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Narendra Modi addressing the India Today Coclave 2013

I dont post crap, I measure development on the basis of economy, per capita income and electricity consumption. No doubt Gujarat has done an amazing job, whose denying that??? But there was no miracle like he says all the time. Gujarat has done what Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Bangalore etc have done. There was no economic South Korean type miracle happeneing here. Come on, if there was then please lemme know.

No sir you dont know what you are talking about.

Gujarat does not suffer from incessant powercuts that are the bane in TN or even in many parts of MH. Its a power surplus stae now. The only state in India. Plus much of what MH is because of Mumbai which will continue to grow - being the financial capital of India - irrespective of the govt. But Guj has no such luxuries. What Guj does is hard ore manufacturing and not services as for example Tamil Nadu (though to be fair, Tamil Nadu has an extensive automobile industry too).

Plus the most important thing that separates MH/TN and Guj is the way they are governed. I can personally attest to the fact that governance in Guj has taken on a whole new paradigm when compared to TN or MH. Corruption is rife in these two states while there is a visible lack of it in Guj (which is a personal favorite of mine). Also Modi's penchant for technology means e-governance is taking huge strides in Guj while its still neglected in many parts of the country.

One thing that marks the stark contrast between two three term chief ministers - Modi (BJP) and Sheila Dixit (Congress) is the amount they have spent on restoring the rivers in their respective states and the results.

This picture captures it vividly :-


I watched the speech. Not the best speaker (certainly not in the Vajpayee class) but was very impressed with his approach to problems..

His SRCC speech > Speech at national exec > speech at conclave.

This was an opinion shared by many people online and I tend to agree. He was not in his top game today.

Agree with rest of post.
India needs Gujarat growth model, not me: Narendra Modi | Firstpost

* ”What we lack is a feeling of pride. In Gujarat, there is a feeling of belonging. Many would question why they should pay tax, but when they see Gujarat moving ahead, they say yes, I want to contribute to the growth.”

* On secularism, Modi said: Everyone should be protected. Where is the question of being a Hindu or a Muslim? All this minority talk is vote-bank politics.

* When asked whether he would be able to take Gujarat’s growth model across India given coalition politics, Modi said coalition politics is not a problem. “Tell me one good thing the current government wanted to do and it was stopped due to coalition politics? There needs to be a will, that’s all.”

* Hitting out at the UPA’s MGNREGA, Modi said: Instead of employment, the scheme should have said development. The scheme should have instilled a pride of contributing to the country’s growth in everyone. Hundred days of working for the country’s growth. You need to take people into confidence while planning for them.

* Modi also slammed the government for talking only about Acts. “For every problem, they suggest a new Act. We don’t need Acts. We need action. When Vajpayee was in power, there was no need of bringing acts. There was action.”

* On being dropped as a keynote speaker by Wharton, Modi said he cannot analyse himself. I think my style of working is my USP and I don’t intend to change it.

* Asked if he regretted what happened in 2002, Modi refused to comment saying: All that I had to say I said, you can look it up on the internet. When a member of the audience asked why he was scared to answer the question, Modi snapped: I’m not scared. If I were, I wouldn’t have come here.

* On why Gujarat is low on human indices, Modi chose to put the blame on immigrants. “Go to any station and see the number of poor that come in. The problem is due to immigrants.”

* When asked what was his response to the growing clamour of him being the country’s next PM, Modi said: I don’t dream about being the PM. India needs the Gujarat growth model, not me. On being asked who in the BJP was stopping him from coming to Delhi? Modi quipped: I’m sitting in Delhi, has anyone stopped me? This is Delhi right?

* He also hit out at dynasty politics saying one should be happy that there is a party in this country which follows a constitution. “Shouldn’t you be happy that there is a party (BJP) that has a democratic set up? We don’t work under a family we have a constitution that we follow.”

* On defence, Modi said he wants India to be an exporter of arms. “I’m working on a defence manufacturing policy for Gujarat, it will come soon,” he said.

* On bureaucracy, Modi said he has changed the way it functions in Gujarat. “I don’t ask them what has not been done, I ask what are the good things that have been done.”

* Speaking about education, Modi said there is 100% enrollment in Gujarat. I have done everything. Providing school uniforms, books, infrastructure… In terms of jobs as well Gujarat has 78 percent employment, the country just 22 percent.”

* On the problem of malnutrition, Modi said it was not just a problem with the poor. “Children want fast-food, and refuse to drink milk. Their parents have to run after them, they fear they’ll get fat. For how long are we going to run away from the truth? the problem of malnutrition is also there within well-to-do families.”

* Taking a dig at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Modi said: I once met the PM at his residence. Both of us sat, none of us spoke. So I started. I gave the PM ideas on how certain changes can be made to the JNNURM. He even asked me for a report which I submitted. It has been three years now. Nothing has been done.”

* Modi also spoke of how India can outshine China by making use of two strong weapons. Democracy and youth. “If we use these two weapons, we can outshine China”
5 Reasons why I loved hearing Modi at India Today Conclave - Oneindia News

Here are my 5 quick reasons why I feel Modi's speech at the India Today conclave was spectacular, articulate, coherent and a speech that is expected from a true leader

Reason 1- Aspiration and Development, not crumb throwing and populism is Governance!
Modi's take on NREGA early on in his speech gave us a wonderful insight into how the man thinks as far as matters of Governance are concerned. He showed us that a change in mindset is all it takes to deliver to the people. He asked why couldn't those in power term the NREGA as a ‘Development Guarantee Scheme' instead of merely an employment guarantee scheme. Modi hit the nail on the head when he said that it is not until we integrate the people and convince them that they are working for the nation that we will see tangible results.

Reason 2- He went where no leader even thinks of going

When was the last (infact even the first time) you heard of a political leader advocate privatization and reforms in a polity where good economics is believed to be bad politics? The point Modi made about Railways is no small point. Apart from good economics, this is also a sneak peak into the reformist mind of Modi. For years, we have failed to add quality, comfort or dignity in our trains. Tracks are not added, stations are in a mess and the sufferers remain the common man. It is a decade since parochial Railway Ministers have diverted trains and other allocations to their home states. In his speech, Modi challenged this very point! I was happy to hear that there is still a leader who is calling for bold reforms in a sphere that concerns the poorest of the poor in this country. More power to him! His answer to Sandeep Bamzai on privatization was also extremely nuanced. While reaffirming that Governments have no business to be in business, Modi also said that if there is a problem with our PSUs, it must be sorted. And this is what he in Gujarat has done- not only are the state's PSUs shining but also draws maximum private sector investment contributing to the growth of the nation.

Reason 3- It is always India first!

If there was one underlying theme in Modi's speech, it was national regeneration. Modi spoke not as a Gujarati, or a person of X, Y or Z interest group but as an Indian! He put it very categorically that India needs friendly relations with her neighbours but that cannot be at the cost of our interests. By stressing on his dream to make India self reliant in producing weapons, Modi was both dreaming of a self-sufficient India and talking of ridding the nation from the web of dirty arms dealers, who along with select politicians have put a few million dollars above the pride of the nation.

Reason 4- Because he remained willing to engage

When I first tuned into Modi's speech I thought it will be a short affair. There will be a speech followed by a few questions and we all would go home. I was proved horribly wrong. Not only did Modi speak, he spoke in style and at the same time he took questions with finesse and answered them with great detail. In a nation where the ruling family is not ready to engage and where a Prime Minister has hardly spoken, Modi is a breath of fresh air. I have not seen a single leader either at the Centre or in the states that is willing to engage with people so comprehensively as Modi did! Be it economics, or the cottage industry's favourite riots question, Modi appeared as a leader willing to engage and answer questions. His answer to Javed Ansari's unnecessary point on riots was something I really enjoyed hearing. When the courts and the people have given their answer not once but a large number of times, why are a handful of armchair activists hounding him! His answer to Punya Prasoon Vajpayee's question on the inherently democratic framework of the BJP exemplifies just the class Modi is made of.

Reason 5- And most importantly, because everything he said was based on facts not hyperbole

When Rahul Kanwal tried to ask Modi on whether his Mother thought he would be Prime Minister, Modi simply said this is a discussion on development, Mothers and Fathers simply do not figure! That is NAMO for you- no sob stories on power being poison, no mother weeping, only work speaks. Each and every point Modi made was backed with facts. Be it a plan for solid waste management, be it the revolutionary canal top solar power project, Modi backed every point he made with statistics. No one can say Modi did not come prepared; he was prepared far to well. The movie he showed before starting his speech added the much needed perspective to the discussion and gave us a fantastic idea on how Gujarat is developing.
I watched the speech. Not the best speaker (certainly not in the Vajpayee class) but was very impressed with his approach to problems. I'm not sure how he will fare if he becomes PM but this guy is quite clearly a very able administrator(2002 riots aside). He certainly won't lack for ideas or the ability think of an out of the box solution for a problem.
I have few reservation of mine regarding your post. I agree that Vajpayee sir was an excellent orator. He used to captivate people with his wits, his command on hindi and his words selection to present his idea in beautiful, articulated and still easy to understand way.

Having said that, Modi has learned from him, so we can't expect Modi to reach to Vajpayee's calibre just now. You have to admit, Vajpayee comes in the elite category of Orators, not only in India but also in the world (according to me). So basically we are judging Cheteshawar Pujara with Rahul Dravid. Lets give him time. I am sure that you will agree that Modi will definitely improve over the period of time once he starts to become addressing wider range of audience.

The USP of his speech was his presentation of data and statistics, which was easy to understand by even a layman.

For example when he talked about 10,000 hectare with tone down and hands down and then 8,00,000 hectare figure with tone up and hand rising upwards gives the person a audio-visual presentation of his statement.

Mind you, to express the words in visual form increases the weight of the word on the audience. It has been proved by Research too. ( Kindly read about Effect of Visual Stimulus (Ads) in Decision Making of a Consumer )

Coming on to his adminstrative capabilities. He tactfully talked not only about how he handled the things, he also gave credits to the Government officials that worked with him. As for Godhara riots, I have always said that considering the history of Guajar, its communal riots past, he managed to contain the violence in just 7 districts within 72 hours when he has limited security forces and Army came late as it was busy in Operation Parakram.

Added to it, his request to Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh and Maharashtra to send their Police force to control the violence was rejected by the government of these states, all ruled by Congress.

If you have studied about dynamics of rumor, violence generated due to it and propagation of violence with false/true information, mob behavior and Riots dynamics, you can easily quantify the efficiency of the governmental efforts. I can give mathematical model presented to study these crimes.

Behavior and Dynamics of Riots

Riots are like a very fast propagating Epidemic disease which is carried by people, communication medium, the information infects the people and agitates them to extent of crossing of threshold and they become violent, and they start targeting susceptible. Also, a mob is may become much more violent and more heinous crimes happen as people get into frenzy seeing each other committing violence together.

Remember that s information spreads, susceptible and infected also increase at much faster rate. To make a recovered section which includes population guarded by security forces from rioters include more susceptible, government needs high efficiency and swift deploying of Security forces.
I have few reservation of mine regarding your post. I agree that Vajpayee sir was an excellent orator. He used to captivate people with his wits, his command on hindi and his words selection to present his idea in beautiful, articulated and still easy to understand way.

Having said that, Modi has learned from him, so we can't expect Modi to reach to Vajpayee's calibre just now. You have to admit, Vajpayee comes in the elite category of Orators, not only in India but also in the world (according to me). So basically we are judging Cheteshawar Pujara with Rahul Dravid. Lets give him time. I am sure that you will agree that Modi will definitely improve over the period of time once he starts to become addressing wider range of audience.

That was just a comment, not a criticism. I couldn't care less if someone is not going to be a great orator, we have had too many orators & not enough action. I judge him (& others) by their performance not by their skill with words.
A good, dynamic, fwd looking speech by Modi. Hope for future: that good governance also means preventing communal riots. Cheerio folks - Sagarika Gosh

Now please tell me what was the need for such additional words after a decade of riots where Modi is as responsible as Rajiv Gandhi was during Sikh Riots. But you guys ever listened about Rajiv being demonized by press? No.

My tweet to her:

@sagarikaghose How many riots did congress prevent? most happened under their helm and they have ruled the most you stupid anti Modi.
"All Indians deserve to be safe." Narendra Modi

Against this from MMS:

Minorities have first right to India's resources - Man Mohan Singh

82% Majority does not count at all for this Vote Bank, Sonia sandal licker Sardar.
If thats the face of secularism, then suicide it is for India.
He is the pied Piper, and Yindoos are rats....
These Ghost's(Ghosh) and desai's of IBN7 and other media crooks like Bakra Dutt are congressi prosttitutes.
Even the 2 editors of khAAJ TAK are talking on malnutrition and 2002 riots?
Where were u pussies when 84 riots happened? and others monthly based riots who are still happening?
That was just a comment, not a criticism. I couldn't care less if someone is not going to be a great orator, we have had too many orators & not enough action. I judge him (& others) by their performance not by their skill with words.
Buddy, I didn't take it otherwise. Just wanted to reply to your post according to my perception regarding last night's speech of Modi. I know I can have meaningful discussion with you as you give rational counter arguments which in turns helps in developing a mature discussion.

I welcome your comments on all these topics.
as pakistanis like to say to indians.. wait for 2014 when US leaves.. we should tell them.. wait for 2014, when naMo is PM.we are definitely waiting.
I watched the speech. Not the best speaker (certainly not in the Vajpayee class) but was very impressed with his approach to problems. I'm not sure how he will fare if he becomes PM but this guy is quite clearly a very able administrator(2002 riots aside). He certainly won't lack for ideas or the ability think of an out of the box solution for a problem.

Looks like Modi managed to change your perception somewhat. & when the time comes, I'm sure rest of your reservations towards him will soon be history! :)
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