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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

Pakistan was concerned because India is known bully and aggressors and we were demanding balance of power in the region.

Now India is already having the deal so there is no neither should be any such concern by India. Because Pak-China nuke deal is not at all going to tilt the balance.

it will surely tilt the balance increase, Uranium enrichment capacity of Pakistan will be increased which is a concern for us.so we have expressed our concern.We are not blindly opposing the deal,but we have our own concern hopes China will clear those.
Why should we threaten any country in the first place unlike India who despite claiming to be wana be 'rising' power goes on threatening every other regional country.

If Nepal, Sri Lanka wants to buy Pakistani or Chinese weapons here we go India starts threatening them.

If Pak-BD defence strengthening prospect is there, India starts threatening BD.

If US-Pak-Afghans start negotiations with fighters, here we go again India starts crying.

Come on we cant give you a lollipop every time to silence you

crying and lolipop,all this emanting from a nation which ran from post to pillar on any topic be it waters or inddo-u.s nuclear deal,comon u r a nation which even started crying when we rolled out our indigenous nuke sub,if u have no idea of world poltics i have asuggestion,keep that lollipop in ur mouth:smokin:
same like rd-93 cautions to russia. why indians wanna make there self a joke? god knows
dude! the post you have quoted is also an answer to your own post.. Do read it.

ya u r correct my friend...

NEW DELHI: India is hopeful that despite Pakistan's objection the safeguards agreement it plans to sign with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) next week will be done without more countries joining in to resist it. ( Watch )

"The overwhelming mood in the IAEA Board of Governors is to support the Indian safeguards agreement," a senior official in the External Affairs Ministry said.

The Indian safeguards agreement will come up for discussion and approval by the 35-member Board of Governors of the IAEA on August 1. India and Pakistan are both members of the Board.

India needs to get the safeguards agreement approved by the IAEA and also an exemption from the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) to allow commerce in civil nuclear energy between New Delhi and its members. Both the stages - Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee called them the passport and visa in getting the nuclear deal to the operationalisation stage - have to be cleared to get the India-US civil nuclear deal approved by the US Congress by September.

Pakistan has circulated a letter to the Board members expressing concern that if the safeguards agreement is approved by the IAEA it will lead to increased Indian access to nuclear fuel and may contribute to a renewed nuclear arms race between the two South Asian neighbours.

"Pakistani response was in a way predictable, but also a little disappointing," the senior official said.

He pointed out that traditionally safeguards agreements are not made controversial and they are usually approved without much opposition. In November 2006 when Pakistan sought a safeguards agreement for its nuclear facilities at Chashma II, which was being built with Chinese assistance, India had joined the other IAEA Board members to approve it without any reservations.

"We did it even though there have been many questions about Pakistan's proliferation track record," the official said. He added, "We did that on a 48-hour notice and did not insist, as Pakistan now seems to be doing, for a 45-day period notice."

South Block is still hopeful that the Pakistani objection to the Indian safeguards agreement may not lead to a voting in the 35-member Board of the IAEA. Unlike the NSG where all the decisions are by consensus, the IAEA has the provision for voting, but they take place on rare occasions. The last voting at the IAEA Board of Governors was two years back when the members discussed the Iranian nuclear programme.

"The chances are that the others in Board will be able to convince Pakistan not to go for a vote. But even if it insists on doing so, the overwhelming mood among the members is to approve the safeguards agreement without any additional conditions," the official added.

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Did Pakistan oppose the US-India nuclear deal or did it oppose the fact that one nation was being treated differently and given an exemption and others discriminated against?

I think if you read the language of Pakistan's 'opposition' carefully, you will find it is the latter.

Reason for discrimination against Pakistan by ally US is because following reasons:-
1) India developed its N power based on their self design and not by the hook or crook method.

2) India is having Thorium based peacfull technology for civil powers which is giving profit to US. What Pakistan needs to offer to West?

3) India tested their N-Bombs in 1975 and there were no threats in South Asia as India responded sensibly and kept "No-first-use" policy while the day Pak tested their first N-Bomb there was no such sincere policy and they never assured the world that N Bombs will be used sensibly for defence (like few PDF members who always talkes about we have Nukes and we will throw).

Remember always "Be deserving to get something, Not deserve something which others are getting".
Why should we threaten any country in the first place unlike India who despite claiming to be wana be 'rising' power goes on threatening every other regional country.

If Nepal, Sri Lanka wants to buy Pakistani or Chinese weapons here we go India starts threatening them.

If Pak-BD defence strengthening prospect is there, India starts threatening BD.

If US-Pak-Afghans start negotiations with fighters, here we go again India starts crying.

Come on we cant give you a lollipop every time to silence you

Give me some credible links regarding the highligted sentences.
Pakistan has circulated a letter to the Board members of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expressing concern on Indo-US nuke deal
Pakistan keeps guessing ahead of IAEA meet | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

similar concerns are for India now on Pakistan-China deal.

As I said, read the language of Pakistan's opposition carefully.

From the link you posted:

It has described the agreement draft as 'discriminatory and dangerous'.

It has argued that access to civilian nuclear technology should be available to countries without discrimination.

Pakistan would like to participate in the nuclear technology trade and enjoy similar opportunities offered to India to build its civilian nuclear facilities.
same like rd-93 cautions to russia. why indians wanna make there self a joke? god knows

Care to explain what a joke in it. Please go back look at the history read about International politics and then post sensibly.

Regarding this comment, Pakistan becomes a biggest laughing stock because India is buying more weapon everyday and Pak is always opposing the same.
Seriously, I feel the Civil N deal is required for any developing nation whether it is Pakistan or anyone else but question arises in this particular deal comes why Pakistan wants a deal only with China? We never had US as our proper ally and after getting banned from NSG after N Blast, India responded sensibly and come up with Civil deals with US and then ongoing discussion with Canada and France (Still not with Russia even being closest ally).

This N deal gets suspicious when it is still on going case that China helped Pakistan clearly with N Bombs technology and under this civil N-deal this "help" will be formalized with both the suspicious parties. Hence India has raised a concern and with in few days West and NSG group will also do the same. This caution is not for only Indo-China ties but impact others as well in near future.

First of all, our nuclear program was not aided by China, this misconception has been repeated in the media so often that you people have started to believe what did not occur. China provided equipment and materials that we used to buy from various sources, US was perplexed on how Pakistan moved so fast with its program and scapegoated China.

I can provide with with references that indicate China did not help in Pakistan's nuclear program until the 90's when it provided us with some specialized equipment that we could not get ourselves anymore.

As for why do we deal with China and not someone else, well you work wit who you trust. We could have been given a deal by France or another country but US pressure made them think otherwise.

I urge you to first learn and then comment, here is a complete history of our program and you will not read anything about China but rather how the Pakistani team worked to obtain one.

March 1974: Pakistan Sets up Nuclear Warhead Design Team, Facility
A team of scientists and engineers working on conventional weapons at a Pakistan army ordnance facility are transferred to a secret location to begin working on a nuclear warhead design. The team is led by Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, a founding member of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. However, the team will not have finished its work by 1981, and a second, competing program will then be set up (see 1981). [LEVY AND SCOTT-CLARK, 2007, PP. 90-91]

After May 18, 1974: A. Q. Khan Offers Services to Pakistan
After India’s first successful nuclear test on May 18, 1974, Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan, at this time working in a centrifuge production facility in the Netherlands, begins to approach Pakistani government representatives to offer help with Pakistan’s nuclear program. First he approaches a pair of Pakistani military scientists who are in the Netherlands on business. He tells them he wants to help Pakistan’s nuclear program, but they discourage him, saying it would be hard for him to find a job in Pakistan. Undaunted, Khan then writes to Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. He sets out his experience and encourages Bhutto to make a nuclear bomb using uranium, rather than plutonium, the method Pakistan is currently trying to adopt. Pakistan will examine Khan’s idea and find it a good one (see Summer-Autumn 1974). [ARMSTRONG AND TRENTO, 2007, PP. 48]

October 1974: A. Q. Khan Begins Obtaining Nuclear Secrets for Pakistan

After Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan agrees to help Pakistan obtain the technology to make a nuclear bomb (see Summer-Autumn 1974), he begins to steal secrets from a Dutch company he works for to help them. Khan is asked to help translate a top-secret report on the G2 centrifuge, a major advance in uranium enrichment technology. To this end, he is assigned to a high-security section of the company, but the strict security procedures are ignored and he has free access for 16 days to the company’s main centrifuge plant. He takes full advantage of the situation, noting down details of the various processes. Around this time, neighbors also notice that Khan is receiving late-night visits from French and Belgian cars with diplomatic license plates, presumably Pakistani contacts to whom Khan is passing the secrets. [ARMSTRONG AND TRENTO, 2007, PP. 50-1]

Read the rest here:

History Commons
Reason for discrimination against Pakistan by ally US is because following reasons:-
1) India developed its N power based on their self design and not by the hook or crook method.

2) India is having Thorium based peacfull technology for civil powers which is giving profit to US. What Pakistan needs to offer to West?

3) India tested their N-Bombs in 1975 and there were no threats in South Asia as India responded sensibly and kept "No-first-use" policy while the day Pak tested their first N-Bomb there was no such sincere policy and they never assured the world that N Bombs will be used sensibly for defence (like few PDF members who always talkes about we have Nukes and we will throw).

Remember always "Be deserving to get something, Not deserve something which others are getting".

Please show me where any of those reasons are mentioned in the NSG charter?

Secondly, India did not develop its nuclear program on its own, it developed with significant assistance from the West and Soviet Union. In fact, it was India's diversion of Canadian supplied nuclear technology (The CANDU reactor) towards a nuclear weapons program (India's first nuclear test) that resulted in the creation of the NSG to prevent other nations from misusing nuclear technology for weapons purposes.
Reason for discrimination against Pakistan by ally US is because following reasons:-
1) India developed its N power based on their self design and not by the hook or crook method.

2) India is having Thorium based peacfull technology for civil powers which is giving profit to US. What Pakistan needs to offer to West?

3) India tested their N-Bombs in 1975 and there were no threats in South Asia as India responded sensibly and kept "No-first-use" policy while the day Pak tested their first N-Bomb there was no such sincere policy and they never assured the world that N Bombs will be used sensibly for defence (like few PDF members who always talkes about we have Nukes and we will throw).

Remember always "Be deserving to get something, Not deserve something which others are getting".

yet another insensible and BS post......
dude! few minutes before sleeping, when you are alone at bed, think sensibly (oh! where you will find sense) about your this post and you will feel ashamed thinking of these BS.
Indian developed their nuclear program on their own!!!:what: Are you kidding me?

I am leaving this thread as their is no sane indian contribution here, except few bull shits.
First of all, our nuclear program was not aided by China, this misconception has been repeated in the media so often that you people have started to believe what did not occur. China provided equipment and materials that we used to buy from various sources, US was perplexed on how Pakistan moved so fast with its program and scapegoated China.

I can provide with with references that indicate China did not help in Pakistan's nuclear program until the 90's when it provided us with some specialized equipment that we could not get ourselves anymore.

As for why do we deal with China and not someone else, well you work wit who you trust. We could have been given a deal by France or another country but US pressure made them think otherwise.

I urge you to first learn and then comment, here is a complete history of our program and you will not read anything about China but rather how the Pakistani team worked to obtain one.

Read the rest here:

History Commons

Do you really want me and whole world to believe that Pakistan without (read illegal) support of any country developed N-technology while they could not develop a full fledged weapon by their own? Not to mention, Please see the missile arsenals of yours which are directly coming from China.
Care to explain what a joke in it. Please go back look at the history read about International politics and then post sensibly.

Regarding this comment, Pakistan becomes a biggest laughing stock because India is buying more weapon everyday and Pak is always opposing the same.

indians object harpoon block2 p3c rd-93 f-16 AWACS refulers and every thing we buy but we got it

now please show me when pakistan even a single object on indian purchase?. go buy what you like we don't care.:lol:
1) F-16s sold to Pakistan(1980s), India protests, Delivery carried out as planned.
2) F-16 Blk 52s sold to Pakistan(2000s), India protests, Delivery carried out as planned and more are coming.
3) Pakistan makes world's largest AMRAAM deal, India protests, Delivery carried out as planned.
4) Pakistan buys over 3000 TOW missiles(2000s), India protests, Delivery completed as planned.
5) America offers to send NVGs, Molle Vests and excess military hardware from Iraq to Pakistan(2009), India protests, Delivery continuing.
6) Laser guided bombs sold to Pakistan(2010), India protests, Delivery completed as planned.
I would have to say that the odds are in our favour.............
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