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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

BD's economy is currently more than twice as big as Myanmar's and expected to grow larger over time.

There us nothing that a less rich Mayanmar can do to stop the BD military in the future.

Once most of the absolute poverty is wiped from Banglsdeh(say 2020 or so), expect a substantial increase in military spending by BD.

Taking back what is yours is not Imperialist.

What will little Myanmar do but cry?

Well, in the space of a couple of days, your economy has gone from being 4 times as big to being 2 times as big according to you (with a population 3 times our size). This must be a historic achievement. :rofl:

In my humble opinion, however insignificant, people born into the land belong to the land. That's the law of nature and also how human and land borders have been evolved since the beginning of time.

Idealistic as that may sound, being born in a certain country is not the mitigating criteria to allow said person to be granted citizenship of said country. This is not only the view of Myanmar but the view of most countries in the world. Whilst I agree that this may sound intuitive, it is far from the law of nature nor is it the law of the majority of humans; from the beginning of time or otherwise.
No, BD should not eve think about doing this.

We are not racist animals like they are and should not stoop to the lowest depths of humanity.

This is not about doing it but send the message across in the only language they understand.
Well, in the space of a couple of days, your economy has gone from being 4 times as big to being 2 times as big according to you (with a population 3 times our size). This must be a historic achievement. :rofl:

Idealistic as that may sound, being born in a certain country is not the mitigating criteria to allow said person to be granted citizenship of said country. This is not only the view of Myanmar but the view of most countries in the world. Whilst I agree that this may sound intuitive, it is far from the law of nature nor is it the law of the majority of humans; from the beginning of time or otherwise.

In PPP, BD's economy is more than 3 times as large but around twice as large in US dollar terms.

The IMF expects this gap to widen due to a faster growing BD economy - around 4 times as large PPP-wise by 2020.

So, what will little Myanmar do to stop BD in the future when it sends it's army into Arakan?
There is precedence for this.

Muslim Idi Amin kicked out the British imported Indians from his country and nobody made a sound, India accepted them.

I thought the majority went to Britain as they claimed they were citizens of the British commonwealth.
Have they? What is your criteria for a 'long, long time'. Even if they have been here since the time of the British, the important thing to note is that they did not come with the blessing of a Burmese authority. Whilst I sympathise from a personal perspective that this should not be an essential criteria for whether they should be given citizenship, the Burmese will not and will never be pressured into accepting any convention simply because the rest of the world does.

You know this line of Myanmar BS is not sustainable by any means. Myanmar accepted its independence back from British yet does not like the people in it. Then Myanmar can return the land and people no issue. Besides, these people have been there even before British came. Now that Myanmar taking itself in the corner, we should mobilize to take full advantage of it.
In PPP, BD's economy is more than 3 times as large but around twice as large in US dollar terms.

The IMF expects this gap to widen due to a faster growing BD economy - around 4 times as large PPP-wise by 2020.

So, what will little Myanmar do to stop BD in the future when it sends it's army into Arakan?

Your politicians will never dare to send even one soldier across the Naf river. I guarantee that.
Idealistic as that may sound, being born in a certain country is not the mitigating criteria to allow said person to be granted citizenship of said country. This is not only the view of Myanmar but the view of most countries in the world. Whilst I agree that this may sound intuitive, it is far from the law of nature nor is it the law of the majority of humans; from the beginning of time or otherwise.

Perhaps it's a little idealistic for me however I believe there are a few countries in the world do carry the " born in the land belong to the land" law as the US being one and the others I have to a little research.

But weren't it true when the Brits divided up the land between India and Myanmar, these Rohinyas were here where they are?
You know this line of Myanmar BS is not sustainable by any means. Myanmar accepted the its independence back from british yet does not like the people in it. Then Myanmar can return the land and people no issue. Besides, these people have been there even before British came. Now that Myanmar taking itself in the corner, we should take mobilize to take full benefit of it.

BD can no longer spend only around 1.5% of it's GDP on defence.

Within 5 years this should be doubled to around 3%. With proper planning, it should not impact poverty-reduction measures already in place.

This wil allow the creation of a much better military that should be able to deal with pests like Myanmar.

Your politicians will never dare to send even one soldier across the Naf river. I guarantee that.

New generation of politicians in the future wil be different due to changed circumstances.

What will little Myanmar do as you will be facing a superior and larger force?

Try to answer that question.
You know this line of Myanmar BS is not sustainable by any means. Myanmar accepted the its independence back from british yet does not like the people in it. Then Myanmar can return the land and people no issue. Besides, these people have been there even before British came. Now that Myanmar taking itself in the corner, we should take mobilize to take full benefit of it.

Firstly, they have not been there a long time before the British came. The Rohingya are quite clearly distinct from whatever groups of mythical warriors called upon by the king of Arakan to fight the Burmese. Secondly, we fought for our independence through blood and determination. We have not been, nor will we ever be, subservient to anyone. Alien concept for you I'm sure but try to understand it.

BD can no longer spend only around 1.5% of it's GDP on defence.

Within 5 years this should be doubled to around 3%. With proper planning, it should not impact poverty-reduction measures already in place.

This wil allow the creation of a much better military that should be able to deal with pests like Myanmar.

What will little Myanmar do as you will be facing a superior and larger force?

Try to answer that question.

Look man. I know you must want desperately to see your people as proud and mighty conquerors. But no one in the history of the world has taken you people seriously. There may be more of you but that means sweet little in the grand scheme of things. I repeat, your country will not dare send even one soldier across the Naf river.
Look man. I know you must want desperately to see your people as proud and mighty conquerors. But no one in the history of the world has taken you people seriously. There may be more of you but that means sweet little in the grand scheme of things. I repeat, your country will not dare send even one soldier across the Naf river.

Specify the consequences of BD liberating Arakan then?

If you cannot, then I will assume there will be none.
Perhaps it's a little idealistic for me however I believe there are a few countries in the world do carry the " born in the land belong to the land" law as the US being one and the others I have to a little research.

But weren't it true when the Brits divided up the land between India and Myanmar, these Rohinyas were here where they are?

Well, I don't have the figures to hand but I am fairly confident that the majority of countries do not grant citizenship to everyone who was born in said countries. Even you must agree that the USA is a relative outlier as it is a country borne out of immigration.

Your point about the British goes back to what I said earlier. We as a nation pay no mind to any designs foreign powers have had over us nor to the conventions the rest of the world may consider as the norm.

Specify the consequences of BD liberating Arakan then?

If you cannot, then I will assume there will be none.

OK. What would be the consequences of Godzilla running amok in Tokyo? Answer that for me as seriously as you can and I'll do my best to answer you.
Where is India the champion of Asian human right?
Over all, shame on muslims! Cannot assist their brothers in need but love chest thump about fastest growing religion...if syrian rebels can be armed then why not Rohingya muslims be armed for self defense?
Where is India the champion of Asian human right?
Over all, shame on muslims! Cannot assist their brothers in need but love chest thump about fastest growing religion...if syrian rebels can be armed then why not Rohingya muslims be armed for self defense?

If you arm those people, you are more callous than any Burmese ever could be. The very notion of arming them would only be an extention of your selfish desire to grow your culture and religion throughout the world. Arming a handful of Rohingya will spell the end of the Rohingya and you, the Rohingya and the trigger happy Burmese army all know this.
Where is India the champion of Asian human right?
Over all, shame on muslims! Cannot assist their brothers in need but love chest thump about fastest growing religion...if syrian rebels can be armed then why not Rohingya muslims be armed for self defense?
Tell me where your friend China is, they have more influence on Myanmar than India. You didn't ask that.

UN should interfere, Why security council is silent....ever wondered, except asking India's position with narrow point of view.
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