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Myth and Facts about Syrian war

5) Myth: rebels starve themselves.

That's another sick argument by Assad apologist from same category: rebels gas themselves to blame nice Assad, rebels butcher own kids to blame nice Assad... Here UN document clearly says that its Assadist to starve people:

Sieges imposed by the Government in the Governorates of Homs, Rural Damascus and Damascus have been ongoing since 2012 and intensified in the spring of 2013. Information gathered by OHCHR demonstrates that maintaining a siege requires a high degree of control over entry and exit points to the area in question, and is primarily enforced by installing checkpoints. A pattern appears to have emerged where sieges were initially partially imposed, with civilians and goods allowed through checkpoints. As the conflict escalated, Government forces began to prevent all entry of goods, and proceeded to shell and, in some instances, carry out aerial bombardment of the area.

They also investigated Yarmouk camp specifically:

In December 2012, after armed opposition groups took control over the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp, checkpoints strictly controlled exit from and entry into the main routes to the camp. Since then, Government, pro-government forces and pro-government Palestinian armed factions have been strictly controlling exit from and entry into the camp. Although humanitarian organizations were denied access to Yarmouk, civilian pedestrian traffic was permitted intermittently through government checkpoints. Families were allowed to come in and out of the camp and bring small quantities of food, including for instance one bag of bread per family per day, while additional items would be confiscated, according to a resident of the camp. However, from July 2013, all access points to Yarmouk have been sealed, preventing residents from passing and making humanitarian access impossible resulting in shortages of food, water and public services. As of January 2014, the besieged population of some 18,000 people, including many women and children, remained in the camp.


So first in Dec 2012 they banned humanitarian organizations and limited quantity of food families could enter. Then in July 2013 they sealed it completely, banning entry of any goods into camp with many thousands of civilians including women and children.
Israel has capacity to eliminate all of rebels in matter of days,in entire ME none can pose serious threat to them in conventional warfare.

A war between them would be like the second Chechen conflict. Israel would tart out completely bulldozing the rebels until the battle hardened ones remained. Then, the few left would re-organise and use better tactics, which would probably prove to be very tough for Israel to deal with. Keep in mind this is the same Israel that struggled in Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2014.
Fact: Syria before Assad was much more secular, free and democratic than todays Egypt.

fact Syria after the so called revolution have extremists from all over the world killing each other and they caused the destruction of the country another fact it is evil to support these terrorists for political gains
If Assad falls then every woman in Syria is going to be wearing a burqa like their sisters in Iraq. Given their beauty it would be tragic.
@Sargon of Akkad
Yes,I bothered to read your entire post and answer it if you do same,my humble request to you, Please read carefully, as lastly you was replying while concluding incorrect meaning.

Syrian Kurds and around 1 million Syrian Turkmens who rebelled (by large) do not count?
Kurds are not fighting Syrian Govt..
Syrian Turkmen are also Sunni Islamist (In case you don't know) so comes in same faction.

>>What about all the Syrian Christian Arab and Assyrian members of rebel groups?
Please list some of them

>>Do you know anything about the Syrian conflict at all?
Well yes, a quite a lot. :coffee:

>>The Syrian opposition has fought more battles against ISIS than the Al-Assad regime
If your english is somewhat good please reread my last post and then answer. :help:

>>The same regime that hardly, even despite Russian involvement since September 2015, have struck Al-Raqqah.
Like moderate beheaders who gifted Raqqah to IS struck it.

>>Also you do realize that at least 75% of Syria's population is made up by Syrian Sunni Arabs. Last time I saw, at least according to democratic values, the majority decides.
I fully agree there should be elections under international supervision in syria however "Moderate terrorists" still being part of any new secular country is what i don't like. These extremist will be unable to deliver a secular state.

>>Lastly if you bothered to read this thread you would have realized that Syria was always ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs (what a surprise given the demographics) and that during pre-Assad dynasty rule there were no oppression of minorities.
India was ruled by mughals so what should we do now,let them come and rule again.:haha:
Even during Assad period majority sunni people are complaining not minority. However as far as sunnis concerned they are mostly unhappy in entire world unless their turn their homelands into pile of rubble by fighting with current ruling elite.(A lot of insurgencies by sunni islamist)

You are justifying the torture because Assad Government (If) is doing.
However if you come to same methods as Assad government then what is point of overthrowing him,you remove one dictator and install other islamic dictators (Even worse).
Care to explain?

If Kurds are not fighting or have not fought the Al-Assad regime how come are they (YPG and other Kurdish militias) able to control the mainly Kurdish inhabited areas? Before the civil war Kurds were second class citizens on all fronts.

Oh, the myth of every anti-Assad Syrian being an "Islamist". I wonder when people will open their eyes?

Funnily enough the Assad regime would not survive without SWARMS of foreign Shia Islamists.

There are plenty of videos, material and articles on the internet that you can research or watch.

You wrote that the Syrian opposition and ISIS has never fought against each other which is complete and utter nonsense as the Syrian opposition has fought more against ISIS than ISIS has fought against the Al-Assad regime and allies.

Whether you like it or not the vast, vast majority of Syrians are Muslims and they want Islam to play a role in their lives and society. Anyway the degree of that influence is highly exaggerated. Also with all due respect, you are an Indian, how are you going to tell Syrians how to live? Would you like if Syrians meddled in internal Indian affairs and told you what to do or follow? I doubt it.

A rather dumb example, with all due respect, as Mughals were a tiny, tiny minority of India. Meanwhile Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 75% of Syria's population. What is the number of Mughals in India today? Hint, nobody knows and it is probably not more than a few thousand.

This thread already disproved your nonsense claim of "Sunnis" this and that.

Syria has never been in a better shape than when it was ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs before the Ba'ath Party and later Al-Assad regime took power.

Tunisia is one of the most democratic Arab and Muslim countries (if not the most democratic) and they are 99% Sunni Arabs.

If Assad falls then every woman in Syria is going to be wearing a burqa for the next few decades like their sisters in Iraq. Given their beauty it would be tragic.

When will people understand once and for all that nobody in the Arab world is wearing a burqa? It is a Persian word and that dress is worn mainly in Afghanistan and nearby regions and countries. The most conservative dress worn in Syria and the Arab world as a whole is a niqab.

Besides that is never going to happen and even if that did occur it would be their own choice. I personally do not care how women dress in the UK although I know that many women, barely teenagers, dress very slutty as I have seen it myself plenty of times. Each to his own.
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If Kurds are not fighting or have not fought the Al-Assad regime how come are they (YPG and other Kurdish militias) able to control the mainly Kurdish inhabited areas? Before the civil war Kurds were second class citizens on all fronts.

Oh, the myth of every anti-Assad Syrian being an "Islamist". I wonder when people will open their eyes?

Funnily enough the Assad regime would not survive without SWARMS of foreign Shia Islamists.

There are plenty of videos, material and articles on the internet that you can research or watch.

You wrote that the Syrian opposition and ISIS has never fought against each other which is complete and utter nonsense as the Syrian opposition has fought more against ISIS than ISIS has fought against the Al-Assad regime and allies.

Whether you like it or not the vast, vast majority of Syrians are Muslims and they want Islam to play a role in their lives and society. Anyway the degree of that influence is highly exaggerated. Also with all due respect, you are an Indian, how are you going to tell Syrians how to live? Would you like if Syrians meddled in internal Indian affairs and told you what to do or follow? I doubt it.

A rather dumb example, with all due respect, as Mughals were a tiny, tiny minority of India. Meanwhile Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 75% of Syria's population. What is the number of Mughals in India today? Hint, nobody knows and it is probably not more than a few thousand.

This thread already disproved your nonsense claim of "Sunnis" this and that.

Syria has never been in a better shape than when it was ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs before the Ba'ath Party and later Al-Assad regime took power.

Tunisia is one of the most democratic Arab and Muslim countries (if not the most democratic) and they are 99% Sunni Arabs.

When will people understand once and for all that nobody in the Arab world is wearing a burqa? It is a Persian word and that dress is worn mainly in Afghanistan and nearby regions and countries. The most conservative dress worn in Syria and the Arab world as a whole is a niqab.

Besides that is never going to happen and even if that did occur it would be their own choice. I personally do not care how women dress in the UK although I know that many women, barely teenagers, dress very slutty.
A Gulf backed, Turkish backed, American backed, EU backed Islamist rebellion is the "choice" of Syrians. I don't think so.
A Gulf backed, Turkish backed, American backed, EU backed Islamist rebellion is the "choice" of Syrians. I don't think so.

Expect that those parties had no role to play when millions of Syrians went to the street (peacefully) to demand political reforms (in all parts of Syria) and instead they were met with murder and the usual oppression that the Al-Assad regime has survived on for the past 40 years.

In fact those mass-scale protests would probably not have occurred if not for the Arab Spring. That was the real catalysts combined with a bad economy.

Anyway why do Westerners care about affairs in the Muslim world? If your governments and decision makers did not meddle as much as they have done in the past 2 centuries you would not have faced many of the challenges that you do (refugees etc.). Europe and the Arab world are direct neighbors. We do not live somewhere on the other side of the planet.

Which Syrian (let alone Arab) told Merkel to accept 1 million Syrians for instance? In fact those are largely self-made problems.

You apparently have MASSIVE problems with Muslims in Europe and we have MASSIVE problems with Western meddling/interference/actions in the Muslim world. How about we leave each other alone? Then you might find a new scapegoat. The Jews again maybe, I do not know. Gypsies, Black Africans, Eastern Europeans, Asians etc. could be other future options.

neither a russian backed, a iranian backed, a hezbol backed, a iraqi backed, a north korean backed, a belarusians backed :-)

Don't forget swarms of Shia terrorists from almost all corners of the world who the Western media hardly ever talks about despite them doing almost everything that ISIS does.
State of art school curriculum for next generation of jihadis kids under supervision of fsa and al nusra
. . Very positive thinking and approach
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Anyone minutely supporting Assad is also indirectly supporting terrorist ISIS/Daesh and are terrorist sympathizers. Assad supporters are enemies of islam and muslim. That bastard slaughtered 300K muslims for power. Yesterday he barrel bombed 20 day old infants in hospital. Assad supporters are worse than animals.

As for the OP - Point number 1 is a moot point. Syrians are sunni muslims and vast majority of syrian rebels groups are islamic oriented. New syria should be based on sunni islamic values if ME wants peace. SO myth no. one : Syrians want secular state.

The rest of the 2 points i agree with OP.

If Assad falls then every woman in Syria is going to be wearing a burqa like their sisters in Iraq. Given their beauty it would be tragic.

None of your filthy business. What makes you think syrian women wants to be whores like degenerate european feminists?
Anyone minutely supporting Assad is also indirectly supporting terrorist ISIS/Daesh and are terrorist sympathizers. Assad supporters are enemies of islam and muslim. That bastard slaughtered 300K muslims for power. Yesterday he barrel bombed 20 day old infants in hospital. Assad supporters are worse than animals.

As for the OP - Point number 1 is a moot point. Syrians are sunni muslims and vast majority of syrian rebels groups are islamic oriented. New syria should be based on sunni islamic values if ME wants peace. SO myth no. one : Syrians want secular state.

The rest of the 2 points i agree with OP.

None of your filthy business. What makes you think syrian women wants to be whores like degenerate european feminists?
Well Assad is winning.
there are same assad ppl doing much worse.. who burry ppl alive.. just let the head look out of his grave to kick him in the face.. say some bad things and then burry him alive..

or the mass raping of girls infront of their fathers and brothers..

or you found someone with beard.. than just pluck it out with your hands.. some smile for the camera and every pig can be happy..

you can have fun with children too.. take them away to mass kill them .. or just use them to make your miserabal life better

hey much more killing, starving, raping, torturing is made by the secular good communist assad.. and what do you think about this? he is worser than some groubs and maybe the same as isis
Bro syrian issue is vry complx things are completely different on ground .media gives us very u different view . Syria was a stable produ ix tive country until 2011 there was no opposition Everybody was satisfied with assad government sudden after 2011 rise of kharjis jihadis sucide bombing media was trying to give illusion fsa is a secular oppoition but it exist on tv screen on ground its jihadis kharjis isis sl qaeda . Secondly most people think assad bombs civilans but in reality assad strike terroist hiding in civilans apartments .thease terrorist play very dirty tactics they first attack a military checkpoint then hide in civilans areas buildings civilans as hields when assad comes for then these terroist start propaganda of assad attacking civilans . Its against military rules to on hide in civilans areas occupy civilans houses .same tactics they used in aleepo they were hiding in aleepo residental areas civilans were not allowed to slow down assad forces movement to starving them . If these terroist come face to face with syrian army saa would nver attack civilans areas. There are m many different lies a common gets fooled by third class terroist propogada and on many things be e wont agree .
@500 If you can spare some time, please have a look at my previous post.

@Sargon of Akkad
1. Links provided wherever needed.
2. Entire post is answered just try not to misinterpret this time

>>If Kurds are not fighting or have not fought the Al-Assad regime how come are they (YPG and other Kurdish militias) able to control the mainly Kurdish inhabited areas?
I am talking of level of fighting between Rebels and Syrian Govt. not small skirmishes.
The kurdish Inhabited areas was mostly taken by Rebels from Syrian govt.and then gifted to IS after that Kurds bled to take that all back.

>>Before the civil war Kurds were second class citizens on all fronts.
I never said anything to undermine them, they are a lot better than rebels/IS.

>>Oh, the myth of every anti-Assad Syrian being an "Islamist". I wonder when people will open their eyes?
You can open their eyes by providing hard facts however i think you will many facts countering each you will provide. So ,Good luck with that. :enjoy:

>>Funnily enough the Assad regime would not survive without SWARMS of foreign Shia Islamists.
Please also mention terrorists from around the world fighting for anti govt factions.
Also, Without US Arms and Diplomatic support Rebels will collapse in matter of days.

>>There are plenty of videos, material and articles on the internet that you can research or watch.
Probably you can find that for me as i mainly come up with conclusion "Local Rebellion Funded by Rich Neighbours"

>>You wrote that the Syrian opposition and ISIS has never fought against each other which is complete and utter nonsense as the Syrian opposition has fought more against ISIS than ISIS has fought against the Al-Assad regime and allies.
How many time i have to tell you I was saying about big operations like in Aleppo not small fights, rebels even fights among themselves but don't count them.
I meant,"Why rebels don't start operating to take Raqqah from IS with 5-10K fighters like they did to break into Aleppo few days ago?"

>>Whether you like it or not the vast, vast majority of Syrians are Muslims and they want Islam to play a role in their lives and society. Anyway the degree of that influence is highly exaggerated. Also with all due respect, you are an Indian, how are you going to tell Syrians how to live? Would you like if Syrians meddled in internal Indian affairs and told you what to do or follow? I doubt it.

1. I never said they should leave Islam or live a life defined by me. (If i did can you point me to it)
2. They all should be given fair chance to see secular and democratic life & then to decide what they want.
3. You are also not Syrian but still judging here what is wrong or right.

>>A rather dumb example, with all due respect, as Mughals were a tiny, tiny minority of India. Meanwhile Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 75% of Syria's population. What is the number of Mughals in India today? Hint, nobody knows and it is probably not more than a few thousand.
1. It not a dumb example but it is your point of view differing from mine. You saw what you want to see from it not what i was willing to show you.
2. I meant from example, as previously you said Sunnis etc Ruled syria, If someone ruled a country in past it is not necessary they will now. (Applicable to even current Syrian Govt.)
3. Byzantine Empire ruled Syria before Muslims so europeans should Rule it now by that logic.:raise:

Muslim Conquest of Levant

4. French also colonised syria what you say about them by your logic.

French mandate

(*)If somehow it still got over you , i can further simplify by more examples and dedicating entire post to it, just tell me.

>>This thread already disproved your nonsense claim of "Sunnis" this and that.

Sorry ,I didn't notice, please link me to specific posts doing that by providing factual information.

>>Syria has never been in a better shape than when it was ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs before the Ba'ath Party and later Al-Assad regime took power.
I have no deep historical information on Syrian History but they were mostly occupied by other throughout history.
Link below provide information about last 2000 year history but no where they were anytime economically any good.
History of Syria
Prehistory of levant

>>Tunisia is one of the most democratic Arab and Muslim countries (if not the most democratic) and they are 99% Sunni Arabs.
NOTE: A bit of sarcasm below don't take in wrong way.:p:
Of Course, I was read an article on Tunisia 3-4 days ago where they have to deal with extremist (Sunnis) from neighboring algeria running from persecution. Also some terror attack was there last year if you recall by s**** extremist.

However, Overall very good in economy and HDI from its neighbors. (Turkey may be good example on Sunni front.)

(READ): I said Sunni extremist mostly fight and involve in insurgencies where they are in minority not in majority, see the difference. (Don't mention Syria Ok)

I will update link to article on Tunisia later,in case you want to read ,lost in history for me now. Good Day
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@500 If you can spare some time, please have a look at my previous post.

@Sargon of Akkad
1. Links provided wherever needed.
2. Entire post is answered just try not to misinterpret this time

>>If Kurds are not fighting or have not fought the Al-Assad regime how come are they (YPG and other Kurdish militias) able to control the mainly Kurdish inhabited areas?
I am talking of level of fighting between Rebels and Syrian Govt. not small skirmishes.
The kurdish Inhabited areas was mostly taken by Rebels from Syrian govt.and then gifted to IS after that Kurds bled to take that all back.
>>Before the civil war Kurds were second class citizens on all fronts.
I never said anything to undermine them, they are a lot better than rebels/IS.

>>Oh, the myth of every anti-Assad Syrian being an "Islamist". I wonder when people will open their eyes?
You can open their eyes by providing hard facts however i think you will many facts countering each you will provide. So ,Good luck with that. :enjoy:

>>Funnily enough the Assad regime would not survive without SWARMS of foreign Shia Islamists.
Please also mention terrorists from around the world fighting for anti govt factions.
Also, Without US Arms and Diplomatic support Rebels will collapse in matter of days.

>>There are plenty of videos, material and articles on the internet that you can research or watch.
Probably you can find that for me as i mainly come up with conclusion "Local Rebellion Funded by Rich Neighbours"

>>You wrote that the Syrian opposition and ISIS has never fought against each other which is complete and utter nonsense as the Syrian opposition has fought more against ISIS than ISIS has fought against the Al-Assad regime and allies.
How many time i have to tell you I was saying about big operations like in Aleppo not small fights, rebels even fights among themselves but don't count them.
I meant,"Why rebels don't start operating to take Raqqah from IS with 5-10K fighters like they did to break into Aleppo few days ago?"

>>Whether you like it or not the vast, vast majority of Syrians are Muslims and they want Islam to play a role in their lives and society. Anyway the degree of that influence is highly exaggerated. Also with all due respect, you are an Indian, how are you going to tell Syrians how to live? Would you like if Syrians meddled in internal Indian affairs and told you what to do or follow? I doubt it.

1. I never said they should leave Islam or live a life defined by me. (If i did can you point me to it)
2. They all should be given fair chance to see secular and democratic life & then to decide what they want.
3. You are also not Syrian but still judging here what is wrong or right.

>>A rather dumb example, with all due respect, as Mughals were a tiny, tiny minority of India. Meanwhile Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 75% of Syria's population. What is the number of Mughals in India today? Hint, nobody knows and it is probably not more than a few thousand.
1. It not a dumb example but it is your point of view differing from mine. You saw what you want to see from it not what i was willing to show you.
2. I meant from example, as previously you said Sunnis etc Ruled syria, If someone ruled a country in past it is not necessary they will now. (Applicable to even current Syrian Govt.)
3. Byzantine Empire ruled Syria before Muslims so europeans should Rule it now by that logic.:raise:

Muslim Conquest of Levant

4. French also colonised syria what you say about them by your logic.

French mandate

(*)If somehow it still got over you , i can further simplify by more examples and dedicating entire post to it, just tell me.

>>This thread already disproved your nonsense claim of "Sunnis" this and that.

Sorry ,I didn't notice, please link me to specific posts doing that by providing factual information.

>>Syria has never been in a better shape than when it was ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs before the Ba'ath Party and later Al-Assad regime took power.
I have no deep historical information on Syrian History but they were mostly occupied by other throughout history.
Link below provide information about last 2000 year history but no where they were anytime economically any good.
History of Syria
Prehistory of levant

>>Tunisia is one of the most democratic Arab and Muslim countries (if not the most democratic) and they are 99% Sunni Arabs.
NOTE: A bit of sarcasm below don't take in wrong way.:p:
Of Course, I was read an article on Tunisia 3-4 days ago where they have to deal with extremist (Sunnis) from neighboring algeria running from persecution. Also some terror attack was there last year if you recall by s**** extremist.

However, Overall very good in economy and HDI from its neighbors. (Turkey may be good example on Sunni front.)

(READ): I said Sunni extremist mostly fight and involve in insurgencies where they are in minority not in majority, see the difference. (Don't mention Syria Ok)

I will update link to article on Tunisia later,i case you want to read ,lost in history for me now. Good Day

You do realize that the entire, albeit small overall, Kurdish-controlled area of Syria was lost by the Al-Assad regime to dada Kurds, right?

What are you blabbering about? YPG and other Kurdish militias have backstabbed the Syrian opposition and the Al-Assad regime countless of times. They are only interested in their own region and in ethnically cleansing native Arabs and Assyrians and Turkmens so they can expand their territories. Let ISIS and YPG kill each other for all I care. Not the responsibility of the Syrian opposition nor even the Al-Assad regime.

Better than ISIS but other than that no.

I am an Arab and I know Syria well as I have visited it many times. I know Syrians in Syria and in KSA and Syrian culture. Syrian Sunni Arabs have no desire to live under a ISIS-style system. Every army/group in the ME uses religion as a motivation. Does not mean much.

Ironically you totally omit the fact that Shia Islamists are more religiously motivated as they are foreigners and they are supposedly "defending" imaginary shrines (that are actually not located inside Syria) unlike native Syrians who albeit using religion as a motivation have 100 other reasons to fight for. Starting with defending their family, city/town/village, country, friends etc.

There are much fewer of them on the Syrian opposition. Not even comparable.

That is a blatant lie as the Syrian opposition is barely supported by anyone expect a few countries, mostly KSA, Qatar and Turkey, although the latter might change their policy after Erdogan has tried to become friends with Putin again.

What is the point of me posting several such videos and articles when Mr. Google has been invented and Mr. Youtube?

Because why should they when the most important fights take place in the other end of Syria? You can use the same logic in regards to Kurds but unlike all other parties the Al-Assad regime are supposedly the legitimate rulers of Syria, lol.

I am an Arab and thus by default affairs in Syria are as dear to me as anywhere else in the Arab world. Besides I have not told Syrians to do anything unlike you. All I have said to you is that Islam plays a role in the lives of Syrians and that you, as an Indian, not even a fellow Arab, should not tell Syrians what they should do.

75% of all Syrians are Syrian Sunni Arabs. It is only natural that this group of people will dominate Syria again. Your Mughal example makes no sense.

As for the Byzantines, the native population remained the same, and many Roman/Byzantine Emperors had Arab ancestry (Philip the Arab for instance). Anyway the Byzantines were non-local invaders and events 1400 years ago have nothing to do with the demographics of Syria in the year 2016.

Why are you blabbering about some very short French rule?

Why don't you take a look at @500 posts in this thread?o_O

You don't know anything about Tunisia and 90% of all the 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide are Sunnis. We are going NOWHERE and we will only get stronger on all fronts and more numerous for each month. And surprise, 99,99999% of us are not ISIS members and have nothing to do with that group and their policies.

Anyway this discussion is pointless as the days of the Al-Assad regime are outnumbered. The best he can hope for is to control certain areas of Syria (Alawi dominated areas in particular) and eventually his dynasty is doomed to fail too like all others. I am almost 100% certain that he will be the last ruler from the Al-Assad regime of Syria or anything in Syria. Syrian Ba'athism is a dead ideology as well.

The biggest genocidal ruler of this century deserves a painful and humiliating end.
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@Sargon of Akkad
>>You do realize that the entire, albeit small overall, Kurdish-controlled area of Syria was lost by the Al-Assad regime to dada Kurds, right?
Of Course, They are Opportunists,They took wherever they could.

>>What are you blabbering about?
Quote Specific line from my reply.

>>YPG and other Kurdish militias have backstabbed the Syrian opposition and the Al-Assad regime countless of times. They are only interested in their own region and in ethnically cleansing native Arabs and Assyrians and Turkmens so they can expand their territories.
They took what is theirs so you can't call it expansion.
Heard some reports about their issues with arabs but then again Arabs are fighting and dying in entire MENA region without help of Kurds so you can't actually blame them.

>>Let ISIS and YPG kill each other for all I care.
IS is mostly done they are under pressure from all sides. YPG/SDF has mush better perspective from all parties in Syrian Conflict.

>>Better than ISIS but other than that no.
Explanation needed.

>>I am an Arab and I know Syria well as I have visited it many times. I know Syrians in Syria and in KSA and Syrian culture. Syrian Sunni Arabs have no desire to live under a ISIS-style system. Every army/group in the ME uses religion as a motivation. Does not mean much.
Diverges from your previous stand but if you say Secular Syria as a Solution I totally agree with you.

>>Ironically you totally omit the fact that Shia Islamists are more religiously motivated as they are foreigners and they are supposedly "defending" imaginary shrines (that are actually not located inside Syria) unlike native Syrians who albeit using religion as a motivation have 100 other reasons to fight for. Starting with defending their family, city/town/village, country, friends etc.
I didn't mention them because they were out of our focus of discussion but i don't support or mask them in anyway. I never said anything about them.
>>Since you mention I will clear that for me they are also terrorists. I don't support any non-state actors using insurgency for whatever reason may be.

>>There are much fewer of them on the Syrian opposition. Not even comparable.

You are wrong, current opposition is Sunni Islamic Extremists giving jihadi teachings to upcoming generation. Not even comparable. Some Al-Nusa (Now JaF:haha:) teachings

>>That is a blatant lie as the Syrian opposition is barely supported by anyone expect a few countries, mostly KSA, Qatar and Turkey, although the latter might change their policy after Erdogan has tried to become friends with Putin again.
Consider hypothetically
if US do not support them then Russia will freely turn rebels held syria into Rubble (Current bombing is nothing compared to what Russia can do).
If US stop selling TOW and other weapons,You know how much advance tech KSA,Turkey,Kuwait etc have on there own. (Practically None).
If US oppose them and restrict Arms supply from Bulgaria etc.
If US start Air-strikes against them.
If US advocate sanction against Rebels Supporting countries.

Rebels will collapse even without US approval let alone if they withdraw support and start opposing.

>>What is the point of me posting several such videos and articles when Mr. Google has been invented and Mr. Youtube?
Probably you caught in propaganda videos and articles. Read to both sides judge by yourself.
I asked for specific articles & videos supporting your claim like i put in my replies.

>You reply was similar to what Pakistani members reply when asked about Pakistani contributions in JF-17<
There answer is always "Search in the forum".

>>Because why should they when the most important fights take place in the other end of Syria? You can use the same logic in regards to Kurds but unlike all other parties the Al-Assad regime are supposedly the legitimate rulers of Syria, lol.

Importance of fight is determined by what is your goal and there goal is to remove current Syrian Govt. so IS is not that much important to them.

>>You can use the same logic in regards to Kurds
No, Kurds faced certain slavery/extinction like Yazidis at the hands of IS and their only chance was to fight and win. That is why they majoly fight IS. This proves my point of having certain Goals not yours.:yahoo:

>>I am an Arab and thus by default affairs in Syria are as dear to me as anywhere else in the Arab world. Besides I have not told Syrians to do anything unlike you. All I have said to you is that Islam plays a role in the lives of Syrians and that you, as an Indian, not even a fellow Arab, should not tell Syrians what they should do.
Arabs are also slaughtering fellow Arabs in Syria and Iraq.
India helped Iraqis during Iran-Iraq and Gulf war with medical supplies and other support while your fellow Arabs was one funding war and then fighting with Iraq.
This put us Indian in much better light to speak than so called Fellow Arabs.

>>75% of all Syrians are Syrian Sunni Arabs. It is only natural that this group of people will dominate Syria again. Your Mughal example makes no sense.

I will write a separate post on that but Try to see from my point of view then you will see it fitting.

>>As for the Byzantines, the native population remained the same, and many Roman/Byzantine Emperors had Arab ancestry (Philip the Arab for instance). Anyway the Byzantines were non-local invaders and events 1400 years ago have nothing to do with the demographics of Syria in the year 2016.

Well, Then we can also ignore if Sunni Arabs Ruled Syria in past as all is history now including Byzantine, French,Sunni Arabs etc.

>>Why are you blabbering about some very short French rule?

It was an example and is in no way foolish.

>>Why don't you take a look at 500 posts in this thread?
If you notice in my previous post i mentioned 500 to answer one of my post he missed.
So, i read his posts and i am already clarifying any doubts/conflicts have on those.:coffee:

>>You don't know anything about Tunisia?
Rofl,Why? :rofl:

>>90% of all the 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide are Sunnis. We are going NOWHERE.

Don't worry, All Sunnis are not terrorists and extremist ,some are much more secular. Nobody need to go anywhere just extremists needs to adapt to current world or rooted out.

>>We will only get stronger on all fronts and more numerous for each month.
Only some counties will actually get stronger. If there were no Oil most of Islamic countries would have been in bad economic shape.
Turkey is one that sets itself apart.
Terrorism also grows with you strength unless extremist values are rooted out it will remain as cancer to your strong world.

Your last lines of post reflect as if i offended you somehow but i assure you if you find anything offensive in my previous or any post, it is purely unintentional.
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