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Narcondum Island Radar Installation plan


Jul 2, 2012
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A plan to build a radar installation on Narcondum Island has created a wave in international level. A few groups now claim that such installation will put the world’s only population of some 300 Narcondam Hornbills (Aceros narcondami) at risk.

According to reports, defence forces have planned a radar facility and diesel power generation station on Narcondum, a three-kilometer-by-four-kilometer island in the Andaman and Nicobar Island group.

The plan includes a clearing forest for a new road and increased human presence on the island. According to the conservation group, the project has “high potential for chronic and increased disturbance to this lushly forested island and its small hornbill population.”

“The existing police outpost has itself caused some loss of habitat,” stated Conservation India on its web site. “It is dependent on the single freshwater source available on the island, and any additional human presence and installations will only compound the problems for the island and its unique flora and fauna.

On security point of view a Radar Station at Narcondum Island will play a major role in ensuring security of these strategically located Islands and also entire Nation. Now international pressure is mounting on India to drop this plan, several websites are openly writing against this radar installation plans.

Many believe that before taking any decision to drop the idea the India Government must also investigate the intension behind raising such objections. Is it because some of our neighboring countries are getting uncomfortable with India’s Radar Installation Plan in remote Islands?

Source:India Today Live - Reflection of Truth

Who would be uncomfortable because of this radar....?.
its important because....its nearly 150km from andaman and would be help full in early detection entering through Indo-china sea...if we can integrate some fire control radar or guidance radar then Bhramos can intercept any ship at distances 300+150km from anadaman's main land......and if any radar like LRTR installed can detect missiles and aircraft like J-20 and J-21 coming through myanmar air space....

Source:[url=http://www.indiatodaylive.com/news/andaman_Nicobar/18/30.html]India Today Live - Reflection of Truth[/url]

Who would be uncomfortable because of this radar....?.[/QUOTE]
They will have to consider the environmental impact. We are speaking about an entire species here. If the purpose of the radar can be served from a different location not causing damage is available then it must be explored.
Only if this location is feasible then it should be used but with extreme care not causing damage to this species.
Well,national security comes first and if our armed forces need that radar,we should provide them.Moreover Baron island is Indian territory and no one has any right to protest this.We don't poke our nose in others' internal matters,then why should bend backwards because of anyone's thought.For national security we should be ready to sacrifice anything-hornbill or duckbill doesn't matter.
What im saying is WTF bothers others if we have radars in our own land,who the fcuk can question us...?,it shows how impotent our GOI is,sue this puppet regime
Im in two minds over this I don't like the idea of disturbing nature but on the other hand we need this, there must a solution to minimize damage to the environment while still going ahead with the radar.
If the issue is seen for what its worth, its about the only population of hornbills that are restricted and endemic to Narcondam island, and which is a species of Global concern and interest. India’s defence interests need not be compromised, as there are various means as well as other regions without the degree of sensitivity that Narcondam Island presents, that may be used to further these interests. China and Burma games will continue to be played despite such developments; it is in our National as well as Island interest, that the horn bill be given a better deal than having to deal with more people, more equipment and the fallouts of these and other ‘developments’.

The Hornbills of that island do not stand much of a chance given the predicaments of that proposal. Rather than getting waylaid by the foreign hand theory, it would be wise to understand what is at stake. For information, there are probably more Indian conservation groups than foreign ones who have expressed concern on this proposal understanding the ramifications it has for one of India’s endemic species.
Don't install the fu@king radar. Enemy will not Bomb India cause we saved Birds. And even if they try Birds will take down any such attempts. :D
Ministry of environment needs to get life. Instead of blocking every project they should look in to ways of minimisation of loss.
Need to get one thing straight here. Country's defence is more fu@king important that any other thing. They should learn the other ways for preservation than blocking projects.
This shows India's offensive and hegemonic attitude. They want to wipe out a whole species just so that they can get a
radar system in such a ecologically delicate place. China is justified to have a defensive string of pearls to counter India's evil
This shows India's offensive and hegemonic attitude. They want to wipe out a whole species just so that they can get a
radar system in such a ecologically delicate place. China is justified to have a defensive string of pearls to counter India's evil

There would be No compromision acceptable for National Security........

BD can happily send there warships to India to save a few species :lol:
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