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Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

1. Faffing, shouting and celebrating all the time with hardly any achievements. The only achievement of the current BJP government has been the diplomat skills of Mr. Modi. Otherwise the economic situation is as bad as before – the INR has come back close to 62 for a USD and trade deficit is rising. There have been communal riots in Meerut, Pune and even Delhi, with Trilokpuri under curfew for over a month. Also the terrible situation after the arrest of Rampal near Hissar. There is a saying in Hindi, which is no good for BJP followers “Dayanatdaar logon ko elan ki zaroorat nahi padti”

Dayanatdaar logon ko hi elan ki sabse zyada zarurat hai. Congress ne Modi ko badnaam karne ke liye kya kya nahi kiya, and set everything back by 10 years. So this saying is completely wrong, the elan came late - better than never!

2. You cannot criticize the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in BJP government. During the Congress regime you could have criticized MMS, called him any names and it was ok. If you criticize Mr. Modi, you are called an anti-national, anti-Hindu and other names. When Rajdeep Sardesai criticized Modi, people were shouting, how can you criticize your own Prime Minister? But it was ok to criticize Manmohan Singh, when he was the Congress PM. The Congress was far more democratic than BJP in terms of taking criticism.

In his zeal to malign Modi, Rajdeep Sardesai went on to insult India and Indians, esp the NRIs. Good for him that it wasn't someone like me, otherwise he would be smiling around with missing teeth.

3. The democracy is further challenged in BJP government – children were pushed by schools – who were in turn pushed by government to attend Modi’s speech in the afternoon at 4 PM. As per operation “Swacch Bharat” – people was pushed by BJP workers to clean the “already clean” streets. BJP workers in Delhi come and push people to clean the streets. What kind of rouge and pushy operation is this? Democracy was not as challenged as this in the Congress government.

There are tons of celebrities and schools who have taken up to "Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan" and have cleared streets and playgrounds. Even if a mockery of cleaning streets is required to bring that change, you should consider it a success.

4. Somehow Sanskrit, Ganga and Hindi is going to solve all problems. Why clean only Ganga, why not Yamuna and tens of other rivers. Why there is a ministry to clean up Ganga and not other rivers? And pushing in Hindi and Sanskrit in text books of schools make a big difference in our lives? Again this is less democratic than the Congress era.

Ganga is a river holy to the largest chunk of people in this country. So before talking about Ganga, you should rather mention the millions that are given away as subsidies for the Hajj pilgrimage of Muslims. Indeed, Hajj pilgrimage, which serves absolutely nothing but religious purposes, shall go on, but cleaning Ganga, which would serve millions of people of all religions much better way, should never be allowed! Right?

5. Corruption, poverty, budget deficit and subsidies are equally bad. The black money is not here, the prices are high – the names of black money holders are not even released. Nothing has changed and there is celebration every day by BJP followers. At least Congress was not celebrating every day, they were hiding for cover.

You won't see change unless you take off your Congressi glasses. Talk about corruption, but only when some comes up on the scale that Congress did it. If you can't find it, don't shout.

Getting US President Barack Obama on Republic Day 2015 is not an achievement. We need to get the INR down from 61.8 for a USD.

No one called it an achievement, but your mentioning this surely gives away your acute sense of inferiority when it comes to the US. Come out of it now, as an Indian you command greater respect since Modi came to power. And it's been only 6 months.

Some people especially hard core Congressis and many Indian Muslims
will always find fault with Modi and BJP

But will you be honest enough to accept the disastrous performance of the
previous government and that it will take time to undo the damage UPA 2 did to Indian economy

Some people especially hard core Congressis and many Indian Muslims
will always find fault with Modi and BJP

But will you be honest enough to accept the disastrous performance of the
previous government and that it will take time to undo the damage UPA 2 did to Indian economy

WTF is this ?
This is yours opinion.Only yours.
While my muslims friends who was suspicious when he was elected is now want a same leader like Modi in our state Kerala.

Opposition dont have anything to criticise Govt.Virtually nothing.And you cant judge a government in 6 months time.

So far we are satisfied with his performance.Diplomatic mimanagement of previous govts is now grabbing most time of our PM.

Typical BS of a Congressi ; cant accept the truth

Your rants make no difference man and the fact is that
the Govt has worked hard for repairing the damage done to the economy
rather deliberately ; by the UPA since they knew they were going out of power
Faffing, shouting and celebrating all the time with hardly any achievements. The only achievement of the current BJP government has been the diplomat skills of Mr. Modi. Otherwise the economic situation is as bad as before – the INR has come back close to 62 for a USD and trade deficit is rising. There have been communal riots in Meerut, Pune and even Delhi, with Trilokpuri under curfew for over a month. Also the terrible situation after the arrest of Rampal near Hissar. There is a saying in Hindi, which is no good for BJP followers “Dayanatdaar logon ko elan ki zaroorat nahi padti”

Source: Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

Total BS.

Inflation down to 6 years low. Series of steps taken for economic revivals which will result into shoot up in growth in future. Whose government is there in Merut and Pune? Highest relief in IT provided to Middle class by this government in its first budget.

Who was there in center and state when Muzzaffar Nagar and Asam Violence took place? These Pseudo secular are very funny people. If congress is there in center than state government is responsible for riot. If BJP is there than center is responsible. Tell me How many people you convicted in Muzzaffar Nagar for riot? Even today people are leaving in Camps and mulayam calls him the agent of Opposition and your yuvraj call them ISI agent. Your DIDI is involved in Terror and you guys are silent.

You cannot criticize the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in BJP government. During the Congress regime you could have criticized MMS, called him any names and it was ok. If you criticize Mr. Modi, you are called an anti-national, anti-Hindu and other names. When Rajdeep Sardesai criticized Modi, people were shouting, how can you criticize your own Prime Minister? But it was ok to criticize Manmohan Singh, when he was the Congress PM. The Congress was far more democratic than BJP in terms of taking criticism.

Source: Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

Total BS.

Modi is the most criticized politician in the world. He has been criticized for years for something which is far from reality. MM openly advocated first right of Muslim on resources. Still Pseudo secular call him secular. The guy who have always advocated sab ka sath sab ka vikas is termed as communal. It was Rajdeep who attacked the people to make issue out of nothing.

The democracy is further challenged in BJP government – children were pushed by schools – who were in turn pushed by government to attend Modi’s speech in the afternoon at 4 PM. As per operation “Swacch Bharat” – people was pushed by BJP workers to clean the “already clean” streets. BJP workers in Delhi come and push people to clean the streets. What kind of rouge and pushy operation is this? Democracy was not as challenged as this in the Congress government.

Source: Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

Ill mentality of pseudo seculars. They never focused on any basic issue. Now Modi is doing that and people are supporting him. So these envied Gang is try to play politics out of Swachh Bharat movement also. Have you ever started any such movement in which people supported you overwhelmingly? No You are Cut off guys. You do not have any concern with public. People hate you.

Somehow Sanskrit, Ganga and Hindi is going to solve all problems. Why clean only Ganga, why not Yamuna and tens of other rivers. Why there is a ministry to clean up Ganga and not other rivers? And pushing in Hindi and Sanskrit in text books of schools make a big difference in our lives? Again this is less democratic than the Congress era.

Source: Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

Who prevented you to clean any river in your 10 years. He cleaned Sabarmati and make is a shining place out of mess created by Congress. We show that in the time of visit of XI. You and your supporters have government in many state today. Come on Hurry up. Start cleaning any river and show it to public. Question is that can you do any constructive work? Or would simply criticized somebody who does that?

Corruption, poverty, budget deficit and subsidies are equally bad. The black money is not here, the prices are high – the names of black money holders are not even released. Nothing has changed and there is celebration every day by BJP followers. At least Congress was not celebrating every day, they were hiding for cover.

Source: Narendra Modi govt completes six months: Top 5 reasons why I am starting to like Congress after six

Total BS.

Inflation is down to lowest of 6years. You did not even obey the supreeme court rulling by appointing justice shah committee for 2 and half years. You deny the other government the name of Blak money holders which they want to share. The first work this government did was to appoint Justice shah committee. All the names are given to court. PM himself advocated the treaty in G20 to bring back black money? did you do in 10 years? Did you do anything which new government did in 6 months. Your Jami, Rani and Yuvraj were bussy in grabbing the land and filling the banks accounts. Sonia declared 4 reachist politician without any source of income. Ma beta grab harreld house. Jmai raja Grab thousand of accers of land in Hariyana and Rajasthan and made 65 crore of profit out of 5 Lakh investment. Please keep quite. all know you. You have cheated us enough. No more now.

Congress still need as an opposition of India.An all out revealation against Congress and their family would be disastrous to Congress.Presence of Congress in Indian politics is a good thing for BJP.
Congress still need as an opposition of India.An all out revealation against Congress and their family would be disastrous to Congress.Presence of Congress in Indian politics is a good thing for BJP.

The best way to challenge Modi is to throw out the GANDHI Family
Make the Congress a truly democratic party

All right thinking people totally abhor the Gandhis ' dynastic rule
especially your prince Charming Rahul gandhi
Fears grow about Hindu 'Modi-fication' of education
Nov 21, 2014, 12.47PM ISTReuters

Modi is the first PM to publicly back the view that holy texts show many discoveries of modern science were made by ancient Indians.
NEW DELHI: Indians were flying aeroplanes, carrying out stem cell research and may even have been using cosmic weapons 5,000 years ago, according to the chairman of India's leading historical organisation.

Professor Y Sudershan Rao, the head of the Indian Council of Historical Research, has been criticized by fellow historians for comments that Hindu epics are adequate to understand the ancient world, rather than relying on evidence or research.

The BJP government appointed Rao to the prestigious academic post soon after winning the biggest landslide in three decades, fuelling concerns of a push to teach the superiority of Hindu values and mythology at the cost of academic rigour, and cutting against the grain of secularism that runs through multi-faith modern India.

"We have so many proofs that these events happened," Rao, 69, said in an interview, describing events in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the ancient Hindu epics about love and war, truth and deceit, that feature characters using inextinguishable fire and weapons with the destructive power of a nuclear arsenal.

Similar views have won support from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and in part reflect a belief that India's history books are beholden to colonial powers, foreign invaders and Marxists.

READ ALSO: Kendriya Vidyalaya board dumps German for Sanskrit

Make Sanskrit must in CBSE till Class 12: RSS outfit

(A schoolgirl reads from a textbook at an open-air school in New Delhi.)

While there is debate over the exact age of the Hindu epics, historians say they were probably written at least two millennia ago. Rao says this in itself is proof the texts are factual because humans did not develop the art of fiction writing until a few centuries back.

Many academics are horrified by such views, and describe his appointment as a blow for the history organisation set up four decades ago to guide research and hand out grants. They point to signs of a broader plan to bring more Hinduism to the classroom through changes to the curriculum.

Two states run by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party have recruited controversial Hindu nationalist Dinanath Batra to advise on writing textbooks.

In June, thousands of schools in Gujarat were given textbooks by Batra that claimed cars were invented in ancient India and told children to draw an enlarged nation to include countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

Teachers at Batra's organisation say they want the books to be in every school.

"The lessons from today's history books are that Indians are nothing and good for nothing," said Atul Kothari, secretary of Batra's Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti, or Save the Education Movement. "The truth is that historically we have been a far superior race."

Union HRD minister Smriti Irani declined to comment on what revisions will be included in a review of the curriculum planned next year.

The last time the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party was in power a decade ago, it began to rewrite school books in line with Hindu-nationalist orthodoxy.

When the Congress party came back to power, it rewrote the books again. Academics say the loser in all this are confused, and sometimes ill-informed, schoolchildren.

Modi is the first Prime Minister to publicly back the view that holy texts show many discoveries of modern science were made by ancient Indians. He told an audience of doctors last month that the Hindu god Ganesh's head was evidence of ancient plastic surgery. A warrior the Mahabharata describes as born outside his mother's womb was a test-tube baby, Modi said.

"These claims can be interpreted as signs of an inferiority complex," said Romila Thapar, a leading scholar on ancient India. "The most disturbing thing is that many people accept this without questioning it," said Thapar, whose books one BJP leader has said should be burned.
Fears grow about Hindu 'Modi-fication' of education
Nov 21, 2014, 12.47PM ISTReuters

Modi is the first PM to publicly back the view that holy texts show many discoveries of modern science were made by ancient Indians.
NEW DELHI: Indians were flying aeroplanes, carrying out stem cell research and may even have been using cosmic weapons 5,000 years ago, according to the chairman of India's leading historical organisation.

Professor Y Sudershan Rao, the head of the Indian Council of Historical Research, has been criticized by fellow historians for comments that Hindu epics are adequate to understand the ancient world, rather than relying on evidence or research.

The BJP government appointed Rao to the prestigious academic post soon after winning the biggest landslide in three decades, fuelling concerns of a push to teach the superiority of Hindu values and mythology at the cost of academic rigour, and cutting against the grain of secularism that runs through multi-faith modern India.

"We have so many proofs that these events happened," Rao, 69, said in an interview, describing events in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the ancient Hindu epics about love and war, truth and deceit, that feature characters using inextinguishable fire and weapons with the destructive power of a nuclear arsenal.

Similar views have won support from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and in part reflect a belief that India's history books are beholden to colonial powers, foreign invaders and Marxists.

READ ALSO: Kendriya Vidyalaya board dumps German for Sanskrit

Make Sanskrit must in CBSE till Class 12: RSS outfit

(A schoolgirl reads from a textbook at an open-air school in New Delhi.)

While there is debate over the exact age of the Hindu epics, historians say they were probably written at least two millennia ago. Rao says this in itself is proof the texts are factual because humans did not develop the art of fiction writing until a few centuries back.

Many academics are horrified by such views, and describe his appointment as a blow for the history organisation set up four decades ago to guide research and hand out grants. They point to signs of a broader plan to bring more Hinduism to the classroom through changes to the curriculum.

Two states run by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party have recruited controversial Hindu nationalist Dinanath Batra to advise on writing textbooks.

In June, thousands of schools in Gujarat were given textbooks by Batra that claimed cars were invented in ancient India and told children to draw an enlarged nation to include countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

Teachers at Batra's organisation say they want the books to be in every school.

"The lessons from today's history books are that Indians are nothing and good for nothing," said Atul Kothari, secretary of Batra's Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti, or Save the Education Movement. "The truth is that historically we have been a far superior race."

Union HRD minister Smriti Irani declined to comment on what revisions will be included in a review of the curriculum planned next year.

The last time the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party was in power a decade ago, it began to rewrite school books in line with Hindu-nationalist orthodoxy.

When the Congress party came back to power, it rewrote the books again. Academics say the loser in all this are confused, and sometimes ill-informed, schoolchildren.

Modi is the first Prime Minister to publicly back the view that holy texts show many discoveries of modern science were made by ancient Indians. He told an audience of doctors last month that the Hindu god Ganesh's head was evidence of ancient plastic surgery. A warrior the Mahabharata describes as born outside his mother's womb was a test-tube baby, Modi said.

"These claims can be interpreted as signs of an inferiority complex," said Romila Thapar, a leading scholar on ancient India. "The most disturbing thing is that many people accept this without questioning it," said Thapar, whose books one BJP leader has said should be burned.
Nice! :agree: :bunny: Education is good. The literacy of India is also improving rapidly.
How can BJP MP Venkaiah Naidu say in Parliament that black money went out during Congress rule? What...

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