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Narendra Modi cannot lead India effectively: New York Times Editorial Board

Atleast some sense starts prevailing in the west with respect to feku!!!!!!!!!

Too bad the editorial board of NYT cant vote in Indian general election :(
Too bad the editorial board of NYT cant vote in Indian general election :(

There is no need for any external votes, we are more than enough here. Yes, feku may need some NRI votes to save his face. NYT board is an international forum and world listen to them.
There is no need for any external votes, we are more than enough here. NYT board is an international forum and world listen to them.

Too bad world listening to the crap NYT spews doesnt make much difference to the frustration, anger, sense of deceit felt by Indians over the lootera raj of UPA :(

Anyway the Congi leaders must be laughing their *** off looking at the likes of you who still follow the Con party even after your co-religionists were killed like bakras in the roads of Delhi. You deserve them and they deserve you. A match made in heaven.

Yes, feku may need some NRI votes to save his face.

Like this feku Ashok Gehlot buying likes from Istanbul and Russia ?


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Actually the more this mud slinging goes on by the Congress the better it is for Modi. It will keep Modi in the center of the frame rather than the achievements of congress in last 10 years.
Too bad world listening to the crap NYT spews doesnt make much difference to the frustration, anger, sense of deceit felt by Indians over the lootera raj of UPA :(

Anyway the Congi leaders must be laughing their *** off looking at the likes of you who still follow the Con party even after your co-religionists were killed like bakras in the roads of Delhi. You deserve them and they deserve you. A match made in heaven.

Like this feku Ashok Gehlot buying likes from Istanbul and Russia ?



That what I am talking about and you have shown your true color yourself. Feku and you feku Chamchas/'Bhagwa Taliban' see everything through religious lens and can't see anything beyond religion. 'Bakras' killed in Delhi were not only my 'co-religionists bakras', they were also Indians national like you. Similarly 'bakras' killed after godhra were not only 'Muslim bakras' but also Indians. Yes I still follow congress atleast congress is not making '84 culprits Indian PM and current PM of India is also my 'co-religionist bakra', who belongs to congress.

Bhagwa's were in govt for 06 years, what did they done to brought culprits of 84 massacre to justis?? Nothing..nada..jilch!!!!!! From the time feku's biggest chamcha made UP incharge, UP is burning. Now your face mask is not going to work and India saw your real face again after Muzafrabad incidents. Your ''co-religionists bakra'' were also killed by feku's gundas and touts, because he saw them killing 'woman terrorist' in a very 'tough and dangerous' encounter. Go and su*k feku's b**s....Sa**e extremist chamche!!!!!

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