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Myths about Muslims in India

As pakistan being a muslim majority, alcohol is banned for the muslims, but it is not banned for other minorities, alcohol is sold to minorities. Now is this the case with india on eating beef, where muslims ae not allowed to eat beef.

this is an absurd analogy...

PS: Beef is available all over India...
This is what you polytheist want to believe.

Pakistan was created for Muslims, and fighting against Islamic state is like fighting against Allah.

ever wonder why country so less in resources always owns your a$$?

Haha, a really funny post.

Was the comment polytheist meant to be derogatory! LOL

Fighting against an Islamic State is implies fighting against Allah? So as mentioned in one of the last posts, does Pakistan imply Islam? Thus failures of Pakistan are failures of Islam? I wonder why you dont have Shariah?

Here's an Idea!

-Then if India just RENAMES itself to "Islamic Republic of India", because obviously it does not have to enforce Islamic Laws to be called Islamic, because Pakistan(already being an Islamic State doesnt implement all the Islamic Laws!) would the Pakistani Army consider fighting with India as a fight against Allah?!?!?!?!


Oh and SURELY, The Pakistani Army which was killing fellow Muslims in Bangladesh were fighting against Allah? And are the Pakistani Army killing the Talibs in FATA are currently fighting against Allah?

Mate, you just hit jackpot and opened not a can but a whole box of worms!
plz dont compare ur country with india...will u plz temme y minority population were decreasing day by day in BD..how many minority president or PM or in some higher posts u ppl get till now..

Oh really??Give facts to support your stupid claims which are based on Biased Indian media reports.:angry:

Find the ministers list of BD and see how many Hindus are there.Also look at the list of MPs.

And you are always welcome to visit BD to rectify your belief.Come during Durga Puja,you will certainly stop reading news about BD in Indian media.
^^ I agree. Bangladesh is still not as bad as the worst elements of that country would like it to be.

It still has some ethos left from it's pre-Islamic days that can be seen in every walk of life. Something for which they paid dearly in 1971.
Haha, a really funny post.

Was the comment polytheist meant to be derogatory! LOL

Fighting against an Islamic State is implies fighting against Allah? So as mentioned in one of the last posts, does Pakistan imply Islam? Thus failures of Pakistan are failures of Islam? I wonder why you dont have Shariah?

Here's an Idea!

-Then if India just RENAMES itself to "Islamic Republic of India", because obviously it does not have to enforce Islamic Laws to be called Islamic, because Pakistan(already being an Islamic State doesnt implement all the Islamic Laws!) would the Pakistani Army consider fighting with India as a fight against Allah?!?!?!?!


Oh and SURELY, The Pakistani Army which was killing fellow Muslims in Bangladesh were fighting against Allah? And are the Pakistani Army killing the Talibs in FATA are currently fighting against Allah?

Mate, you just hit jackpot and opened not a can but a whole box of worms!

Basically, Muslims fightning against other Muslims is haraam.
Muslims fightning or hurting other creations of Allah, so including non-believers is forbidden.
They are all Allah's (the most merciful) creations, so fightning against them is basically fightning against our own beloved God.
And your comment of "failures from Pakistan are also based upon failures from Islam" is completely nonsense, that's like saying: "I failed my maths test and therefor, my parents failed too because I am their responsibility"

Weird example, but it still shows what I mean.
You do NOT have to enforce the Sharia rules, no country does that, even Saudi Arabia does not enforce all Sharia rules.
Reason why is, if you aren't punished in this life, you will be punished in the afterlife, unless ofcourse, you've asked Allah (the most merciful) for forgiveness, he might grant it to you.
Pakistan is in a way, an Islamic state.
The nation consists of like 98% Muslims? Almost all government representatives and politicians are Muslim (correct me if i'm wrong), so in a sense, you can call Pakistan a full Islamic state, where most people abide by the rules of the 5 pillars in Islam.
However, I don't see the same happening with India, it's a highly unlikely scenario, now if India was willing to embrace Islam, including all the 800+ Hindus, then yes, it would be in a sense very haraam and wrong to go to war with India or to harm them in any way, not to mention, it is actually wrong for Muslims to harm any of Gods creations, but still, on the point of Muslims vs Muslims, it doesn't do the legacy of the "Muslim Ummah" any good.

And again, your example this time of the taliban, is complete nonsense too, Taliban (the bad ones) have lost their credibility and are extremely wrong in the way they live their lives and follow their faith.
They have misused their faith, they have harmed the Islamic values, they used Islam to force their will upon others, which is so incredibly wrong.
It is not up to me nor the Pakistani army to tell them that they are wrong, it is up to Allah (the most merciful), however, these people with their ideologies have continued to harm the Pakistani people, it is a problem we must destroy, for the sake of our own people, who are good hearted and want no conflicts nor fears, we must stop the Taliban.
In the end, Allah (the most merciful) will decide who and what was wrong, it is not up to us to judge or decide what happens with the Taliban, we must make sure that these people do not harm or ruin other peoples lives on this planet.
So basically, whilst the Taliban is misusing the nature of Islam, you can say that they are not Muslims because of their ways and of what they have done so far to other innocent people, so you could say, the Pakistani Army is not fightning against Muslims.
But then again, that is not up to me to judge, everyone including the Taliban will face their creator one day, and then they will witness with their own eyes to see what they have done.

Also, "mate", I think it's rather you that have hit the jackpot and opened a box of worms because of your speedy and senseless conclusions regarding Pakistan and Islam.
I believe that muslims fight among themselves more often than with non-muslims. Am I correct?

I wouldn't say that with certainty, afterall, the invasion of the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan, + the increased negative image of the Americans + the western world among Muslims is a reason to say that your words might not be so true.
As pakistan being a muslim majority, alcohol is banned for the muslims, but it is not banned for other minorities, alcohol is sold to minorities. Now is this the case with india on eating beef, where muslims ae not allowed to eat beef.

everybody knows of muslim eateries where beef is served.some of my hindu friends have also had beef there.
Beef is widely available. please dont spread Urban Myths!

Muslims fight intensively among themselves and when they get some time, they will fight with the Americans! Man I say muslims should REFORM, not PROTEST! They should earn the right to protest, Earn it hard!
Here's an Idea!

-Then if India just RENAMES itself to "Islamic Republic of India", because obviously it does not have to enforce Islamic Laws to be called Islamic, because Pakistan(already being an Islamic State doesnt implement all the Islamic Laws!) would the Pakistani Army consider fighting with India as a fight against Allah?!?!?!?!


If you can assure hidustan renaming itself as Islamic republic of Hidustan (Hindustan is better than india), then assurance can be given that you will be spared by Pakistan army.................:lol:
If you can assure hidustan renaming itself as Islamic republic of Hidustan (Hindustan is better than india), then assurance can be given that you will be spared by Pakistan army.................:lol:
But then the Talibs wont spare ur army will they? hahhah They seem to be giving your army a hard time! First squish them, then we can talk of renaming!
^^ I agree. Bangladesh is still not as bad as the worst elements of that country would like it to be.

It still has some ethos left from it's pre-Islamic days that can be seen in every walk of life. Something for which they paid dearly in 1971.

You just can't hide your morbid innerself, can you???????? If these worst element are worst because they are religious then Hinduvta goons like you are a stigma on hindustan too which by the way is populated by few tolerant guys too. But their voices are suppressed by hindu terrorists.

Ethos of pre islamic era??????????? if they had Hinduvta ethos left in them then they would have been persecutors of minorities and low castes just like hindustan which is the bastion of rabid Hinduvta ideology. Thank God, islam came to spread the light in this land and it is because of those ethos that Pakistan and Bangladesh have better record of treating the minorities than the Hindu rashtra. :sick:
But then the Talibs wont spare ur army will they? hahhah They seem to be giving your army a hard time! First squish them, then we can talk of renaming!

Nice effort to derail the thread but will it suffice to say that it was the hindustan army which backed out of the fight. Pakistan army is still out for the fight, have you got the guts.

Taliban............ we dont worry about them. They wont last for multitude of reasons if Pakistan focuses on them but we have more serious business dealing with our mortal enemies. Have you heard the anecdote whereby the trainer keeps some tricks up his sleeve?????????????

Oh by the way, we have seen the elite of your elite in action during mumbai. Their capability was on full display against rag tag group of 10 terrorists. If you need further proof, do let me know, coz i have gathered complete record of your army and security forces with regards to their "success" against Naxals, assamese, manipur, mizoram, kashmiri, khalistani groups.

Better yet, open a new thread about the success of your army and security forces against the insurgents and freedom fighters to save me the trouble.
Good luck.............. :cheers:
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