiting to be discovered” rings a tocsin's ding inside my head now.:undecided:
But lets not forget Modi is first visiting Japan and Bhutan to ensure that these countries remain in India's orbit. :agree:

Chinese-Dragon said:
Not even after our communist government ceases to exist. :azn:
Thats very unfortunate:tsk:
India and China have had extensive and close historical cultural contact since long ..transmission of Buddhism should be proof enough.Do you know even epic like Mahabharta talks of China??
But your communist party spoiled it all. :(
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