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Namaz-e-Jinazah for TTP Terrorists!

I see, so Zakat money goes to fund these rats, I don't pay zakaat but if I tell my dad he won't believe meh.

I am unaware why icarus said that...
Zakat is paid to known relatives first,and then if any amount remains,its given to poors in person,not to organisations and fund collectors..
I see, so Zakat money goes to fund these rats, I don't pay zakaat but if I tell my dad he won't believe meh.

May God have mercy on your soul- :angry:-

btw Zakat and terror fund money- :no:-
i think icarus was over zealous-
Icarus,please leave this discussion for some other thread..There are points i agree,but many things you say are more of stereotype than facts...
For example.... There is/was a non-barailwi,....non-sufi madrisah near my house and we regularly donated money to it...sometimes the whole running cost..
Reason being it was a madressah as in a religious school but the students were almost all orphans of afghan war or boys from families too poor to feed them or educate them,and were dumped inthe madrissah as families didnt want them....
Noe we had no control on what they grew up to be
About carricurum in the madrissah,it was darse nizaami.....which is being taught as it is in madrissahs for centuries...
Some of them returned to afghanistan after finishing their studies in that madrissah,and we know that as a matter of fact as we as community and family even funded their teavel back home as many of them hadent been to their villages in afghanistan since childhood and wanted to go back,but being young and new graduates of a madrisah , had no money..
Now if somebody comes round and blames us for supporting bad guys.. No we didnt....

The situation issame as 'khidr and moosa'.
When khidr killed a lovely child,saying he will grow up to be a tyrant..but moosa protested....

We were neither khidr nor moosa.

I was merely answering the question as to where this money was being invested before 9/11.
I see, so Zakat money goes to fund these rats, I don't pay zakaat but if I tell my dad he won't believe meh.

Not all the Zakat money but significant amounts of it. Some people donate it to the TTP on purpose, others do so unwillingly. I myself used to pay Zakat to the Al-Khidmat Foundation (Run by Jamaat-e-Islami) until I learnt about the nexus between Jamatis and the Taliban during my time in FATA. I then told my family to pay Zakat to close relatives or the Edhi Foundation instead.

I am unaware why icarus said that...
Zakat is paid to known relatives first,and then if any amount remains,its given to poors in person,not to organisations and fund collectors..

A number of people pay Zakat to charities and foundations, I did too as noted in the above post.

May God have mercy on your soul- :angry:-

btw Zakat and terror fund money- :no:-
i think icarus was over zealous-

No, I am speaking from my personal experience, I have detailed my explanation in the last few posts. If there are any further questions it will be my pleasure to answer them.
When I thought about it I came to this conclusion that their bodies should be buried right away without any identification or funeral prayers because

(1) They have been doing suicide bombing on mosques, kids, woman, etc
(2) They beleive that every one in Pakistan except them is Kafir and if i remember correctly there is a hadith which says that if you say someone is kafir and if they are really not kafir then that makes you a kafir
(3) They come and attack Civilians and Pakistan Army with an intention of doing suicide and suicide is haram which means no funeral prayer.

Furthermore I agree with most of the posts above which say that they should be eliminated asap. I am also very surprised to know that Zakat money is going to fund TTP. Very shocked!
Why? I'm not dead yet.

BTT: Just realize I don't go to a Pakistani mosque so it doesn't matter either way.:lol:

I will not be surpirsed if you ever been to a mosque high cut-

btw you dont have to be dead to get Allah mercy- Allah have mercy on every one wheather alive or dead- it was a pray- dont know what made you so irked up-
These organisations that are doing this dirty business, you have verified them. What has been done about them?

Nothing much, most are registered overseas, they have been flagged for their respective governments to supervise but it takes a lot of evidence to take someone to task.
On suicide-Suicide is a sin is Islam correct? But is it Kuffar? Does one become non-Muslim if he does it?

On Takfeerism(calling others Kaafirs)---They are Takfeeris, yes. They try and justify calling other people kaafir, whether they are right or wrong, God can decide. We see normal everyday people calling each other Kaafir all the time, we let God decide on that occasion too, but we won't neglect them off their final dua.

So TTP islamically should be giving namaaz-e-janaazi from my understanding. If the army obliterates them, personally I won't mind that.

I will not be surpirsed if you ever been to a mosque high cut-

btw you dont have to be dead to get Allah mercy- Allah have mercy on every one wheather alive or dead- it was a pray- dont know what made you so irked up-
Some members are discussing the source of funds for these terrorist organizations, I think it's important to clarify that only a few charity organizations are a front for these terrorists. They feed on those people that are unaware of the reputation of the organization that collects the funds. So as long as a person gives charity or "zakah" to a reputable organization, there should be no problem whatsoever.

Over here in Saudi Arabia, the government has actually cracked down on these charity organizations in the past. The flow of money in to & abroad is still monitored by the government. Pakistan needs to do the same thing; cut of their source of income, & then kill the terrorists by any means necessary.
I don't agree that they deserve a Namaz-e-Janazah, in my opinion it is courtesy enough if they are dumped in some hole but our oh so righteous cleric friends disagree. If the clerics had any idea how they treat our dead, they would gag in disgust. My dead have been urinated upon, dried in the sun, cut up into pieces, hung from trees, mutilated, buried with dogs and this is just the stuff I know about, God knows how cruelly other dead bodies were treated.

We don't need going down to their moral level.
On suicide-Suicide is a sin is Islam correct? But is it Kuffar? Does one become non-Muslim if he does it?
You are very much out of this world, dude. Are you eight? Read before you post utterly idiotic questions.

Now, ask the same question above, first to yourself, and answer it quietly in your own mind.

Now tell us, who gives a *** ******* ****** ***** if it is Kufr or Sin. Why don't we get a you a TTP operative so that he can explain his version of Islam to you?

It's people like you that confuse the crap out of society, at large.

Kufr<>Sin<>Kabeera<>Sagheera<>if it were this size<>if it were that size (which one is a bigger sin)

Dude, even I know of your destination in afterlife. Do you need more hints?
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