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Najam Sethi on Desperation in PDM: Says It is "Now or Never" For PMLN


Oct 31, 2009
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Prominent Pakistani journalist and political analyst Najam Sethi, a strong critic of Prime Minister Imran Khan, sees desperation among the Pakistani Democratic Movement (PDM) leaders. In a recent interview with well-known journalists Raza Rumi and Murtaza Solangi on Naya Daur social media channel, Sethi said the Pakistani opposition, particularly PMLN, believe it is "now or never" for them.

PDM Leadership L to R: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Maryam Nawaz
Najam Sethi added that if the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government led by Prime Minister Khan survives the current 5 year term and succeeds in stabilizing the nation's economy, the ruling party will be re-elected for another 5 year term in 2023 with the support of what Sethi calls "Miltablishment" (a euphemism for Pakistani military). This, Sethi said, would mean that the PMLN would break up and lose its relevance. Sethi said there is genuine support for PTI in spite of Imran Khan government's failures in the first two years. This support is particularly strong among the youthful voters who are willing to forgive PTI's poor handling of the economy.

Dr. Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Professor of political science at Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS), has offered similar analysis in an op ed published in Arab News. He asks: "Why can’t opposition parties wait for the next elections, is the six-million-dollar question". Here's an excerpt from Rais's op ed that captures its essence:

"The two major dynastic parties— the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the Pakistan People’s Party are concerned that if Khan continues to stabilize and devise strategies for reforms, which he is set to roll out in the coming months, he may win the next election. If that happens, it will end dynastic elite politics, as staying in the political wilderness could cause splits, defections and fragmentation".

The PDM strategy of forcing mid-term elections by resigning from assemblies may not work because the interests of PPP and PMLN, the two biggest components of PDM, do not converge. While it is true that PMLN has little to lose by resigning their seats, the PPP has a lot to lose because it is already the ruling party in Sindh with its patronage power intact. And the PPP has no hope of winning national elections to form federal government. If the PDM protests are sustained, however, it won't be smooth sailing for PTI either. Dr. Rais sums up the situation very well as follows:

"Resigning from the assemblies is an option, but why would the PPP do so, losing its government in Sindh. Things may not be easy for the government of Khan either, as instability and confrontation may continue to divert his attention away from reforms and rebuilding a ‘new’ Pakistan. Failure then would work well into the strategy of the opposition for the next elections".

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thus, Khan should focus on reforms and not on opposition, they dont matter, the reforms matter

he needs to address
1. universal education
2. universal health
3. energy crisis
4. law and order
5. judiciary reforms
6. financial stability
7. growth/jobs through manufacturing, infrastructure and agriculture

this isnt easy but it isnt impossible
The bastards are doing this just so IK can't initiate reform and stabilise the economy and Pakistan

So they would rather sacrifice PAKISTAN for their own parties and mafia bosses sake?

They deserve to be shot

thus, Khan should focus on reforms and not on opposition, they dont matter, the reforms matter

he needs to address
1. universal education
2. universal health
3. energy crisis
4. law and order
5. judiciary reforms
6. financial stability
7. growth/jobs through manufacturing, infrastructure and agriculture

this isnt easy but it isnt impossible
He doesnt need to get all of these done any time soon and people are not expecting it within two months. But he needs to show genuine progress, and show a meaningful plan and vision that people can believe: that is if we stay course we will make meaningful progress on xyz.
Government should toss Maryam in prison and throw the key away. That will be end of PMLN and PDM too. Just do it already. Then get back to business

Prominent Pakistani journalist and political analyst Najam Sethi, a strong critic of Prime Minister Imran Khan, sees desperation among the Pakistani Democratic Movement (PDM) leaders. In a recent interview with well-known journalists Raza Rumi and Murtaza Solangi on Naya Daur social media channel, Sethi said the Pakistani opposition, particularly PMLN, believe it is "now or never" for them.

PDM Leadership L to R: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Maryam Nawaz

Najam Sethi added that if the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government led by Prime Minister Khan survives the current 5 year term and succeeds in stabilizing the nation's economy, the ruling party will be re-elected for another 5 year term in 2023 with the support of what Sethi calls "Miltablishment" (a euphemism for Pakistani military). This, Sethi said, would mean that the PMLN would break up and lose its relevance. Sethi said there is genuine support for PTI in spite of Imran Khan government's failures in the first two years. This support is particularly strong among the youthful voters who are willing to forgive PTI's poor handling of the economy.

Dr. Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Professor of political science at Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS), has offered similar analysis in an op ed published in Arab News. He asks: "Why can’t opposition parties wait for the next elections, is the six-million-dollar question". Here's an excerpt from Rais's op ed that captures its essence:

"The two major dynastic parties— the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the Pakistan People’s Party are concerned that if Khan continues to stabilize and devise strategies for reforms, which he is set to roll out in the coming months, he may win the next election. If that happens, it will end dynastic elite politics, as staying in the political wilderness could cause splits, defections and fragmentation".

The PDM strategy of forcing mid-term elections by resigning from assemblies may not work because the interests of PPP and PMLN, the two biggest components of PDM, do not converge. While it is true that PMLN has little to lose by resigning their seats, the PPP has a lot to lose because it is already the ruling party in Sindh with its patronage power intact. And the PPP has no hope of winning national elections to form federal government. If the PDM protests are sustained, however, it won't be smooth sailing for PTI either. Dr. Rais sums up the situation very well as follows:

"Resigning from the assemblies is an option, but why would the PPP do so, losing its government in Sindh. Things may not be easy for the government of Khan either, as instability and confrontation may continue to divert his attention away from reforms and rebuilding a ‘new’ Pakistan. Failure then would work well into the strategy of the opposition for the next elections".

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Haq's Musings

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Strikingly Similar Narratives of Donald Trump and Nawaz Sharif

Ex CIA Official on Pakistan's ISI

Riaz Haq's Youtube Channel

PakAlumni Social Network

Sethi is a low class person..
He doesnt need to get all of these done any time soon and people are not expecting it within two months. But he needs to show genuine progress, and show a meaningful plan and vision that people can believe: that is if we stay course we will make meaningful progress on xyz.
I am actually suprised by pace of progress(since i know first gand how becaucracy acts)

Economy is doing much bettee thn expected and all indicators are positive

Unfortunately arab relations are not helping ..we need to fix that paying off 15b to arabs and not getting their investment in oil and gas will be a setback
...there was a time in nostalgic 90s when nawaz sharifs punjab police put sethi in a bori(jute sack) tied it up and put it in corner of the SHOs room next to another sack , the other sack had Hussain haqqani in it..
True story..
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Sethi is so eager for his own goodself. he played well with the two parties in the past by sitting in their laps for his own benefits.
with this threat he is looking into for PML and PPP which is actually there, even PMLN realize this very well and that is why they did those rallies to keep them alive among the masses. but the basis of thiese rallies, the path selected by the premier was not liked by many in the PMLN. particularly the other Sharif and company and there is another "tola" who are not happy with the narrative.

PDM is made in a hurry like a vehicle with parts from different brands. it has front wheels from JUI, body from PMLN and rear wheels of PPP.

they will be deceived by PPP who will keep PDM's momentum until there is no harm. but suddenly will pull back at right time for their own interests, they will call out slogan "jamhoriyat k mufaad mein" won't quit govt in Sindh.

IK should concentrate on reforms and address other core issues to keep an eye on next election, only this can bring him again to the premiership in 2023.
PDM is shooting itself in foot. All this nonsense will not win them the next elections.
PTI finished JUI F, ANP and a few other traitor parties. PPP is slowly dying, these 3 parties can make all the noise, they are not coming back.

PML N needs to leave PDM, make Shabaz Shareef the leader, bring reforms in to the party, improve relations with other parties and establishment. This way they will have a good chance to win the next elections.

The point of PDM is to pressurise the establishment that these parties will not go down without a fight, they are sending message that if we don't get the chair of power then noone else can, otherwise gathering 20k people will not change Pakistan future, we all know this.

Pakistan has suffered loads from dirty politics. We need technocratic/expert people making policies for Pakistan, not jahil leadership, great idea would be to make a committe of policy makers, some people can be elected and some experts chosen to make policies. Any new party comes to power, they will need to work with experts to make policies. Make the state stronger than individuals..
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The annual Ahmadiyyah Jalsa Salana in Mississauga, Ontario has more participants than PDM's Lahore rally
Looks like along with PDM, Sethi and so called well known journalists Raza Rumi and Murtaza Solangi are also getting desperate with every passing day as PDM is failing to put any pressure whatso ever on IK.
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