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Myths about Muslims in India


Jan 12, 2009
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It seems there are lots of misgivings (created ofcourse) about Indian Muslims that they are a supressed lot and in India they are discriminated, tortured etc etc.. Through this thread I will like to post real figures in various walks of life. I will be as maticulous and honest as humanly possible. I would request members to please remain as objective as possible;

Let me begin from Indian parliament and Supreme court of India. Here are the figures;

1. Total number of members of Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament)= 508
number of Muslim members = 28
this amounts to about 5.6%
(source: Lok Sabha)

2. Total number of judges in Supreme Court = 23
number of muslims =2 (8.7%)
Chief Justice is from the so called lower caste
Thre is one sikh and Christian Justice also.
(source: Supreme Court of India - CJI & Sitting Judges)

Here is one link which in my view gives quite reliable information about Indian Muslims;


I need some time to dig the data from as many government departments as possible to post here the most authentic information. Let members judge for themselves how Muslims are placed in India and how their lot can be improved further.

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and how India contributed to it ? like did they gave him money to start business?

Purpose of the thread is not how he became rich.Please start a separate thread , if you wish, for this. This thread is exclusively for figures and facts.

Those figures of 5% and 8% are still way below what they should be (14%)
What about Muslim Illegal immigrants???? Any poor muslim means.. he is illegal and a stain to Indias face...
Those figures of 5% and 8% are still way below what they should be (14%)

I would say there are many reasons for this. However, the major reason is lack of higher education among Muslims. Majority of the muslims left in India were from lower socio-economic strata. If we compare apple to apple, their Hindu counterparts have done no better.

Ok I have a simple query,

How do you see the practicing Muslims,with conservative values,with beard and wearing Tupi or in Burka??

I would like to know from non-muslim Indian members.Please give an honest opinion.
Because during my stay in India,I had some experiences which happened because of lack of understanding of the religion of Islam.
and how India contributed to it ? like did they gave him money to start business?

atleast India didnt take away his money!
if we were to believe the theories of you guys then his existance is a miracle.

anyways, when you guys keep talking about minorities(muslims) in india, why dont you spell out some statistics about minorities in pak and their situation.
why is there no hindu or sikh man representing pakistan in any sphere?:angry:
Ok I have a simple query,

How do you see the practicing Muslims,with conservative values,with beard and wearing Tupi or in Burka??

I would like to know from non-muslim Indian members.Please give an honest opinion.
Because during my stay in India,I had some experiences which happened because of lack of understanding of the religion of Islam.

ok honestly, earlier I wouldnt even notice the difference. but of late, with increasing acts of violence in the name of islam, I am suspicious of such ppl and have very low opinion of them. they seem to represent ghetto and extremist kinda ppl.
What about Muslim Illegal immigrants???? Any poor muslim means.. he is illegal and a stain to Indias face...

I didnt get your question. how are ILLEGAL immigrants to be equated with poor INDIAN muslims. illegal immigrants should be deported irrespective of their religion.
By creating a equal society where people with merit can do well irrespective of their religion. It is called secularism. :wave::wave::wave:

India is a proud secular country.:victory:

No this itself does not create a secular society. in 21st century you bound to provide that (even i doubt indias commitment to that)..

A secular country must create its own inhabitant with secular mind... I dont see its happening in India, I am not only talking about Muslim, but a lot of other clans still feel insecured in India.. Recent violence against Christian is an example. Violence in Assam is a everyday matter...
How can I say India is a secular country when BJP has so much popular support.. And the vote just keep rising as soon as there are more and more violence..
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