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N leagues tortures serving army major

مبینہ طور پر ن لیگي رہنما کے گارڈز نے پاکستان آرمی کے میجر پر تشدد کیا اور فرار ہو گۓ


Statement of Khawaja Salman Rafique who is brother of Khawaja Saad Rafique


the one doing the torture climbed on top of major's car and was shouting see what we did to him
Its not just a random event. Ata Tarar made a public announcement that they gonna do the same everytime they would
face any kind of public criticism. So its an on record, announced policy of PDM criminals.
While the courts and security agencies are in their pockets, these psychopaths, imposed on us by the generals and the top judges, are free to do whatever they feel like.
Things are moving to a point when juistice will be done on roads.
Ungrateful people don't deserve army, next time when they or Indians come , don't ask soldiers to fight , have the guts to come and out your life on the line. I guarantee that most on this forum would not have the guts.

What is the point of India if you are being eaten up alive inside and no one nor yourself can save you?

The thing is in Peshawar we never see these thugs, wouldve been fun to shove their badmashi up their ***.

Quetta has these thugs sadly
First it was an elder. Next it was a Major. Who will these thugs target next, women? Children?

Until when these courts will remain closed to actual people who need justice?

I honestly hope this time around army doesn’t disappoint and grants justice to its own man atleast…
First it was an elder. Next it was a Major. Who will these thugs target next, women? Children?

Until when these courts will remain closed to actual people who need justice?

I honestly hope this time around army doesn’t disappoint and grants justice to its own man atleast…

Pakistanis have the memory of a goldfish. Remember model town massacre? Remember cake boy that got the shit beaten out of him for simply telling these goons the shop is closed?

Where was Army when those people got attacked? At least major saab will get some justice because he’s a part of the khaki fraternity.
Pakistanis have the memory of a goldfish. Remember model town massacre? Remember cake boy that got the shit beaten out of him for simply telling these goons the shop is closed?

Where was Army when those people got attacked? At least major saab will get some justice because he’s a part of the khaki fraternity.

The saddest part it not once but multiple times criminals have been enforced on this nation. Remember the NRO brokered by America, people died in thousands. That NRO was the highest treason ever done to this country. Only criminals got rich of that blood money.

The same NRO 2 has been brokered by same America by giving our establishment promise of dollars. Now they have again done the same treason.

How long will this injustice, oppression of the common man continue.

Our nation is enslaved, our country is occupied.

People it is time to weaponize. There is no law, no dignity, no justice in this country. It is a jungle now.
Luckily I have in my family. If you don't have a gun or weapon get your hands on one because this country has officially been sold and criminals are being brought to power as a part of deal.

There is no use going to a court, no use going to a police station. Arm yourself.
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Nothing short of a Revolution is needed to get rid of these leaches who have sucked Pakistan bloods for decades. The problem is the courts and armed forces are complacent. Im afraid Peaceful protests will never work.
Yesterday ina presss brief Mr. Ata Tarar of Muslim league N announce that for last 4 years we have been facing people's shouting, they call us with every bad names, we even could not go in shopping places etc and now the orders are to respond and you have see our first response in Lahore Marriott Hotel three days ago.

So come on try it now and see what you will get...anywhere ..

So basically this will be the start of the bloody politics... the Lahore Marriott Hotel incident was one sided because the old man could not respond...but when young supports would clash ...things would be bloody .
Pakistanis have the memory of a goldfish. Remember model town massacre? Remember cake boy that got the shit beaten out of him for simply telling these goons the shop is closed?

Where was Army when those people got attacked? At least major saab will get some justice because he’s a part of the khaki fraternity

Memory loss / moving on is not limited to Pakistanis but human nature, just how a wound heals with time. The wound needs early treatment which should be the case here as well. However, since the courts are already sold out, that avenue of "justice" seems closed.

This is why IK needs to come back with full force and set the system straight, only this time without trash in his party.
I don't think so.

They are sending Black Vigos to PTI workers houses.

True 💔
I don't think so.

They are sending Black Vigos to PTI workers houses.

True 💔

OK, let's ask India to invade tomorrow and whilst we're at it let's give up the nukes too.

People are slowly losing it on here, it's becoming more difficult to have rational debate. Seriously, the behaviours displayed on here for the past 1 month or so have been nothing less than a disgrace.

I love how everyone claims to want a better future whilst behaving like children. Is this who we are as a people? Maybe we needd more introspection!
Kamal hai. Top brass inko government deti hai. Aur yeh army officers pr Bhrass nikaltay hain. What a country.

Jisko nikala woh sab ko bolta hai fauj ko kuch nahi kehna. Jinko laye ...
I have a question the way guards are hitting the car it seems they are just the usual type of maja gama but on the other hand a major must have had basic combat training, so how come he got overwhelmed so much that he did not do anything and let those bastards hit him again and again.
On another thread completely unrelated I read how Russian women beat the crap out of Pakistani police, she was trained in martial arts, is our army not?

Anyway, such things will happen when criminals are let loose and when you have a different set of rules for different segments of society. If you are rich and powerful, courts will open for you on Sundays, even at 12Am at the night. If you are not, well good luck getting any justice.

The other day the old man who was beaten by Lota and PPP goons also have an FIR registered on him. 1+ for justice.

In the end, i will say this to those who let these criminals off the hook, this is for them to realize what they are doing and how will it damage the country in general. Welcome to Old Pakistan
So, you guys are happy to see Army officers getting beaten up by goons just because Bajwa didn't help IK get out of political crisis (as he did back in 2018) ??

Laanat aisi sauch pe
Thats the problem why Military has to be involved in the first place, look the last 70 years of history of Pakistan, how many times military threw away peoples choice.
If whole country selected someone corrupt lets be it, let them go through let them suffer so next time they know, whom to not choose.
Thats how humans learn.

But everytime if military didnt liked someone just threw him under the bus and took the charge why you think military hasnt taken the charge in recent years ??? Because of the same backlash.

Nothing to be happy here but reality is this being in military in Pakistan you are above the law, how many times we have seen officers beating civis, officers wives abusing traffic wardens, slapping why ?? Does this happen in other countries ?? Only where military rules the country.

People had enough of this interference from the military, for a comman man it doesnt matter it was the top brass or a jawan all they see is one institution which is letting its soldiers die daily and instead of protecting its citizens is more busy with playing politics and making movies and songs
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