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Namaz-e-Jinazah for TTP Terrorists!

No problem is performing their namaz e jinazah-

Those were lost souls-
and only he can judge them-
May Allah have mercy on them in after life- as Allah is most Gracious, most Compassionate-

Dude, are you serious - Do you know what you are doing? You're asking for mercy for the soul of a person who violently took away innocent lives! :blink:

The way your mind is wired up, it's you, whose sole deserves mercy. :angry:
I am bitter and have a very strong grudge against these guys, war does that to you.

I am bitter and have a very strong grudge against these guys, war does that to you.

Yes .. Most of us understand that...
You dont have to give explainatins here.
You are very much out of this world, dude. Are you eight? Read before you post utterly idiotic questions.

Now, ask the same question above, first to yourself, and answer it quietly in your own mind.

Now tell us, who gives a *** ******* ****** ***** if it is Kufr or Sin. Why don't we get a you a TTP operative so that he can explain his version of Islam to you?

It's people like you that confuse the crap out of society, at large.

Kufr<>Sin<>Kabeera<>Sagheera<>if it were this size<>if it were that size (which one is a bigger sin)

Dude, even I know of your destination in afterlife. Do you need more hints?

Reading comprehension mate, something you might want to work on before going off half-cocked.
So TTP islamically should be giving namaaz-e-janaazi from my understanding. If the army obliterates them, personally I won't mind that.

I was giving my opinions on both the Islamic interpretation as asked by the OP and my personal opinion.
You are very much out of this world, dude. Are you eight? Read before you post utterly idiotic questions.

Now, ask the same question above, first to yourself, and answer it quietly in your own mind.

Now tell us, who gives a *** ******* ****** ***** if it is Kufr or Sin. Why don't we get a you a TTP operative so that he can explain his version of Islam to you?

It's people like you that confuse the crap out of society, at large.

Kufr<>Sin<>Kabeera<>Sagheera<>if it were this size<>if it were that size (which one is a bigger sin)

Dude, even I know of your destination in afterlife. Do you need more hints?

This post of yours is utter Bullsh!t-

You are very much out of this world, dude. Are you eight? Read before you post utterly idiotic questions.

Now, ask the same question above, first to yourself, and answer it quietly in your own mind.

Now tell us, who gives a *** ******* ****** ***** if it is Kufr or Sin. Why don't we get a you a TTP operative so that he can explain his version of Islam to you?

It's people like you that confuse the crap out of society, at large.

Kufr<>Sin<>Kabeera<>Sagheera<>if it were this size<>if it were that size (which one is a bigger sin)

Dude, even I know of your destination in afterlife. Do you need more hints?

This post of yours is utter Bullsh!t-
I am bitter and have a very strong grudge against these guys, war does that to you.
I am bitter and have a very strong grudge against these guys, war does that to you.
No mate, you shouldn't feel bad for these feelings!

What actually needs to be done is that we need to take all these ***** TTP sympathizers on this forum and enlist them in front line operations. ***** ***. :butcher:

Reading comprehension mate, something you might want to work on before going off half-cocked.
I was giving my opinions on both the Islamic interpretation as asked by the OP and my personal opinion.
Zarvin, the scars of war and terrorism are fresh in the psyche of members here. Kindly, just don't get involved in hypothetical scenarios, wherein, a terrorist can be shown any mercy, here or in in the afterlife!

You can go and argue the nuances of Islamic interpretations with the local imam @ Birmingham mosque. He can recite you a dozen ayats and bring your mind to peace. What say you?
No mate, you shouldn't feel bad for these feelings!

What actually needs to be done is that we need to take all these ***** TTP sympathizers on this forum and enlist them in front line operations. ***** ***. :butcher:

I don't think its about sympathy for them or their actions. Bass ooper walay se ek baat ka hukum mila hua hai, ab oppose karte huay 10 times nukta cheeni toh karni hongi na.

Let me say there should be no LEGAL compulsion on the government to do it. But if someone wants to do it, let them. They shouldn't be treated as a sympathizers as there could be belief-based compulsions why someone or the other is doing it.
Dude, are you serious - Do you know what you are doing? You're asking for mercy for the soul of a person who violently took away innocent lives! :blink:

The way your mind is wired up, it's you, whose sole deserves mercy. :angry:

In the end mercy is what differentiate us from them-
You go ask them- the dead terrorists and their kinds- they will wish for us to rot in hell even after we are dead-

In the end i will say again May Allah have mercy on their souls and yours aswell-
Zarvin, the scars of war and terrorism are fresh in the psyche of members here. Kindly, just don't get involved in hypothetical scenarios, wherein, a terrorist can be shown any mercy, here or in in the afterlife!

You can go and argue the nuances of Islamic interpretations with the local imam @ Birmingham mosque. He can recite you a dozen ayats and bring your mind to peace. What say you?

Are you an idiot, we are talking about Namaaz-E-Janaaza, the OP is asking for an Islamic interpretation, I couldn't give a ***** what the army does to them but I'm discussing the topic, unlike you who is just here to troll. Actually just forget it.... Be a man next time and just accept your mistake.
As Ahmad said; we can offer 10-times their Janaza, but what matter is that they are 'DEAD'.

There was a person in my neighbour who shot himself in the head... and the debate were raised whether to offer his Nimaze-Janaza or not since it is Haram to do so... the elders and scholar came to an understanding that, since he was a Muslim and he did a suicide, our obligation is to offer his Nimaze-janaza and leave his afterlife matter to the Gracious and Merciful Allah SWT...

But what I'm asking here, who guaranteed that these terrorists were Muslims? What procedure were followed in declaring them as dead Muslim terrorists?
A good use of the dead taliban would be to shove them through stakes, then firmly place those stakes outside trouble-making seminaries.

Those takfiri mullahs like to talk about hell and love to glorify death...give them a bit of hell on earth to (visually) smack some sense into them.
Oh com'on, folks. How many of you here have actually been to combat areas? First of all, how do you confirm that these bastards were Muslims or not? Secondly, if a Muslim do these acts, he's simply out of Islam. When Muslims fight Christians or Jews or other non-Muslims in combat, do they offer their Namaz-e-Janaza? No! They are just given a burial. That's the maximum we can do for these scumbags as they are worse than our other non-Muslim rivals in a war.

Please try to understand it, it's not about being humane or not, it's about Islamic principles, I've no time right now but I'm vert much sure Hadith provides some incidents about people like these. There have been many rebellions in the Islamic history and I am quite sure, there are examples when Namaz e Janaza wasn't offer for people like these.

Sorry friends, I don't agree with offering prayers for them at all. Allah would be angry with us for doing that.
shocked to see some of the comments, if it is proven that they were muslims then it is our religious duty we are not the one to judge and punish them for their sins, if they were wrong they will get it in their grave, who knows by refusing them their last rights we become the wrongs ones.
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