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Myths about Muslims in India

Nice effort to derail the thread but will it suffice to say that it was the hindustan army which backed out of the fight. Pakistan army is still out for the fight, have you got the guts.

Taliban............ we dont worry about them. They wont last for multitude of reasons if Pakistan focuses on them but we have more serious business dealing with our mortal enemies. Have you heard the anecdote whereby the trainer keeps some tricks up his sleeve?????????????

Oh by the way, we have seen the elite of your elite in action during mumbai. Their capability was on full display against rag tag group of 10 terrorists. If you need further proof, do let me know, coz i have gathered complete record of your army and security forces with regards to their "success" against Naxals, assamese, manipur, mizoram, kashmiri, khalistani groups.

Better yet, open a new thread about the success of your army and security forces against the insurgents and freedom fighters to save me the trouble.
Good luck.............. :cheers:
Thank You, Come Again :)
I believe that muslims fight among themselves more often than with non-muslims. Am I correct?

Absolutely correct. Infact it was a no brainer. But you should fear the time that they unite to face the common threat in this region.....,,,:agree:
Yet it happens all the time.

What does it make the ones who do it?

Muslims fighting each other are bad. However, people asking such frothy questions like the one you asked, are truly the ones which you wanted to imply i.e H*****. I hope that answers the question........:angry:
Beef is widely available. please dont spread Urban Myths!

Muslims fight intensively among themselves and when they get some time, they will fight with the Americans! Man I say muslims should REFORM, not PROTEST! They should earn the right to protest, Earn it hard!

A lot of good restaurant(Muslim) in BD don't server Beef either.. :enjoy:
You just can't hide your morbid innerself, can you???????? If these worst element are worst because they are religious then Hinduvta goons like you are a stigma on hindustan too which by the way is populated by few tolerant guys too. But their voices are suppressed by hindu terrorists.

Ethos of pre islamic era??????????? if they had Hinduvta ethos left in them then they would have been persecutors of minorities and low castes just like hindustan which is the bastion of rabid Hinduvta ideology. Thank God, islam came to spread the light in this land and it is because of those ethos that Pakistan and Bangladesh have better record of treating the minorities than the Hindu rashtra. :sick:

I think you got me wrong. I didn't mean the religious elements but those who would use religion to their dirty political ends. Such people can not be classified as religious.

If you don't know or pretend not to know, Bangladesh' "Hindu" culture did play a part in the West Pakistan's contempt for them and that resulted in the events of 1971. They won't do something on the same scale in Western Pakistan given the same circumstances.
I think you got me wrong. I didn't mean the religious elements but those who would use religion to their dirty political ends. Such people can not be classified as religious.

If you don't know or pretend not to know, Bangladesh' "Hindu" culture did play a part in the West Pakistan's contempt for them and that resulted in the events of 1971. They won't do something on the same scale in Western Pakistan given the same circumstances.

Why those be called as Hindu culture? We dont consider them as Hindu culture. Those are our culture, regardless of religion. We have bengali new year, same as Farsi Norooj(Iranian new year). We dress up Bengali, we talk bengali and none of them had any conflict with Islam. Islam never asked to abandon anything. None of them is Hindu culture. Bengals not only practiced Hinduism but we also practiced Buddism in different time of History. I guess Bengalis like to check out different things... :enjoy:

That is why, its the youngest language and youngest civiliztion.. If you read our poetry.. you will see how much western influence in them..

I was listening to a islamic scholar the other day...

There are two types deeds. First type, you are allowed to do as long as you dont find any authentic source where it is explicitly disallowed.

2nd type, you are not allowed to do as long as you find an authentic source in Islam where it is explicitly allowed.

Why those be called as Hindu culture? We dont consider them as Hindu culture. Those are our culture, regardless of religion. We have bengali new year, same as Farsi Norooj(Iranian new year). We dress up Bengali, we talk bengali and none of them had any conflict with Islam. Islam never asked to abandon anything. None of them is Hindu culture. Bengals not only practiced Hinduism but we also practiced Buddism in different time of History. I guess Bengalis like to check out different things... :enjoy:

That is why, its the youngest language and youngest civiliztion.. If you read our poetry.. you will see how much western influence in them..

I was listening to a islamic scholar the other day...

There are two types deeds. First type, you are allowed to do as long as you dont find any authentic source where it is explicitly disallowed.

2nd type, you are not allowed to do as long as you find an authentic source in Islam where it is explicitly allowed.


Well as far as I am concerned you may call it the Pre-Islamic culture or whatever you feel is appropriate.

Considering the fact that the vast majority of Bengalis are either Hindus or Muslims, it seems a reasonable assumption that those who converted to Islam did so from Hinduism.

I called the culture as "Hindu" as that is the term I have read that so infuriated many in Western Pakistan and that was part of the reason for what happened. That was why they could hold Eastern Pakistanis in such contempt. Such events can't take place when there is not a very strong element of "otherness" involved.
Well as far as I am concerned you may call it the Pre-Islamic culture or whatever you feel is appropriate.

Considering the fact that the vast majority of Bengalis are either Hindus or Muslims, it seems a reasonable assumption that those who converted to Islam did so from Hinduism.

I called the culture as "Hindu" as that is the term I have read that so infuriated many in Western Pakistan and that was part of the reason for what happened. That was why they could hold Eastern Pakistanis in such contempt. Such events can't take place when there is not a very strong element of "otherness" involved.

Well buddist were converted back to Hindus.. when Sen dynasty(Hindus) took over from Pal dynasty (buddist).. Cow slaughtering was banned by Bollob Sen due to shortage of ploughing cows. I believe that is the reason, hindus still dont eat cows .. Not sure whether it was the only decree that made other Hindus in other part of India stopped eating cows. I am not a history professor, but so far I could remember..
I am not sure about West Pakistanis, why they think so, may be due to illeteracy in Islam or due to stereotyping. But funny part is, their ladies started wearing sharis and all, while they were part of us.. :smitten:
Well buddist were converted back to Hindus.. when Sen dynasty(Hindus) took over from Pal dynasty (buddist).. Cow slaughtering was banned by Bollob Sen due to shortage of ploughing cows. I believe that is the reason, hindus still dont eat cows .. Not sure whether it was the only decree that made other Hindus in other part of India stopped eating cows. I am not a history professor, but so far I could remember..
I am not sure about West Pakistanis, why they think so, may be due to illeteracy in Islam or due to stereotyping. But funny part is, their ladies started wearing sharis and all, while they were part of us.. :smitten:

I am not sure when the cow eating was banned and if was done by a Bengali king. Yes, I think it was acceptable at some point in history.

About the Saris, I am not sure they took it from you. I think this tradition existed in Western Pakistan since pre-partition times, though on a much smaller scale than in Eastern Pakistan where it is the normal everyday dress.

AFAIK, it is only worn by comparatively a few women typically belonging to the higher echelons of Pakistani society now. I may stand corrected.
Found a good article
Pala Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should find the bengals influence in India ...

A nice read. Thanks for sharing.

About the influence of Bengal, you are right. The Bengali culture is a very important part of Indian culture and the Bengalis are at the forefront of many areas in India.

A glance at your link makes it look like the Palas were following a mix of Buddhism and Hinduism co-existing in perfect harmony.

After King Harsha Vardhana (who worshiped Buddha and Siva) of Northern India, Buddhism faced the possibility of extinction.

The Palas worshiped Buddha and sometimes other avatars of Vishnu. According to some scholars, the Hayagriva avatar temple in Assam was created by the Pala Dynasty.[1] Vishnu worship flourished under the Pala Dynasty.[2]. They even constructed a temple of the god Janardana (Krishna- Vishnu).[38] A substantial number of Vishnu-sculptures were constructed during their reign.[39] Their coins contained the inscription 'Adi Varaha'.[40]

A branch of the Pala Dyanasty later came to be known as the "Varahi Pala Dynasty" named after the Varaha avatar [3]

The Palas emerged as the champion of Buddhism, and they patronized Mahayana Buddhism. The Pala universities of Vikramashila and Nalanda became seats of learning for East Asia. The famous university of Nalanda reached its height during the Pala empire. The Palas were responsible for the spread of Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and the Indonesian archipelago, and the fame of Bengal spread in the Buddhist world for the cultivation of Buddhist religion, culture and other knowledge in the various centres that grew under the patronage of the Pala rulers. Buddhist scholars from the Pala empire travelled from Bengal to the Far-East and propagated Buddhism. A few outstanding ones among them are Shantarakshit, Padmanava, Dansree, Bimalamitra, Jinamitra, Muktimitra, Sugatasree, Dansheel, Sambhogabajra, Virachan, Manjughosh and many others. But the most prominent was Atish Dipankar Srigyan who reformed Buddhism in Tibet after it had been destroyed by king Langdharma.

Although the Palas were Vaishnavas, they had also given support to Saiva ascetics, typically the ones associated with the Golagi-Math.[41] Many of the Pala Dynasty's coins also bear the image of Shiva and his bull.[42] Besides sculptures of Vaishnava deities, they had also constructed statues of Siva and Saraswati.[43]

Sounds a lovely period of Bengal's history.

The extent of the empires suggest an area much beyond Bengal. They are Indian empires, not only Bengali.

BTW, was the famous Harsha Vardhana was a Bengali! I think he was a North Indian.
One thing really make me sad.. when I see so many bengalis forgot to find pride in Bengals so rich and proud history.. Bengals were always in forefront and shaped the India in a lot of different way.. Again I am not forgetting to mention that Bengalis is the one who lost Indias independence to the British.. and paid the price dearly...
Ofcourse they became Indian empire as soon as they took over almost all the India
BTW, was the famous Harsha Vardhana was a Bengali! I think he was a North Indian

I think he is from Gupta dynasty which expanded from west to east. Gupta is followed by Pala dynasty which took the other path east to west.. .. Gupta dynasty was short lived may be for 150 years and was expanded on the basis of marriage and treaty..
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