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Nagaland Separatist Movement

India has no-first use policy. Rest is pure rant.

It's India which keeps gloating that it's Nuclear bombs and missiles are China orientated and the other day the firepower was Pakistan directed,
We know it's a question of fur coat and no knickers but it's like showing red cloth to a bull.
Kindly provide a link to back your claim.And let me remind you that basic public behaviour is expected in a public forum.
Also what do you know of the Naga movement? I know about it through a personal source. I am dating a naga girl. I have interacted with her friends, cousins who all are very pro India. The only issue they have is that sometimes they are subject to racism from some ignorant uneducated people. The separatist movement is not a people movement. It is just imposed by some power hungry, tax leeching rebels on the common people who are fed up with the violence and tax grabbing by the rebels.
Also if you want to discuss it any further, kindly reply in decent words.

then my friend she will give u first hand info about it..............ask her about the naga-kuki conflict n its consequences.......n yes racism its very true..........n the chinki chants doesn't help.....:tdown:
my friend..u r wrong there....i have little knowledge on maoists but northeast is a different issue......know this...any separatist movement cannot thrive much longer without public backing,may it be very small.....
crushing it is just temporary solution...u kill a terrorist means u killed a man...but then my friend the ideology lives...n in the eyes of the simple spectator he becomes martyr...more will believe n more will join.....wounds r deeper then u think n a healing hand is required...
look at kashmir...what hell we(india n pakistan)made out of it....n somebody said it to be heaven on earth...............before it was just a border issue now it became a issue of our pride,our ego...... which kasmiri people suffer ...
NE people r very simple...........but this simplicity has bought us pain n poverty.....NE states r the poorest in india......ever thought why...do u think natural resources r not abundant.....oil,gas,timbre,agriculture.water..is available more then needed.......but its the negligence of indian govt. which have resulted in this destructive consequences .............i sometimes think that delhi doesn't even remembers that they have few states in north east.........

Sir the new railway budget has intensified rail density in NE region. Many trains and new routes are proposed. The govt inviting naga rebels, PM's visit to Arunachal are all positive signs. ULFA has been dealt with since past few years. You are from Assam you know better. Its not fair to blame Delhi, you have leaders to represent you at Delhi, which are chosen by you.
For the record Nagaland witneses the highest % voter turnout in India. Does that not show their faith in the govt?
Things have been bad in the past, but the new govt is taking the measures. You cant deny that.

I request to edit the racist remark. Thanks.
then my friend she will give u first hand info about it..............ask her about the naga-kuki conflict n its consequences.......n yes racism its very true..........n the chinki chants doesn't help.....:tdown:

The racist remark was uncalled for and could get you banned.
mere bhai,sir bol ke sharminda mat karo yaar......i know naga or Assamese people don't want independence from india.... we r as independent as any indian...n we r proud of it.....n about leaders...arre bhai tum to jante hi hoge in khhaddar pehne lomrio ko..........moreover power do we have in the assembly.....just look at the no. of MPs utterpradesh have versus the no. of MPs all of northeast has.........n u will understand the bias
sorry about that.........just became emotional...i have faced this remark myself...it was not directed to anybody.......i'm new don't know how to edit.....help me...
The racist remark was uncalled for and could get you banned.

Sir he was just refering to the fact that, he being from north east is subjected to some racist remarks. He is a victim of the word, and was not using it to direct it on anyone. I hope he is shown leniency!
sorry about that.........just became emotional...i have faced this remark myself...it was not directed to anybody.......i'm new don't know how to edit.....help me...

bottom right corner of your message is the edit button. click it and edit your message. Be careful buddy!
doesn't work ...i'm visiting this site through a proxy server because otherwise it doesn't open...may be thats the reason.........anyway......somebody just report it n mods will delete the message....again i'm sorry about it.........
then make them an independent nation.

Who are you to say this?Champion of all rebel outfits.
then make them an independent nation.

Please why dont you tell your dictator govt to make tibet a free independent nation . As for your information nagaland is a part of india and shall always stay so .
Who are you to say this?Champion of all rebel outfits.

Dude just ignore him. He just wants to derail the thread. No point in getting into troll fights.:police:
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