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Names of three Indian nationals emerge in retired Army officer's disappearance: local media

Indeed when we swap him for some Indian officer based in Afghanistan or better still, here is me hoping GD Bakshi!!

If Yadav was/is innocent why have you folks not gone to the Iranian authorizes and asked them to launch an investigation into his kidnapping the way we have done with the Nepalese authorities????????
What would that give us? We will get the story from horse's mouth..

dont forget Aksai Chin everytime you mention 71.
That is why I don't boast about destroying china..
the whole story of yadav being kidnaped seems true,by kidnapping the Pakistani guy,it seems RAW has sent a message,if you can do it we too can,disappearence of the Pakistani guy with no trace and no one claiming it seems like people who did it wanted the message to reach only the concerned people,or it could be a case of defection too.only god knows whats the truth.
the whole story of yadav being kidnaped seems true,by kidnapping the Pakistani guy,it seems RAW has sent a message,if you can do it we too can,disappearence of the Pakistani guy with no trace and no one claiming it seems like people who did it wanted the message to reach only the concerned people,or it could be a case of defection too.only god knows whats the truth.
Without trace? Seriously?:lol: oh man read the thread title:hitwall:
I think he is no more, already. He look fragile in the forced video they released... let the gods give him moksha if that is the case.. that guy served our nation..
habib should be an example for enemy to remember...
How exactly did he serve your nation? as a businessman or as a spy/terrorist?
U are not dealing with Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka......U are dealing with Pakistan...I don't know why I have to remind this to all sanghi chaddi khakhi nationalists bakhts cow vigilantes...

Then so what, Pakistani families do feel pain for loved one?? Everything has price... only amount changes...

Please do not compare retired Lt. Habib with terrorist KY....

One flew to Nepal for a job offer, the other was actively engaged in terrorist activities.

Lt. Habib is an idiot for falling into a RAW trap. In no way will he be exchanged for KY.
And you are stupid to call your ex-service man idiot.. He his also a human and fall to fallacies..

Any unbiased source?
He retired in 2004. Yadav got caught in April 2016.
Mr Habid got trapped in 2017.. so wats big deal

And that is what I term pathetic. PDF fanboys here. PA very well knows they are torturing an innocent man.. they very well know we have capability to retaliate.. they have experience with warcrimes they committed during kargil and how we retaliated, they were supporting jihadis killing hindu and sikhs in kashmir, and got the answer in same tune.. with beheadings, retaliated too.. So they know we will retaliate.. but still OK with torturing innocent man to show their bravado.. what kind of weak men they had to be to doing that?
Say Weak and Desperate, they are wasting their resources unnecessarily for the sake of their new master China
What is the use of outing the names of some poor travel agents? We all know what happened to him... pakistan should directly contact India via back channel and sort this out..
no. We have gathered enough evidence to sort it out in a different way. That retired col was of no use but indian act involving 3 states are of great use and we hope that our governmnent utilize them well.
I don't know why Indians keep forgetting that both are different cases.

1. Yadav was caught inside Pakistan while Zahir was abducted from Nepal. Irrespective of whether they are spy or RAW/ISI or Aliens.
2. It could only mean two things that Nepal is complicit in his abduction and it will be clear in due time OR India acted on its own in which case there will be retaliation. Pakistan can do the same and very easily. You crossed the red line by abducting Pakistani from a 3rd country and there will be price to pay.

Not different,

The way you claim that Jadhav was captured inside Pak, and we say he was a businessmen in Iran.

Similarly Zahir entered Nepal, you claim he was abducted from Nepal border near India, and India can claim that they captured him inside Indian border.

Remember there is no proof of abduction. He was missing from Lumbini, no one know whether he was taken from there or he crossed border at will and then arrested
An indian navy officer found in balochistan using iranian visa on an indian passport with a fake name serving your nation?
If you are little behind in comprehensive ability, let me repeat... he served the nation as a navy officer...

no. We have gathered enough evidence to sort it out in a different way. That retired col was of no use but indian act involving 3 states are of great use and we hope that our governmnent utilize them well.
I do not think habib isn't retired.. he is active.duty ISI agent and was in Nepal to plan for terrorist activities in India.. Kulbhushan on the other hand, was a retired navy person.

Yes we should contact India via back channel but after handing over remains of Kulbushan to India via front channel.
Then forget about your guy.. he will remain untraceable for ever. His family will be in agony forever.. looks like it is OK with you as habib is not your family member..
If you are little behind in comprehensive ability, let me repeat... he served the nation as a navy officer...

If you're a little behind in facts, allow me to shove some facts in your thick skull through your rear. He was caught in balochistan using a fake name on an indian passport with an iranian visa. Your media approved of his fake name and passport. He was still serving your nation and your agencies when he was caught.
If you're a little behind in facts, allow me to shove some facts in your thick skull through your rear. He was caught in balochistan using a fake name on an indian passport with an iranian visa. Your media approved of his fake name and passport. He was still serving your nation and your agencies when he was caught.
Don't play dumb.. he was a retired navy doing his own business kidnapped by Pakistan for scoring some cheap brown points..
As far as i am concerned, no Indian citizen in this entire region is safe.
We See that Janjua promised Dvol and Americans that there Will be no attack of civilians or there will repercussions

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